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Thread: Labs Back

  1. #1
    NightStalker's Avatar
    NightStalker is offline New Member
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    Labs Back

    Just got the results of my labs. Currently I am taking Test-C (175mg/week) with no AI.
    I ordered a male panel that has a lot of different tests... not sure which are critical. I was mostly interested in Test levels, IGF-1 and Estradiol levels.
    Here are some of the results:

    Test: Result (Range) Units
    WBC: 10.1 (3.4-10.8) x10E3/uL
    RBC: 5.09 (4.14-5.80) x10E6/uL
    Hemoglobin: 16.9 (12.6-17.7) g/dL
    Hematocrit: 49.2 (37.5-51.0) %
    MCV: 97 (79-97) fL
    MCH: 33.2 (26.6-33.0) pg
    MCHC: 34.3 (31.5-35.7) g/dL
    RDW: 13.3 (12.3-15.4) %

    Testosterone , Serum: >1500 348-1197 ng/dL
    Testosterone,Free: >43.80 5.00-21.00 ng/dL
    % Free Testosterone: 2.92 1.50-4.20 %

    IGF-1: 183 59-201 ng/mL
    Estradiol, Sensitive: 39 3-70 pg/mL

    15% BF

    I think I am going to cut back on the test-c to 125 or 150 mg / week as my Testosterone numbers seem high. I am also going to run 2iu (5/2) of Hygen HGH for a few weeks and bump up by 0.5 iu every two weeks until I hit 4iu.
    I was surprised that my Estradiol numbers were middle of the road. Thought with the high Test numbers that much of the free would be converted. Especially because I am not on an AI.
    Any thoughts or comments on my plan or labs would be greatly appreciated.

    Also, my WBC, RBC, Hemo, Hema, MCV, MCH and MCHC are all at the high end of the range. I read somewhere that high RBC is a sign of polycythemia which can reduce the bloods ability to carry oxygen. Not sure what to make of these last numbers, but I am curious to get your feedback.


  2. #2
    jomamma007 is offline Member
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    dosages is way too high.
    Drop down to 60mgs 2x per week and you wont need an ai and you'll still be near the top of the ranges.
    At 175mg your blood values will be too high in no time. You should probably donate now, although you might not need to if you lower your dosage.

  3. #3
    BallSak is offline Associate Member
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    Agree with jomomma. Maybe even go 50mg twice weekly

  4. #4
    CobraMustangSVT is offline Junior Member
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    The OP's labs bring up a question that I've always had when it comes to TRT. I've read that a person should go as high as their body will allow. For instance, if I can get to 650 T without an AI or thick blood, it's better than being at 900 with an AI and having to donate constantly.

    Here's my question. What if a person is like the OP. Is it safe for him to get into the supra physiological range as long as his other numbers look good and he doesn't need any additional Meds like an AI?


  5. #5
    BallSak is offline Associate Member
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    Supraphysiological is a relative term I think. What is too high for one person is not too high for another. Your body will let you know.

    The OP is too high however. His RBCs and estradiol are letting him know, and these numbers will probably keep climbing.

  6. #6
    NightStalker's Avatar
    NightStalker is offline New Member
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    I don't think I want to cut my dosage by over 1/2 right away. Think I will go 100-125mg/week and see what that does to my test levels. Do you think my Estradiol is too high at 39 (3-70 range)? Prior to starting TRT I had Estradiol at 33.2 (7.6-42.6 range). I was planning on donating...

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