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Thread: URGENT!!! Need advice regarding lab results!

  1. #1
    reventon's Avatar
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    URGENT!!! Need advice regarding lab results!

    It's been awhile since I last posted. I promised a follow-up post but never got around to it.

    To keep things short and to the point I have a TRT doc who does no follow-up, not even the 2 month post blood work. I started TRT mid to end of July and its now December. My regimen is as follows:

    200mg test cyp per week (I split the dose to 100mg Wed and another 100mg Sat)
    100mg HCG per week (split - 50mg twice per week)
    2mg anastrozole per week (split twice per week)

    For the first 2 months I felt great. My sex drive was over the top, mood/mental state were great, and I felt a lot of improvement at the gym. Then I basically lost all sex drive and started to feel like shit. Now I am easily angered... and some days feel very very down. My mood is hard to control at times. I recently lowered my anastrozole dosing to 1mg per week - it seems a lot of the community here is against using anastrozole for various reasons... I lowered my dose because I felt my moods were always lowest after taking it and low estradiol levels can cause dry skin.

    Current issues:
    My skin is very dry. Especially my back! Somedays its a lot worse than others. On the bad days it looks like eczema, red and very itchy. Others it is just dry. I use a ton of lotion and recently started applying hydrocortisone on the bad days.
    My sex drive is sporadic. Sometimes I really want it and at others I can't get hard. Lately it's mostly down and I rarely last anywhere near as long as I was my first two months of therapy.
    My hair started thinning towards the front, its not bad or noticeably to others but I've noticed some thinning. My hair is normally very thick and long in length btw. I've been using rogaine as a preventative measure for loss.

    Preface to results: I did NOT fast - about 3 hours prior to blood-work I had a burger without cheese, hamburger bun, and broccoli.
    results-san.pdf or

    Now I know a lot of you guys are going to blast me for not doing lab work sooner, for the shitty doc, etc which I do appreciate and understand reasoning for but I am really just asking for help in adjusting my dosings to help improve my TRT. My test levels clearly need to drop.... but what are ideal numbers to target based on your experiences? What should my dosings be?

    Thanks for all your help and support.

    I did my labwork through privatemd... someone on another forum recommended them - I purchased my labs yesterday morning, visited labcorp in the afternoon, and this morning I received my results. Awesome service I highly recommend them!!! I am not affiliated with them... just want to spread the word and make it clear the doctor listed on my labwork is not my TRT doc. He's just the doc from privatemd.

  2. #2
    jomamma007 is offline Member
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    Last edited by jomamma007; 12-17-2013 at 10:07 AM.

  3. #3
    jomamma007 is offline Member
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    Your dose is too high, you're 300 points over the top of the range.
    Drop down to 100mgs per week split into two injections. Drop the AI. Enjoy?

    One of the reason many don't recommend an AI is becasue it's so incosistent. Most end up chasing their tail throughout their whole TRT.
    Libidos up then it's down. Moods up then it's down. It's better to have a lower test level without the use of an AI to keep consistent IMO.
    Also your liver enzyme is elevated because of the AI. Not a big deal though.

    Plus that estrogen test is for women, so I'd bet my left testicle that your estrogen is way too low right now. My estroadiol sensitive( the estrogen test for males) when at 19 is always over the top of the range on the standard panel which you used just to give you an example, somewhere around 45.
    Last edited by jomamma007; 12-17-2013 at 10:09 AM.
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  4. #4
    bass's Avatar
    bass is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    simply lower your dose and perhaps cut the AI completely, you don't need to be at 1400 total T, more is less in the TRT world. also its time to donate blood, your hemoglobin and RBC are high, that will have some effect on how you feel. as stated above by Joma, you need to do the sensitive assay E2 test.
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  5. #5
    reventon's Avatar
    reventon is offline New Member
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    Thank you for the responses! They are truly appreciated.

    Here is what I am thinking 65mg test cyp twice per week and drop the anastrozole? I need to read up on donating blood to lower hemoglobin / RBC in order to figure out a regimen to follow. 2 weeks ago I dropped my anastrozole dose to 1mg rather than 2mg per week... now that I am going to drop it entirely how long do you feel I should wait before running the sensitive e2 test? The thought of gyno scares the sh** out of me. Do I need to pick up nolva to have on hand?

  6. #6
    bass's Avatar
    bass is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    its easier to crash e2, but it takes time to rise it up, so if I were you id wait at least 6-8 weeks to do BW. make sure you do the sensitive assay. Nolva won't help you after you get gyno, if you do then do rolax. but lets cross that bridge when we get to you, hopfully you don't have to. and BTW, you have to be on high e2 for a long time before it starts effecting you with gyno, so don't overthink it.

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