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Thread: Need TRT advice

  1. #1
    soonerfanatic is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Need TRT advice

    Hey guys, I'm in a bit of a mess regarding my TRT. I would appreciate some advice. I'm 37 years old 6'1 225#s and 20% BF. I have done cycles in the past consisting of Test E, Prop, EQ, and Tren . My last cycle was over 10 years ago. I never did PCT or had any blood work. After my last cycle using Prop/Tren I developed gyno on my left side. I went to the Dr. and he did blood work and even had a mammogram. It came back negative for cancer. I was given no course of action to remedy the gyno. So I got on some message boards and ended up using Letro successfully.

    Now skip ahead 10 years to this summer. I had been feeling lethargic, unmotivated, and no libido for quite some time. I run into an old high school friend. He looks amazing. He tells me he went to an anti-aging clinic. He's on Test, Sermorelin, Hcg , and arimedex. I'm thinking this is what I need. I have my buddy break down his doses, and I order the same stuff. I decide one Tuesday I'm going to start out at 100mg/wk of Test C. I do the injection and decide this is not the right course of action. I schedule an appointment with a Dr. 2 days later. He says I should be tested for LowT. Sure enough my results come back and I do. My Test is 245 ng/dl 241-827 range. My PSA is 0.4 0.1-4.0 Range. I know my first injection 2 days earlier had to skew my numbers. He puts me on 100mg/wk TestC. I go in each week for the injection. I ask him about the Sermorelin, HCG, and arimedex. He says he's never needed to prescribe any of those.

    About 5 weeks in I feel great. Everything has changed. I'm motivated, my libido is sky high, I'm in a better mood. I'm just a better person. At 8 weeks in my Gyno comes back on the same left side. AT 10 weeks in I'm back to feeling lethargic, unmotivated, and low libido. I do feel better than I did before starting TRT, just nothing like I did at my peak. At my next scheduled injection appointment, I ask the nurse about it. The Dr. is on vacation for 2 weeks, so she asks his PA. About 10 minutes later the nurse comes back and tells me the PA could not find where my condition was a side effect of TRT. I go home and start researching. I decide I need a new Dr.

    I schedule an appointment with another DR. and convince him to do a more complete blood panel.
    SODIUM 130 - 145 mmol/L 140
    POTASSIUM 3.5 - 5.0 mmol/L 4.1
    CHLORIDE 96 - 108 mmol/L 100
    CO2 22 - 32 mmol/L 27
    ANION GAP 4 - 18 13
    BUN 3 - 18 mg/dL 13
    CREATININE 0.50 - 1.30 mg/dL 1.30
    GLUCOSE 70 - 99 mg/dL 185
    GFR GT 60
    TOTAL PROTEIN 5.9 - 7.6 gm/dL 7.8
    ALBUMIN 3.2 - 4.6 gm/dL 4.4
    CALCIUM 8.8 - 10.5 mg/dl 9.7
    BILIRUBIN TOTAL 0.0 - 1.1 mg/dL 0.7
    AST 0 - 37 U/L 11
    ALT 12 - 78 U/L 41
    HEMOLYSIS None None
    ICTERUS None None
    LIPEMIA None None

    WBC 4.5 - 11.0 10E3 10.2
    RBC 4.30 - 5.70 10E6 5.82
    HEMOGLOBIN 13.2 - 17.3 g/dL 17.3
    HEMATOCRIT 39.0 - 49.0 % 50.3
    MCV 80 - 98 fL 86
    MCH 27 - 34 pG 30
    MCHC 32.0 - 37.0 g/dL 34.4
    RDW CV 11 - 16 CV 12.9
    PLATELETS 150 - 450 10E3 330
    MPV 8.6 - 11.7 fl 10.1
    NEUTROPHIL 36 - 78 % 66
    LYMPHOCYTES 24 - 44 % 26
    MONOCYTES 0 - 8 % 3
    EOSINOPHILS 0 - 6 % 3
    BASOPHILS 0 - 1 % 1
    NEUTROPHIL ABSOLUTE 1500 - 7800 # 6740
    ESTRADIOL 0 - 39.8 pg/mL 39.0
    T4 FREE 0.76 - 1.46 ng/dL 0.92
    TSH 0.358 - 3.740 uIU/mL 2.152

    TESTOSTERONE 241 - 827 ng/dL 341

    I see the Dr., last Thursday about the results. He ordered more blood work today. He is going to refer me to an Endo, because he admits this is out of his comfort zone. He said it can take a couple of months to get in to an Endo. I'm not sure I can wait that long. I did order Ralox from the board sponsor and am considering using Austinite's protocol. I could just use some guidance. Thanks.

  2. #2
    jdpeters's Avatar
    jdpeters is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Sounds similar to issues I have. Sounds frustrating dealing with the doctors. Looking forward to see some good responses.

    Good luck

  3. #3
    sfw is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    my doc, Thomas O'Connor...metabolicdoc is the man for this stuff. I met him by first doing a phone consult about my labs I had previously done. Then I decided to join his practice.
    Last edited by sfw; 11-04-2013 at 06:55 PM.

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