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Thread: Adrenal Issues on TRT

  1. #1
    jomamma007 is offline Member
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    Adrenal Issues on TRT

    Currently on TRT and have been since August, with optimal free test and estradiol sensitive numbers. Still feeling VERY fatigued, low libido and un-motivated. I do take 50mgs dhea and prenenolone daily, no hcg use though.

    After getting back recent blood work I've been wondering.
    So if someone legitimately has adrenal fatigue and is put on TRT can they ever make a full recovery?

    I'm sure the adrenal glands themselves could heal, but exogenous testosterone stops the body from making dhea correct?
    So wouldn't this be an issue?

    After having tons of test done, my thyroids fine and looking back through the years I've always had low DHEA and Cortisol coupled with my low testosterone levels . I've trained over 3 hours a day for the past 7 years and under eat due to weight restrictions in my sport. Also use caffeine heavily as I wasn't able to eat as much as my body needed, and long training sessions needed an extra kick.
    I'm sure this must have been the cause for my low Test in the first place.
    I'm hoping to heal up my adrenals over time and eventually ween off TRT, being that I'm only 22.

    Another question, would it be more effective to get off TRT and have the adrenals recover, or do my best to heal them up and then come of TRT.

    I know some people don't believe in this condition but my thyroid is very optimal, I don't have any pituitary tumors, I ruled out sleep apnea, and I have low DHEA-S and cortisol, and have throughout the last 3 years at least (that's as far as my blood tests go back). I don't see what else could be causing my problems, especially since they haven't ceased since being on trt with optimal testosterone and estrogen levels.

    Honestly I have no problem injecting myself for the end of my life, just seems so much easier to manage test levels especially with all the environmental crap we face daily. I'm just not sure if I can fully recover my adrenals if I'm still on TRT.
    Last edited by jomamma007; 12-02-2013 at 07:23 PM.

  2. #2
    dreadnok89 is offline Member
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    Ironically I drink coffee a lot and my cortisol was really low. Would this adrenal problem make you tired Lot as well?

  3. #3
    jomamma007 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by dreadnok89 View Post
    Ironically I drink coffee a lot and my cortisol was really low. Would this adrenal problem make you tired Lot as well?
    yes this is the main symtpom of adrenal fatigue and low cortisol...

  4. #4
    j2048b is offline Associate Member
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    have u ever been told u may suffer from overtraining perhaps? i mean 3 hrs a day for the last 7 years? that is a sign that someone might be over training... i have a buddy who never ever use to get sick, never thought of what his symptoms perceived to be, might have been overtraining, until he went on trt, and finally did a restart, and his natuaral test went back to normal and now he finally admitted that it was all do to over training, something he could have never fathomed before in his life, yet, in the end thats what it ended up being...

    just something else to think about...a restart? have u tried any restarts of any sort?

  5. #5
    dreadnok89 is offline Member
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    How would you fix this jomama?

  6. #6
    phaedo's Avatar
    phaedo is offline Associate Member
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    First, there is no "weening off" TRT, regardless of your age. You can try, what's known in the vernacular, as a "restart protocol" which involves stimulating the hypothalamic–pituitary–gonadal axis.

    Testosterone is has been clinically shown to lower cortisol levels, though no evidence that it incites adrenal insufficiency. Have you had a full thyroid panel run? What about a diurnal cortisol saliva test? Have you had a cosyntropin stim test performed? Such measurements will help treat your fatigue and other notable symptoms. Posting your actual labs is much better than "I have low cortisol" or "my thyroid is optimal."

    From the small bits you've told us, I'd wager the likely cause of your fatigue may be a combination of overtraining, excessive caffeine intake, inadequate nutrition, and poor sleep.

    Lastly, at the age of 22 I would strongly suggest you begin incorporating hCG into your protocol, as you can become azoospermia. I was within a year using only testosterone.

  7. #7
    MArz123 is offline Junior Member
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    You may consider dropping the DHEA and preg for a few weeks, i had a bout of overly fatigued and joint pain, labs revealed my DHEA levels were slightly above the range, doc asked me to stop the DHEA and preg for a month or 2 and see if the reduction helps. And i must admit my energy level is back up! I get labs again next week be interesting to see the numbers, but i dont think i will be adding DHEA or preg back in at this point since i feel fricken great now without them.
    dreadnok89 likes this.

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