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Thread: Exemestane dose, WTF

  1. #1
    Machdiesel's Avatar
    Machdiesel is offline Anabolic Member
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    Exemestane dose, WTF

    First off excuse my bitchyness but my esteogen is high anyway everything I read completely contradicts itself. Half of the people post studies showing men taking 25mg a day not on any testosterone and staying in range, but then everyone who's actually using it says 12.5 3x a week crushed E2, or 6.25 Ed was to much. WTF is going on and why are the dosage reccomendstions all over the place? Atleast other AIs have a known dosage starting point

  2. #2
    dreadnok89 is offline Member
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    I do .25 end and never crush it. Last 2 blood tests had me at 20 sensitive e

  3. #3
    Machdiesel's Avatar
    Machdiesel is offline Anabolic Member
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    Don't understand your dose? Is that supposed to be 1/4 of a pill EOD? So would be 6.25 mg every other day
    Last edited by Machdiesel; 12-03-2013 at 08:18 PM.

  4. #4
    dreadnok89 is offline Member
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    Its all individual . The pills I have are .25 a capsule. There from a compounder

  5. #5
    Bio-Active's Avatar
    Bio-Active is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Are you guys confusing adex for aromasin ? .25 eod is a standard for adex and 12.5-25 mg ed for aromasin is fairly standard but those are on cycle doses
    j2048b likes this.

  6. #6
    GSXRvi6 is offline Member
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    adex I used .25mg eod and it worked great, blood work confirmed.

    next run I'm planning 10mg ED of aromasin , why 10mg? hell if i know, seams like a nice round number.

  7. #7
    Machdiesel's Avatar
    Machdiesel is offline Anabolic Member
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    I understand everyone is different, but on 100mg of test cyp a week it seems crazy that some people claim 25mg ED is good, then others saying 25mg A WEEK. the studies posted contradict every real life application I've read about on forums

  8. #8
    dreadnok89 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jim230027 View Post
    Are you guys confusing adex for aromasin? .25 eod is a standard for adex and 12.5-25 mg ed for aromasin is fairly standard but those are on cycle doses
    Nope I use exestamane. .25 everyday and it works perfect. I also read 12.5 is a weak dose. Arimidex and exestamane are 2 totally different drugs. And it is all individual. I'm a heavier guy and sensitive to estrogen. I never run low even with .25 ex a day. I'm also using hgc and shots. As long as your not crashing to 0 everyday you'll be fine. Kelkem just posted a great article yesterday. Also mach, go by your blood work bud.

  9. #9
    Machdiesel's Avatar
    Machdiesel is offline Anabolic Member
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    ^ still not understanding your dose . Your typing .25 do you mean 25mg? That's 1 pill a day?

  10. #10
    bluskiblacdeth is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by dreadnok89 View Post
    I do .25 end and never crush it. Last 2 blood tests had me at 20 sensitive e
    same here

  11. #11
    Soybean70 is offline New Member
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    Try 6.25mg E3D first. Increase to E2D ir ED if needed.

  12. #12
    clarky. is offline MONITOR
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    Quote Originally Posted by Machdiesel View Post
    ^ still not understanding your dose . Your typing .25 do you mean 25mg? That's 1 pill a day?
    This ^^

  13. #13
    dreadnok89 is offline Member
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    Ya 25. I'm terrible with numbers.I get it compounded so yes one capsule

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