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Thread: Frustrated and annoyed!

  1. #1
    LFH40's Avatar
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    Frustrated and annoyed!

    I'm at my wit's end. Without posting every detail of my blood work like I have on every thread or post I've been on, I am now 4 weeks into testosterone replacement therapy. I am beginning to get massively frustrated and I now feel the same as I did when I started TRT.

    I have a good company, using the site sponsor, and I feel like I have a good protocol as I've mentioned in other posts, 100mg split every 3.5 days and 2x250iu hCG twice a week, day before the T injections. No AI yet. 6 week bw coming in about 2 weeks.

    First 2 weeks I gradually noticed erections, morning and night and spontaneous. Could that be my natural production mixed with the injected? Because over the last two weeks, I've been not as sharp, tired more often, hard time wanting to get out of bed, frustrated that I can't work out the way I normally do (shoulder and bicep being scoped next month due to on the job injury during a foot pursuit.) I have no libido to speak of. It seemed like it was heading in the right direction, but it is gone again. I'm injecting sub q and between the giant welts on my love handles and any other site I inject in, the nipple sensitivity and always hard nipples, the exhaustion, the lack of erections and libido, it makes me feel like this isn't working. Am I one of the odd cases where it just doesn't do anything?

    Guys, it's affecting me where I'm getting aggravated. I hear guys say how great they feel after 3 weeks. It's not that way for me. I hate to whine and complain, but I don't know who else to even talk to about this. My wife is comforting, but she is not versed in this stuff and the lack of sex in our marriage DUE to this makes it even more difficult for me to bring this up. I think she's just wondering when she's going to get her husband and love life back.

    Please, can any of you veterans offer me some sound advice or maybe have you been through this before at the beginning?

  2. #2
    Megalodon6's Avatar
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    I know exactly how you feel I'm suffering for low t after some stupid cycles and so is my marriage. This has been going on for over a year and my marriage is at its breaking point. Have you had recent bw? I hope this gets better for you and your marriage !
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  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Megalodon6 View Post
    I know exactly how you feel I'm suffering for low t after some stupid cycles and so is my marriage. This has been going on for over a year and my marriage is at its breaking point. Have you had recent bw? I hope this gets better for you and your marriage !
    Hey Mega,
    I have my 6 week blood work through the site sponsor in two weeks. I can hardly wait. I am really going through something with this right about now.

  4. #4
    Megalodon6's Avatar
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    Well post asap so these hormone guru's can help you out. Hopefully its something you can fix easily!

  5. #5
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    Way too soon. Takes a good 8-10 weeks to feel the affects for the majority of us. And even then, it's a gradual change, nothing drastic. May take up to a year to get fully dialed in before feeling your best.
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  6. #6
    MArz123 is offline Junior Member
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    Sub-q test injections do not work for everyone, perhaps you should consider IM injections, when i went sub-q for a few weeks my levels all dropped, so i went back to IM, and levels went back up! Just a thought you may want to discuss with your doc.
    And of course for some of us it took 4-5 months or longer to see tangible be patient, this is not a quick fix, this is a lifetime commitment that takes time to realize.

  7. #7
    PistolPete33's Avatar
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    I started feeling the differences in week 3 but really around weeks 5 or 6 when I really started noticing everything. I've been doing IM injections but not sure if that made any difference though.

  8. #8
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    Sorry to hear things are not good right now. I agree with Dave. 3/4 weeks isn't much time. Yea, some guys do say they feel great immediately, but that's not always the case. It was a gradual process for me. BW could reveal a number of things that might be causing your issues. Hang in there

  9. #9
    Megalodon6's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rusty11 View Post
    Sorry to hear things are not good right now. I agree with Dave. 3/4 weeks isn't much time. Yea, some guys do say they feel great immediately, but that's not always the case. It was a gradual process for me. BW could reveal a number of things that might be causing your issues. Hang in there
    I know this is off topic but I love that avi rusty its hilarious is that your dog?

  10. #10
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    Yea. She likes silly hats
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  11. #11
    Beethoven's Avatar
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    Hang in there, your BW is coming up where probably some changes may take place. This takes some time. Be patient brother. I have a couple of weeks for my upcoming BW also, and although I'm better than what I was, I still think and adjustment will be warranted. Every time there is an adjustment, there will be some time to see the affects. It may take 6 months or even a year to get tuned in 100%.
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  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by LFH40 View Post
    I have no libido to speak of. It seemed like it was heading in the right direction, but it is gone again. I'm injecting sub q and between the giant welts on my love handles and any other site I inject in, the nipple sensitivity and always hard nipples, the exhaustion, the lack of erections and libido, it makes me feel like this isn't working. Am I one of the odd cases where it just doesn't do anything?
    As others have said, labs will give you the big picture but according to the information you have given, the situation you describe may be as simple as your E2 levels not being under control particularly if you are not taking an AI. Hard and sensitive nipples is a giveaway. Have you considered that this may be the cause of your problem?

