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Thread: TRT vs Cycle ??

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    TRT vs Cycle ??

    Looking for an explanation on why it is not recommended to do less than 500mg per week of test on a cycle for people with normal natural test levels, yet people with low test levels can do 300-400mg per MONTH and apparently make improvements?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    In Southern Commiefornia
    where did you hear this? for TRT is best to do as less as possible to achieve your goal, which is healthy level. its different for cycling, you need high dose for either one, TRT patient or none.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    My DR prescribed me 300mg test E per month TRT, my levels are basically below off the chart.

    For a cycle in the past I have been told minimum I would ever want to do would be 500mg per week.
    Last edited by aNuBiS99; 12-18-2013 at 05:37 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by bass
    where did you hear this? for TRT is best to do as less as possible to achieve your goal, which is healthy level. its different for cycling, you need high dose for either one, TRT patient or none.
    What do you mean by that Bass? "TRT patient or none"?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    In Southern Commiefornia
    yea a blind leading a blind, LOL. dude take time to read the stickies in the HRT section. a standard TRT protocol is like this,

    test, 100 ew, most inject 50mgs twice a week.
    AI, 0.25 twice a week as needed and based on BW, most don't take AI at this dose.
    hCG, 125-250 ius 3 times a week.

    500 mgs each week for a long time will fry your innards! 500 is a cycle dose which is not to exceed 12-14 weeks. if you cycle or blast the most you should do is 12 weeks twice a year.

  6. #6
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    In Southern Commiefornia
    Quote Originally Posted by HTown View Post
    What do you mean by that Bass? "TRT patient or none"?
    if any one wants to cycle weather they are on TRT or not they have to do minimum 400-500 mgs ew to be effective cycle. for those who are on TRT its called a blast, meaning you increase your dose to 400-500 for 12 weeks then simply drop it back to TRT dose. for those who are not on TRT they can cycle but they must do PCT otherwise they'll end up on TRT for the rest of their lives.

  7. #7
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    Dec 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by bass
    yea a blind leading a blind, LOL. dude take time to read the stickies in the HRT section. a standard TRT protocol is like this, test, 100 ew, most inject 50mgs twice a week. AI, 0.25 twice a week as needed and based on BW, most don't take AI at this dose. hCG, 125-250 ius 3 times a week. 500 mgs each week for a long time will fry your innards! 500 is a cycle dose which is not to exceed 12-14 weeks. if you cycle or blast the most you should do is 12 weeks twice a year.
    For someone like me that basically has low natural test (190-250 range) is it safe to do 375mgs a week for 12 weeks, then go back to 100mgs weekly for normal TRT after the 12 weeks?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Thanks for replies, bass

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    In Southern Commiefornia
    Quote Originally Posted by HTown View Post
    For someone like me that basically has low natural test (190-250 range) is it safe to do 375mgs a week for 12 weeks, then go back to 100mgs weekly for normal TRT after the 12 weeks?
    yes that's what we call a blast!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by HTown View Post
    For someone like me that basically has low natural test (190-250 range) is it safe to do 375mgs a week for 12 weeks, then go back to 100mgs weekly for normal TRT after the 12 weeks?
    Before you decide to blast off... take a moment and tell us a little bit about yourself... doing test either as HRT or work out levels puts stress on your body.

    What is your age?
    Body Fat Level?
    Work Out Experience?

    Can you give yourself shots? Not everyone can

    Have you found out why your test is "naturally low"?

    Do you have a doctor who is willing and understands the proper way to do HRT?

    There is a lot that goes into both ways...

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Personally, I would never do a test blast unless I already had my TRT dialed in. You want to get to a normal before you throw things all out of whack again. On TRT, you will make gains if you train hard and eat right. You will make gains like you never could before because of the LowT. That is one of the symptoms of LowT, not making gains and gaining fat instead of muscle.

  12. #12
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    Dec 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by trikydik
    Before you decide to blast off... take a moment and tell us a little bit about yourself... doing test either as HRT or work out levels puts stress on your body. What is your age? Body Fat Level? Weight? Nutrition? Work Out Experience? Can you give yourself shots? Not everyone can Have you found out why your test is "naturally low"? Do you have a doctor who is willing and understands the proper way to do HRT? There is a lot that goes into both ways...
    I've been on TRT for just under a year and a half. Here are my stats:

    Age: 45
    BF: 25%
    Weight: 191
    Nutrition: eat fairly clean
    Training experience: been working out for about 15 years consistently.

    Doc said my test could be low just due to age, etc. my doc is well versed in TRT. He is an aesthetics doc and treats many men in Houston for TRT.

  13. #13
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    Dec 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Brett N
    Personally, I would never do a test blast unless I already had my TRT dialed in. You want to get to a normal before you throw things all out of whack again. On TRT, you will make gains if you train hard and eat right. You will make gains like you never could before because of the LowT. That is one of the symptoms of LowT, not making gains and gaining fat instead of muscle.
    Actually my normal TRT dose is about 200mgs per week of test cyp. My levels were about 900 or so.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Brett N
    Personally, I would never do a test blast unless I already had my TRT dialed in. You want to get to a normal before you throw things all out of whack again. On TRT, you will make gains if you train hard and eat right. You will make gains like you never could before because of the LowT. That is one of the symptoms of LowT, not making gains and gaining fat instead of muscle.

    That is one of the symptoms of LowT, not making gains and gaining fat instead of muscle.

    I can relate to this because my diet was clean and I would work out hard and my belly fat would not go down no matter what I did!
    Now with a few weeks on TRT ,with proper diet and training ,I have noticed my body responding well to TRT!

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