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Thread: Advice needed - Update on my treatment

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2012

    Advice needed - Update on my treatment

    Hi all,

    As promised I'm keeping you updated as I progress with my endocrinologist:

    It's been almost a year since I first noticed my testosterone was low (initial value was taken February 2013, Testosterone was 10nmol/L). Subsequent tests have seen my hormones go all over the place. I will post a full list of the most recent values (October 2013) at the end, for anyone who is knowledgeable on such things (and if it's needed) I also have values for June, July & August of this year.

    When I was passed to a genetic endo specialist, I was advised that I needed Thyroid, Testosterone & HGH treatment, and that this all needed to be started quite quickly, however not before a semen analysis.

    The results were discussed with my regular endocrinologist. I am "subfertile" yet still able to conceive through IVF. He noted that my most recent blood testosterone level was 3.3nmol/L.

    He told me that he wished to start me on the thyroid medication, thyroxine as soon as possible, as this can have a positive effect on the other negatively impacted hormones. The dosage he has put me on is 75mcg.

    He wishes me to have a follow up bloodtest & appointment with him in 10 weeks time to discuss the outcome of this, and further steps. He does not wish to start me on testosterone as this may adversely impact fertility, and does not want to start me on growth hormone replacement due to "NHS guidelines" on how they proceed.

    So with that, three questions:

    1) Am I wasting my time? This has been going on a year, I've felt lower than I ever have in my life, and it feels as though with every follow up, and every blood test that I'm not going anywhere.

    2) He's now also said that I wouldn't get testosterone treatment for another 7-10 months! Does that sound right? Has anyone else from the UK or elsewhere had a similar experience?

    3) Is 75mcg of Thyroxine (T4) enough for it to be effective, or even worth it?

    I'd really appreciate any feedback, right now I do feel truly lost.

    Here's the results of my most recent blood analysis. They are without measurements so I've written them exactly how I've been given them (printed as a flowsheet) I apologise as I don't have what the units have been measured in, only the number (cheers NHS, bang up job as always!)

    Albumin - 43
    Free T4 level, blood - 12.7
    TSH level, blood - 1.53
    Free T3 level, blood - L 3.0
    FSH level, blood - 1.8
    LH level, blood - 4.1
    Prolactin level, blood - 99
    SHBG level, blood - 58
    Calculated Free Testosteron level, blood - * 42
    Testosterone level, blood - L 3.3
    Rheumatoid factor, blood - <20.0
    Growth Hormone level, blood - * 0,61
    Last edited by Gettingstronger!; 11-26-2013 at 11:51 AM. Reason: Additional information

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Any input at all? Pretty keen to find out people's thoughts!! Happy to elaborate on any of the above!!
    Last edited by Gettingstronger!; 11-26-2013 at 05:23 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2012
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