    IMO, if you have a doctor that can write a script for BW, and your insurance covers it, don't wait the two weeks. Get it done now.

    Edit: And to answer your question above: IMO, you are definitely NOT one of he odd cases. You can't argue with biology.
    Last edited by 2Sox; 11-17-2013 at 05:21 PM.
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  13. #13
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    Thanks guys, for the responses. 2Sox, I have considered it, but I called the site sponsor and was given two options, try the zinc, DIM, and copper combo, or if it was very annoying (nipple issue) then to call the doctor for an early script prior to 6 wk bw for an AI. I was also advised that if I could wait to do the blood work without going on an AI, it'd give my dr a better idea of where the E2 lies before we go adding anything. So I got some ZMA and DIM and I'm giving that a try until my blood work which is actually now in a week and a half. I'm sort of in between doctors at the present due to firing him after wanting to do NOTHING about my low testosterone , among other things.

    I'm hoping it is just as simple as my E2 being out of wack. I'm wondering if I should ask about administering the injections IM now. I'm attaching a pic of what my injection site looks like whenever I inject sub q. Maybe I need to inject another way to get it to be more efficient? I'm at a loss.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	2013-11-17 19.39.12.jpg 
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ID:	146077

  14. #14
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    Also, another reason I'm frustrated is because I haven't been able to lift weights in two months due to a tear in my shoulder and bicep, so I'm waiting for my arthroscopic surgery and all the while falling out of shape as you can see. It's mega frustrating and I want to get back to my old self.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by LFH40 View Post
    Also, another reason I'm frustrated is because I haven't been able to lift weights in two months due to a tear in my shoulder and bicep, so I'm waiting for my arthroscopic surgery and all the while falling out of shape as you can see. It's mega frustrating and I want to get back to my old self.
    I know what that's like. I'm just coming off the mends and had my first regularly lifting week last week. I was going out of my mind. I personally like IM injects but I haven't done sub q for test, only HCG . I would be very careful of starting an AI without BW. I haven't had a crash but from what I've read from a few on this forum, it's bad. Do the BW and see where you are at.

  16. #16
    highpsi is offline Junior Member
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    Jesus I thought I had a bad reaction to subq, yours seems bad. I'd get a itchy lump that lasts for a week. I went back to IM again, unfortunately subq just doesn't work for me.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by highpsi View Post
    Jesus I thought I had a bad reaction to subq, yours seems bad. I'd get a itchy lump that lasts for a week. I went back to IM again, unfortunately subq just doesn't work for me.
    I'm sort if wondering if maybe all that test is pooled up sitting underneath the skin there and hasn't been absorbed yet and maybe that's why I feel like crap? It's as raised and plump as it is red and large.

  18. #18
    GeriatricOne's Avatar
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    Same here with sub-q not working good for me. IM in the quads is a piece of cake.

    I spent 8 months recovering from a ruptured bicep tendon surgery. Modified my workouts around the arm. Almost two years later now you'd never know the arm was injured, but for the scare. No excuses Use your good arm. Get out and walk if that's all you can do presently. It will help your mood.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by LFH40
    I'm sort if wondering if maybe all that test is pooled up sitting underneath the skin there and hasn't been absorbed yet and maybe that's why I feel like crap? It's as raised and plump as it is red and large.
    Your probably allergic to the carrier oil such as cotton seed oil as it looks like a rash to me. Also, make sure to inject slow... Sub-Q should take a good 30 sec to inject or it will sting and form a lump.

  20. #20
    juiceme11 is offline New Member
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    I'm going to tell you something you don't want to hear

    Man the **** up

    testosterone injections are intra muscular only, **** off with that insulin pin its not going to work and your going to end up with an abscess or worse one that needs surgery. The needle should be at least 1 inch long or longer. If your scared of needles get used to it TRT is for life
    That looks like an obliques shot , way to high that red welt is an infection for sure its not test pooled up lol its puss lots of it that's why you feel like shit. go see your doctor and get some antibiotics.

    grab the biggest needle you can find and jab it in your shoulder, delt shots are painless . good luck with your TRT buddy I'm sure in a few weeks of those delt shots and you'll start feeling better

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by juiceme11 View Post
    I'm going to tell you something you don't want to hear

    Man the **** up

    testosterone injections are intra muscular only, **** off with that insulin pin its not going to work and your going to end up with an abscess or worse one that needs surgery. The needle should be at least 1 inch long or longer. If your scared of needles get used to it TRT is for life
    That looks like an obliques shot , way to high that red welt is an infection for sure its not test pooled up lol its puss lots of it that's why you feel like shit. go see your doctor and get some antibiotics.

    grab the biggest needle you can find and jab it in your shoulder, delt shots are painless . good luck with your TRT buddy I'm sure in a few weeks of those delt shots and you'll start feeling better
    I appreciate your comment, but it's not the needles I'm afraid of. It was just the protocol the dr put me on. I guess I can call and get IM needles shipped to me. I'm willing to try it. I'm using a 27g x 1/2" needle for the test. Slin for the hcg .

