Ok, 41 y/o 50mg/test cyp x2 week. .25 mg adex 24 hours after cyp gets me around 800 total T. 181# 15-17% BF.

So I finally get my MD to order proper follow up lab including estradiol "sensitive", LH, FSH, and free T along with the usual labs he orders like Total T, CBC, CMP, lipids and PSA.

I sit in the chair at my MD's lab and the Lab tech asks me why my MD is ordering a female hormone panel. When I explain in detail as to why a male on TRT would be interested in these labs she says. "Oh that's interesting and scary because all of the other MD's in the practice only order total T for the men on TRT and there are alot of men on TRT in this practice."

So after her brief education into our world, she sticks me and starts drawing three tubes of blood...On the third tube she inadvertently pulls the bevel slightly out of my left median cephalic vein causing a small rush of air to go into the vacutainer...She immediately re-positioned the bevel and continued the blood draw with no further issue.

Nothing new here but MD's really need more education in the field of TRT. Glad mine is willing to take the time to listen and research.

Question: Will this small amount of air cause oxidation to the blood sample and skew results?
