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Thread: Finally got a script for HCG.. but...

  1. #1
    GSXRvi6 is offline Member
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    Finally got a script for HCG.. but...


    So I went to the doc, we discussed my TRT treatment and I was like it's spot on I don't want to change a thing... except my nuts are gone.

    So he explained to me about how you shut down blah blah, said I'm still producing test just not nearly as much so my balls shrink yadda yadda, long story short "it's not hurting anything"

    I'm like yea but the wife is bitching and I have a buddy on TRT and the doc has him on HCG for his sack, doc said yea that can help in the downstairs department, and they make a cream... (I thought oh shit here we go.....) but he wasn't quite sure how to dose it, so he was sending me to a special pharmacist that could help me dose it and all that good jazz.

    So I'm standing in line with people in line at the pharmacy, I get to the register, gave them my name, pharmacist comes from the back up to the counter asking me if I had talked to my doctor yet, I said I had just come from the doctor. He said, well I just got off the phone with him, and well, I have some bad news (I'm like oh god damn it) he said your going to have to use needles (YES!) I'm like oh, big deal I'm on TRT and I've done allergy shots for 4 years. He's like oh this will be nothing for you then.

    So the girl at the register starts talking to me about dieting... she's like yea I've lost 40lbs on this stuff (she looked like she weight 350lbs!). I said I'm not here to lose weight. She rings me up, big bucks, I was like uhh, aren't you going to ask me for my insurance? she's like they don't cover this weight loss stuff... I said again I'm not doing it for weight loss, she calls back to the pharmacist and said do you want to try this on insurance, he said they don't cover hcg for weight loss....

    So with all my fellow people around me I hold up the paper and I say, look, it says testicular feminization, I'm not here for weight loss...

    So he ran it, and it took it, but still expensive.. so I was like damn how long will that last, he said 3 weeks... I said 3 weeks? I said how much is in that, she said 10,000 units.. I said holy crap, what is my dose, she said 1,000, 3x per week... I was like uhh, are you sure?? Yep.


    Doc gave me a HCG script for 3,000 IU per week for my sack (I already have peanuts), that sounds really high to me, is the idea to run a high dose to "re grow" them and then a lower dose to maintain once they are back???

    I asked him about HCG sides and he said none, not sure I believe that even aspirin has side effects

  2. #2
    bass's Avatar
    bass is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    thanks for the short version! 3000 is way over kill and that's not how hCG works, you'll waste most of it, basically your body will reject most of it. 250 iu three times a week and adjust based on progress (nut-o-meter)

  3. #3
    GSXRvi6 is offline Member
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    So I should be able to "re-grow" on 750 IU's per week, that's what I was thinking but I don't like to argue with a doc.

    I put in the long version due to the BS I had to go through, I basically had to yell out in front of strangers "I'm trying to re-grow my nuts" cause they were on and on about some damn hcg diet.
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  4. #4
    bass's Avatar
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    I hate to tell you to go against your doc's instructions, but if that was me I'd do 250 3 times a week. just because your body will reject the extra hCG it doesn't mean it won't hurt you.

  5. #5
    GSXRvi6 is offline Member
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    well under dosing doesn't mean I'll die, over doing it = wasted money. I'll run with 750 a week and gauge with the nut-o-meter and adjust from there.

  6. #6
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    just keep in mind depending how much atrophy has occurred it'll take about 3 months or so to get them back. you should definitely notice something within the first 2 weeks, sack hanging lower, hardness of your boys, and all the rest of the benefits listed in the hCG sticky.

  7. #7
    GSXRvi6 is offline Member
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    Alright, thanks guys, I appreciate.

    Best god damn site on the internet imo.

  8. #8
    Rusty11's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bass View Post
    I hate to tell you to go against your doc's instructions, but if that was me I'd do 250 3 times a week. just because your body will reject the extra hCG it doesn't mean it won't hurt you.
    750iu/week caused my sack to drop and hang nicely after a couple of shots. Quicker than I expected. Question: wouldn't 3000iu/week cause e2 to rise dramatically?

  9. #9
    GSXRvi6 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rusty11 View Post
    750iu/week caused my sack to drop and hang nicely after a couple of shots. Quicker than I expected. Question: wouldn't 3000iu/week cause e2 to rise dramatically?
    I'm going to guess "no" for someone like me, reason? my balls don't work right anyway, if I were to reverse back to where they were before, they were not making enough test anyway, you can't squeeze water out of a stone.

  10. #10
    bass's Avatar
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    it depends how many weeks he wants to do it at 3000, your E2 could go through the roof.

