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Thread: My Intro - Advice for moving to self-sustained program

  1. #1

    Question My Intro - Advice for moving to self-sustained program

    I'll try to keep this brief, but wanted to post my intro... as recommended in the stickies. I'm a 38 y/o male. Approximately 5'10", 215lbs, and currently ~15%BF. About 2 years ago, I was tired of being fat & lazy. I picked up one day and started walking, progressed to running, and eventually hit the gym to push around weights. I dropped from 245lbs, ~26%BF to where I am now. Overall, progress with exercise & nutrition being a regular part of my routine... my health & energy made a change for the better -- for a while.

    How I started TRT: About a year ago, I started noticing symptoms of low T, specifically significant fatigue (always sleepy during the day), mental fog, lack of drive & motivation. Sex drive was never an issue, but on TRT... I feel 18 again there too. My wife insisted that I needed to see a doctor for signs of depression. I just "got along" until one day in casual conversation at the gym, someone asked if I had ever had my T levels checked. I had seen the ads for a local anti-aging clinic and always felt like their ad was written specifically for me, but I never jumped at it since they quoted "most men over 45" and I wasn't quite there yet. After that conversation, I called the next day and made an appointment. Long story made short, my BW levels were low.

    Current progress: I started my regimen in mid August. Overall, I feel like I have made a 180 degree turn in my life. I'm back to what I would consider mostly normal. The only issue I still have is some degree of fatigue during the day. If I had to label where I am now, I would say I feel like I'm about 65-75% (compared to starting ~10%). Big changes for the better, but feel like I have a little ways to go. I started treatment in Aug 2013: test cyp (140mg) IM injections once a week, HCG (not sure of dose) sub-Q injections (into belly fat) twice a week, and Anastrozole half pill twice a week. Labs were pulled again after 4 weeks, still low (results below) -- bumped up to 160mg of test cyp, everything else stayed the same. Labs again after ~8 more weeks, still low (results below) -- bumped up to 180mg of test, and HCG & Ana bumped up to 3x per week due to increase in Estradiol & noticeable testicle shrinkage. My HCG injections were also switched to IM (shoulder) at nurse's recommendation.

    My predicament: Everything is currently covered under insurance, but... the anti-aging clinic seems to be double-dipping charging both me & the insurance company near full price for visits. I go in once a month to get medication (pre-filled syringes) to cover for the next 3 weeks. They do that day's injections before I leave. Understanding this is a life-time commitment, I want to get to the most cost effective model as possible -- but understand that I am still dialing in my program. I'd like to eventually move to an endo or urologist that will write the Rx and monitor my levels every couple of months. I don't want to bash the anti-aging clinic... they have been GREAT at supporting me in finding a path to "normal" again. But I just can't imagine paying more (on top of insurance) than what it would cost me if I had no insurance -- for the rest of my life.

    MY QUESTION: Any suggestions on a good doc in Atlanta who knows/supports TRT on a take-home basis? I want to stay 100% legit with an MD to help dial in the right program to get me to 100%, but I am already doing my own injections and like the convenience not having to go into an office every week.

    Any help or insight is greatly appreciated! BW results included below for reference. Results are displayed with my value followed by "normal" reference range in (). I tried to include the important ones, but have many others in the tests. Let me know if you need to know anything else...

    Thanks in advance for any insight! And thanks to all of the great info on this forum that helped me take the leap into TRT -- and regaining control of my life!

    Baseline Test (morning w/ full fast), before any treatment: early Aug 2013 via Quest Diagnostics
    Treatment Before Results: None
    DHEA Sulfate: 161 (110-370 mcg/dL)
    FSH: 2.7 (1.6-8.0 mIU/mL)
    LH: 2.8 (1.5-9.3 mIU/mL)
    Prolactin: 6.9 (2.0-18.0 ng/mL)
    Estradiol: 21 (< OR = 39 pg/mL)
    PSA, Total: 2.0 (< OR = 4.0 ng/mL)
    Testosterone, Total (LC/MS/MS): 277 (250-1100 ng/dL)
    Testosterone, Free (LC/MS/MS): 34.6 (35.0-155.0 pg/mL)
    Treatment After Results: T-Cyp 140mg IM every Tuesday, hCG (SubQ) & 1/2 Anastrozole on Tue & Fri.

    4-Week Progress Test (morning w/ full fast): mid Sept 2013 via Quest Diagnostics
    Treatment Before Results: T-Cyp 140mg IM every Tuesday, hCG (SubQ) & 1/2 Anastrozole on Tue & Fri.
    Estradiol: 23 (< OR = 39 pg/mL)
    PSA, Total: 2.2 (< OR = 4.0 ng/mL)
    Testosterone, Total (LC/MS/MS): 531 (250-1100 ng/dL)
    Testosterone, Free (LC/MS/MS): 111.2 (35.0-155.0 pg/mL)
    Treatment After Results: T-Cyp 160mg IM every Tuesday, hCG (SubQ) & 1/2 Anastrozole on Tue & Fri.

    12-Week Progress Test (morning w/ full fast): mid Nov 2013 via LabCorp
    Treatment Before Results: T-Cyp 160mg IM every Tuesday, hCG (SubQ) & 1/2 Anastrozole on Tue & Fri.
    Estradiol: 33.0 (7.6-42.6 pg/mL)
    PSA, Total: 2.1 (< OR = 4.0 ng/mL)
    Testosterone, Total (Serum): 608 (348-1197 ng/dL)
    Testosterone, Free (Direct): 13.8 (8.7-25.1 pg/mL)
    Treatment After Results: T-Cyp 180mg IM every Monday, hCG (IM) & 1/2 Anastrozole on Mon, Wed, & Fri.
    Last edited by no0ne23; 12-05-2013 at 11:03 PM.

  2. #2
    After reading through some other posts today, I have another question. The anti-aging clinic started me on hCG and AI right from the start, but it looks like a lot of people on this forum recommend against taking them unless absolutely needed. I did notice testicle shrinkage and an Estradiol increase (from 21 to 33) after just 12 weeks of treatment. With this in mind, does it sound like I would have normally been a candidate for both medications? Or should I consider working with the doctor to see if I can possibly reduce/eliminate them?

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