    That is the love handle, not my obliques, maybe the pic is a bad angle. I grabbed my fat on the love handle area and injected. I do like the idea of trying a delt shot. I should investigate further into the proper technique for that site.

    Out of curiosity, why would you say sub q doesn't work? (New to all this, taking in all the info people respond with.)

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by juiceme11
    I'm going to tell you something you don't want to hear Man the **** up testosterone injections are intra muscular only, **** off with that insulin pin its not going to work and your going to end up with an abscess or worse one that needs surgery. The needle should be at least 1 inch long or longer. If your scared of needles get used to it TRT is for life That looks like an obliques shot , way to high that red welt is an infection for sure its not test pooled up lol its puss lots of it that's why you feel like shit. go see your doctor and get some antibiotics. grab the biggest needle you can find and jab it in your shoulder, delt shots are painless . good luck with your TRT buddy I'm sure in a few weeks of those delt shots and you'll start feeling better
    Time to do some research bud ;-) Not only does it work great for the majority, many leading TRT Dr's recommend it including our board sponsor. I have been injecting 40mg of test via sub-Q in the upper glutes twice per week (80mg per week total) for almost a year now and my test levels are always in the upper 800's.
    Last edited by FRDave; 11-18-2013 at 12:37 AM.
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  23. #23
    dreadnok89 is offline Member
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    I too think sub-q is trash. However I think shots suck. I see people saying you will better in a couple weeks yet when I did androgel it was instant. If the androgel wasn't 85 dollars compared to 7 dollars for shots I would go back in a heartbeat. Hcg should even be IM or so says the manufacturer. But your E2 should totally becheckef

  24. #24
    Beethoven's Avatar
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    I haven't tried sub q for test, IM works good for me. It's all about the right needle. If you have a red welt like that from sub q, I would go IM.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by juiceme11 View Post
    I'm going to tell you something you don't want to hear

    Man the **** up

    testosterone injections are intra muscular only, **** off with that insulin pin its not going to work and your going to end up with an abscess or worse one that needs surgery. The needle should be at least 1 inch long or longer. If your scared of needles get used to it TRT is for life
    That looks like an obliques shot , way to high that red welt is an infection for sure its not test pooled up lol its puss lots of it that's why you feel like shit. go see your doctor and get some antibiotics.

    grab the biggest needle you can find and jab it in your shoulder, delt shots are painless . good luck with your TRT buddy I'm sure in a few weeks of those delt shots and you'll start feeling better
    Everyone's input on this forum is very valuable but uf you are going to give someone advice, I'd suggest you make clear it is just that - advice. And if you are giving an opinion, I'd recommend you make that clear as well. And it's absurd to think you can diagnose anyone from a photo.

    If you are on TRT, done your homework and also have been paying attention to the posts on this forum, you've learned that there are NO hard and fast rules for anyone. TRT is completely individual. SQ or IM - each has to find his own way.
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  26. #26
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    Two days post test shot and that welt looks a bit better. I really don't think it's infected. I get those most of the time when I inject in the abdominal area. Just trial and error to see what works best. I would still like I try IM.

    If I have very little fat on my quads, would a. 1/2" pin work for IM?

  27. #27
    xcraider37 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by dreadnok89 View Post
    I too think sub-q is trash. However I think shots suck. I see people saying you will better in a couple weeks yet when I did androgel it was instant. If the androgel wasn't 85 dollars compared to 7 dollars for shots I would go back in a heartbeat. Hcg should even be IM or so says the manufacturer. But your E2 should totally becheckef
    There are other gels with coupons, for instance testim which absorbs better than androgel can be had for as little as $10.00 per month, fortesta about $50.00 per month and of course axiron usually runs a coupon. Testim is king for absorbtion if you don't mind the smell, you have options.
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  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by LFH40 View Post
    Two days post test shot and that welt looks a bit better. I really don't think it's infected. I get those most of the time when I inject in the abdominal area. Just trial and error to see what works best. I would still like I try IM.

