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Thread: Help with Estrogen Rebound and Adex

  1. #1

    Help with Estrogen Rebound and Adex

    Hi, new to the forum but not to steroid forums in general. Wasn't getting the answers I needed elsewhere so decided to come here. Sorry for the longer post but I want to be thorough.

    A couple years back I ran my last cycle of test and masteron. After a PCT using nolva, my HPTA never recovered. I had horrible anxiety and very low sex drive. I attempted to restart multiple times using torem or clomid. I would feel great while on but would always crash again after completion. Finally I ended up on a very long time using clomid (6 months) and decided I needed to try a new route for coming off.

    The past 6 months I have been using Adex and have been very slowly trying to taper off. I started at 1mg a week and didn't feel so good in terms of sex drive. Once I got down around .5 a week I felt great. My labs came back all within normal and my estradiol was at 22.

    I have now reduced my dose to .25 a week + 400mg I3C a day and can notice my estrogen being elevated. Bloat, gyno in the left nipple and slightly decreased sex drive.

    Im concerned it is too high although it has not been tested. I don't have a ton of money and blood tests have been costing a ton of money. Trying to get some idea of what my next step should be. Considering switching to aromasin for it's reported effect of decreasing rebound.

    I know this is broad but I'm feeling like I'm headed for another potential crash.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    In Southern Commiefornia
    why are you taking adex, based on symptoms? you probably shut down from steroid use. nolva PCT alone is weak. how old were you when you first cycled, and what was your cycle and PCT?

  3. #3
    My cycle was 8 weeks 500 test E and 200 masteron a week. 6 weeks of nolva tapered down.

  4. #4
    It has been 2 years since my cycle. After finishing PCT my drive was low and I was experiencing anxiety for about 6 months following. I have been able to regain my drive and been able to produce test levels sometimes even above normal range while using SERMs since then. But I can't maintain the results after. I decided to taper off of an AI instead to avoid a rebound which I suspected was the problem. goal is to reach a healthy baseline without SERMs or AIs

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