  11. #11
    GSXRvi6 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bass View Post
    it depends how many weeks he wants to do it at 3000, your E2 could go through the roof.
    Doc gave me enough for 3 weeks at 3000. I'm not going to run it that high. Worst case I do have a medicine cabinet with several different AI's and SERM's on hand.

  12. #12
    bass's Avatar
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    hCG has a short shelf life and there is no way you can use all that in time before it loses its potency, if I were you id pre-fill slin pins at 250iu and freeze them.

  13. #13
    GSXRvi6 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bass View Post
    hCG has a short shelf life and there is no way you can use all that in time before it loses its potency, if I were you id pre-fill slin pins at 250iu and freeze them.
    How long is the shelf life? Knowing that will help me figure out how many slin pins to freeze

  14. #14
    NEFLRick is offline Associate Member
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    Most of what I've read online say about 30 days shelf life (keep it in the fridge once you mix it). You can go to the dollar store and get pregnancy test kits to test whether it's still good or not. I test mine once a week just to be sure.

  15. #15
    w8liftr is offline Junior Member
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    See if your doctor will submit a pre-authorization to your insurance to get it covered. It might work. I have CIGNA and hcg is covered because I met my deductible already He prescribed Novarel brand-name, and I don't even get through a whole bottle in one month which is the prescription timeframe. 250 iu eod and take a couple weeks off after a month or a month and a half.
    Last edited by w8liftr; 11-27-2013 at 04:24 PM.

  16. #16
    Rusty11's Avatar
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    Yea. There are many schools of thought on this. I go through a vial in 50 days. My nut-o-meter informs me it's still working nicely at the end of the vial.

  17. #17
    wizarddeath is offline Junior Member
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    how do you guys space your 3 x weekly shots compared to your test injection?

  18. #18
    Rusty11's Avatar
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    This is a very informative thread. Scroll down to "hcg injection protocols".

  19. #19
    NEFLRick is offline Associate Member
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    I do my test shots on Saturdays, I do 250iu of HCG every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. But that's an excellent linke Rusty posted, I read through everything I could and decided on what I'm doing now. But I'm also not opposed to adjusting my schedule/protocol.

  20. #20
    David LoPan's Avatar
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    I put in the long version due to the BS I had to go through, I basically had to yell out in front of strangers "I'm trying to re-grow my nuts" cause they were on and on about some damn hcg diet.[/QUOTE]

    This really made me laugh. Thanks for posting. I had to go through something like that but I was the only one in the store. Wish I could have been in line when you said "re-grow me nuts" just to see the looks on the peoples faces. I can say that all the women around here use HCG for weight loss and it has driven up the prices of HCG for the people that need it for the right reasons. I dont care what you take, if you eat 500 cal diet a day you are going to drop weight.
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  21. #21
    phaedo's Avatar
    phaedo is offline Associate Member
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    Ok so, I was in a similar situation, except I was prescribed 3,000 IU/3x week. I will disagree with bass when he says your body will "reject it." Such metaphors are akin to your body rejecting excess Calories -- it doesn't. Anything in excess is utilized in displeasing manner, which coincidences with the mantra "moderation in all things."

    First, several studies illustrate excess hCG can and will likely cause Leydig cell desensitization, from either >310 IU/injection or >750-1000 IU/week. Inducing primary hypogonadism would be making an unfortunate circumstance even worse. Of course, these numbers are not absolute, but simply help guide the physician and patient in best course of treatment.

    In my situation, I was on TRT for over three years before introducing hCG. I exhibited severe testicular atrophy and azoospermia. Within four weeks of exogenous testosterone and hCG (3,000 IU/3x week), my total testosterone levels were over 1,400 ng/dL and estradiol over 90. Clearly, hCG has an profound impact. In fact, I have a study showing hCG abating micropensis' in males -- perhaps not of direct interest but illustrative ;-)

    I recommend 250 IU of hCG 2-3x weekly. My current dose is 250 IU 2x weekly, solving both prior diagnosed adrenal insufficiency and azoospermia, and inducing pronounced testicular hypertrophy.
    Last edited by phaedo; 12-02-2013 at 01:56 PM.
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  22. #22
    61er's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigTahl View Post
    I can say that all the women around here use HCG for weight loss and it has driven up the prices of HCG for the people that need it for the right reasons. I dont care what you take, if you eat 500 cal diet a day you are going to drop weight.
    Keep in mind that HCG is a primarily a fertility drug for women (derived from the urine of pregnant women). It happens to also help hypo gonadal men (and fat chicks).

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