    If I have very little fat on my quads, would a. 1/2" pin work for IM?
    When I did SQ in the love handles, sometimes it stung and sometimes I got small black and blue marks. When I pinned SQ in the abdominal area, it was hit and miss whether I got a lump or not. BTW, when I pin, I inject half the syringe, withdraw and inject the other half in another spot. I feel it makes for better uptake. (Think of which dissolves faster in a cup of tea: A sugar cube or a teaspoon of granulated sugar.) Of course, I always prep with alcohol.

    What I have been doing lately - and posted on another thread - is injecting SQ in the fat of the pubic area, same way as above. No problems at all.

    Regarding your question about the needle length: I never injected IM so I couldn't tell you, but what do you have to lose by using a 1/2" pin. If you're lean, it will likely hit muscle. If it doesn't, the T is still in your body.

    And don't worry about the lumps you've had in the past. Your body is made to either reject or accept foreign substances. In this case, those lumps of Test will be absorbed - without a doubt. I speak from my own experience.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by LFH40 View Post
    Two days post test shot and that welt looks a bit better. I really don't think it's infected. I get those most of the time when I inject in the abdominal area. Just trial and error to see what works best. I would still like I try IM.

    If I have very little fat on my quads, would a. 1/2" pin work for IM?
    Getting dialed in is basically a trial and error process. That's why it a while to get dialed in. I personally do IM in the glutes without a problem. It's all in the needle size.

  30. #30
    bullshark99 is offline Senior Member
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    Your on a low dose to begin with, 100mgs per wk may work perfect for some but not others. Going SubQ clearly!!! works but absorbtion is different, its possible with your dosage and going SubQ you may be vert LowT yet????
    Personally I would do IM, leaves no doubt. 1/2 inch not long enough IMO. You could try in the delt, go slow get it deep as you can. My advice is at least 1 inch if not 1.5 25 Gau in the ass, leaves no doubt. As noted, only your BW will tell the true story.

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rusty11 View Post
    Yea. She likes silly hats
    Basset hound?

  32. #32
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    LFH40 I'm no doc but I have read of subq just not working for some. If I were you I would give it a little longer then try talking to your doc about IM

  33. #33
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    I pin with a 23 gauge 1.5" in the glutes.

  34. #34
    Low Testosterone is offline ~ HRT Specialist ~
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    Some points to consider:

    1. More than likely, LFH40's issue is estradiol and testosterone not yet being balanced. That's common in any man when they first start TRT.

    2. No man has ever been transformed by a TRT plan in a few weeks. If he was it was in his head.

    3. There is rarely a need to use a needle that bigger than 1". You can use 1.5" but you don't have too.

    4. SubQ test injections work well for many men but IM works just as well for many men. I personally do not believe there's anything magically special about SubQ test injections. It's all about what works best for you and what you're most comfortable with. Personally, I never inject my testosterone SubQ. Why would I if IM has worked well and gives me no issues? At the same time, I have seen guys who responded better SubQ with the same dose as IM, again, we're all different.

    5. 100mg/wk is a very common starting dose as well as a common dose throughout.

  35. #35
    dreadnok89 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by xcraider37 View Post
    There are other gels with coupons, for instance testim which absorbs better than androgel can be had for as littler as $10.00 per month, fortesta about $50.00 per month and of course axiron usually runs a coupon. Testim is king for absorbtion if you don't mind the smell, you have options.

    Thx X I'll check it out. I tried axe iron and it was pretty bad it kept me between 400 to 600. I'll look into testin

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by dreadnok89 View Post
    Thx X I'll check it out. I tried axe iron and it was pretty bad it kept me between 400 to 600. I'll look into testin
    I liked gels VERY much too. Crisler feels they are the gold standard and also says they produce more DHT, which unfortunately is a double edged sword. DHT is linked to a MUCH better libido but also to hair loss.

    I tried Testim. The scent is pleasurable to me and is a strange turn on (and to my wife.) But if you know the smell, you can tell someone else who uses it a mile away. I was in Trader Joe's and the smell hit my nose and I knew there was a guy close by who was on TRT.

    My experience: I had to use four pumps a day of Androgel OR two tubes of Testim to get the desired results. My co-pay - WITH the coupon - was $175 a month. Pretty steep. My cost for Test Cyp is about $10/month. No contest.

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by xcraider37 View Post
    There are other gels with coupons, for instance testim which absorbs better than androgel can be had for as little as $10.00 per month, fortesta about $50.00 per month and of course axiron usually runs a coupon. Testim is king for absorbtion if you don't mind the smell, you have options.
    I love testim
    I'm not in the cool gang, but it's kept me good for 2 1/2 yrs.
    I pay $35/mo. for two boxes-2 tubes a day. But, I added hcg and cut it back to one. So, I got enough stocked away to last a looong time.
    Last edited by Rusty11; 11-18-2013 at 07:26 PM.

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