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  1. #1
    CobraMustangSVT is offline Junior Member
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    Jun 2013

    Aborted a cycle - when should I start TRT?

    5 weeks ago, I started a cycle of:
    30mg Dianabol daily (I split it 10mg, 3x a day). I did this for 4 weeks.
    12.5mg Aromasin daily
    500MG testosterone enanthate weekly (250MG tues morning and 250mg friday evening)
    500iu's HCG weekly (250iu's on Monday Morning and 250ui's on Thursday evening)

    I started the cycle on 10/14 and weighed 209.5
    I aborted the cycle a 5 weeks later and weighed 225.3.

    As of this morning, I weigh 217. I lost 8 pounds in 4 days and my BF went from 20.9 to 19.3 (probably the water weight from the dianabol).

    My last pin of 250MG's on test e was this past Friday on 11/15.

    I wanted to start my trt doseage. When should I start? Should I just continue and pin 50MG's of the prescribed test C tomorrow and begin like nothing's happened or should I wait for the test e to clear my system?

    About starting the cycle, I already had the gear sitting here for a while and I didn't want to waste it so I just decided to run a cycle before I started TRT. I aborted the cycle 5 weeks in because when I started meeting my doctor, he was asking me if I started trt yet and I kept telling him no but my weight was going up. I didn't want to walk in there at 240lbs, get caught and kicked out of his service so I aborted it.


  2. #2
    Machdiesel's Avatar
    Machdiesel is offline Anabolic Member
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    I would have just finished the cycle persoanlly. You didn't provide a timeline for doc appts and future bloodwork, obviously if you have BW In 4 weeks you should have never started your cycle. It takes about 5-6 weeks after last cycle injection for you to get back to trt levels. If your next BW isn't for months then your good to go with the cycle. Anyway to answer your question just get back onto your TRT schedule and you'll be g2g

  3. #3
    CobraMustangSVT is offline Junior Member
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    Jun 2013
    The doc wants to do bloodwork within 3 weeks. He'll give me the labcorp paperwork so I'll delay it for another week or so (I tell him the holidays came around and I got delayed)

  4. #4
    dreadnok89 is offline Member
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    Sep 2012
    Were you on hrt before this? If not you did this and just figured you would go on hrt and you had no problems? Lol utter madness

  5. #5
    CobraMustangSVT is offline Junior Member
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    Yeah, I really didn't think it through. I just didn't want to waste the gear that I had sitting around. I didn't think the new doc would have figure out but he started asking questions when he saw my body recompositioning and my weight was going up. Everytime he asked he if I started TRT, I would say 'no', then I'd see him again and I'd weight more.

    My fear was walking in there in a month and weighing 240lbs and still telling him that I didn't start TRT

  6. #6
    dreadnok89 is offline Member
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    Ya but are you all muscle? Like a good heavy? What I'm trying to say is see if your body restarts or try some chlomid and get your natural test flowing. You don't wanna do hrt if their isn't a problem bud. Don't justdo it to do it

  7. #7
    CobraMustangSVT is offline Junior Member
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    Jun 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by dreadnok89 View Post
    Ya but are you all muscle? Like a good heavy? What I'm trying to say is see if your body restarts or try some chlomid and get your natural test flowing. You don't wanna do hrt if their isn't a problem bud. Don't justdo it to do it
    I had low T way before I started the cycle. This was my first and only cycle and I did it because I already had the gear and thought to myself, "Why waste it, might as well use it to kick off TRT."

    Here is my blood test from April of this year:
    LH = 4.1 Ref (1.5-9.3 mIU/mL)
    FSH = 3.9 Ref (1.6-8.0 mIU/mL)
    Prolactin = 11.6 Ref (2.0-18.0 ng/mL)
    Estradiol = 23 Ref (< or = 39pg/mL)
    Testosterone , Total, Males = 290 Ref (241-827 ng/dL)

    Here is bloods from a month later:
    Testosterone, Total, 277 Ref 300-1000
    Testosterone, Free, 59.8 REF 90-244pg/mL
    SHBG 27 REF 13-71nmol/L

    2 different docs, 2 different labs, all tests are done at 8AM. One doc wanted to put me on Androgel , another doc wanted to shoot me with 400mg every 2 weeks with no HCG and AI's and this last doc let me self inject with HCG and AI's (if I need them).

  8. #8
    dreadnok89 is offline Member
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    Sep 2012
    Ahhh ok now that makes sense

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