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Thread: Try TRT at 23?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Try TRT at 23?

    Hi all. I am only 23. I have been using clomid, 25mg eod for about 2 months. It is my second time using clomid. When I am on clomid, my body responds and my T climbs to good ranges. (Last blood test was in 600s). When I am off clomid, my T drops into the 300s.

    I have been battling severe depression for 9 months or so. When it started I got blood work and my T was in 300s. So I assumed it was that. But, when I get an increase in T from clomid, it didnt make me feel any better.

    I know a lot of people for whatever reason dont get symptomatic relief from clomid. This is what has me thinking I should try TRT for a few months, get dialed in, and see how I feel. If I dont feel better, I can always come off and go back on clomid. If I do, then well I have my answer to why I feel so horrible.

    I have nothing to lose, my quality of life is literally zero so I might as well try. Is that a sound plan?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Saint Pete Beach
    Try Hcg mono, before going straight to TRT. Is a doc giving you thee clomid? Post your Blood work if you have it. Concentrate on finding the root cause before making a for life decision, your young good chance you can restart under a quality physician.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    VTX, I am under doctor supervision. The first time I used clomid was for a restart but it wasnt done correctly. I did 50mg everyday for a month. This shot my T into the thousands. I came off it and after 3 months, my T dropped back into the 300s. I didnt feel better at any point.

    Now I am seeing a different doctor, and he has me on 25mg eod, and plans to use it as a long term treatment. He thinks the reason my T was low is from depression, not the other way around. I think its also due to the fact that I used pro hormones a few times over the past few years. Now my T is in the 600s, I will post more numbers when I get it. E2 was 46 on a scale of 7-45 (non sensitive).

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Saint Pete Beach
    4 weeks for a restart isn't much time. I'm curious if Hcg may help you. The pro hormones will definitely shut you down if you didn't run a proper PCT. I've been on Clomid 25 mg daily with TRT protocol and my t was 1148 Andy doc is extremely happy with the level being there. She obviously doesn't want it any higher.
    Did you get full panel blood work ? Some of the vets will chime in and help u out if u can get some BW up. Good luck

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    VTX, does clomid make you feel better? I voiced my concerns to my doctor that I understand the clomid is working on paper but I dont feel better. And he said testosterone is testosterone, and I may have a different problem if I still dont feel better on clomid. But others seem to react the same way to clomid.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    I have extensive experience with mental health challenges, if you would prefer to PM me, feel free.

    Please list symptoms of depression, length of episodes, any other family history. Do you use/abuse other dr*ugs? Drink a lot? Did you cycle before the depression? Any changes in your life of note?

    Depending on your circumstance there are some great natural ways to relieve depression.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Saint Pete Beach
    I can't say clomid made me feel better. Between Hcg, cyp and thee clomid I felt amazing compared to where I was. I was extremely low when I caught it. He's right testosterone is testosterone but your body metabolizes the various forms differently. You need all blood work to be looked over if your levels were up and u still felt like Ass. Did your doc run full thyroid and lipids?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    anonona, thanks, I will PM you.

    VTX, yes Ive had tons of blood work done. Thyroid, adrenals, liver, kidney, everything you could think of are all really good except testosterone and estradiol (both low). But on clomid, those are fine.

    If you dont mind me asking, was depression one of your symptoms?

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Saint Pete Beach
    Also, it takes more than a couple months to get dialed in. Many feel comfortable they know where there levels are by 9 months. It's nothing that will mKe u feel like a brand new man in 8 weeks. It takes time but it's worth it. I have a feeling you may have something going on in BW besides the low t. Need that BW to elaborate

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    I'm Ron Burgundy?
    Maybe try trt at this point but defiantly use hcg as well because if you jump on trt and that doesn't fix the problem and you're not using hcg then you're married to a needle at 23.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    honestly it sounds like you just need more time to recover from the steroids you've done, PHs whatever suppression is suppression, but how long have been off exactly?
    would maybe do two full 4 week aggressive PCTs with 25mg nolva, 100-150 clomid, exemestane .25, and 500iu of hcg ED then take two months of everything, then hit it again. Three months after that if your still not normal levels go back to the doc, but i dont think the doc will give as an aggressive aproach as you need. Throw in 50-75mgs of zinc, 1000IUS of vit E. also you dont have to stop those, and should always have like half that as regular vitamin/mineral supplementation anyway for health and Testosterone production.

    Also, whats your bodyfat level?
    You also wanna fill in any possible nutritional deficets. Fats are important, and dont shun saturated fats. Honestly, most of my fats are saturated or at least 50% on a regular basis.
    Make sure your overal intake is okay, if your carbs are low, you need to take in enough protein or your insulin will be too low. Too low drops thyroid level and being slightly hypothyroid can affect testosterone levels. You may want to ck thyroid also. Sometimes that's actually the problem. Also, insulin can have a gonadotropin like effect on testosterone and reduces SHBG. You may want to fiddle around with your macronutrients because maybe if your going low carb, dont know if you are, and maybe your protein is really high, the extra protein could be making you escrete testosterone in your pee.
    Lastly, make sure you're eating whole foods. Im sure you already now this, but you'd be supprized how many guys still dont eat right. If its a can or in a box or wrapper it belongs in the crapper. You may also be being exposed to enviromental estrogens, or metals, pollutants. Some people have jobs that expose them to such things. Drink as little water from plastic containers as you can. Plastics are the most estrogenic material there is, and fake estrogens wont show up on a blood test as estradiol. They are worse when exposed to heat.So warm water bottles are a no no. Fresh paint, carpet, electronics, anything that has a "smell" is bad. If you can smell it, your getting it. I would also try some detoxes to take care of these factors. Dont do the detoxes while on the post cycle therapy drugs as you dont want to take them out of your system. Get rid of all soy and look for other herbs or anything esle they may raise estrogen ie, licorice, oregano. Look at EVERYTHING you are taking in and do a check on it with search "oregano estrogen" or "oregano testosterone". oR GOOGLE "foods that lower testosterone" "herbs that lower testosterone" "foods that raise estrogen". etc etc.
    A good beginner detox is running 1000+mgs of vita C a day. You can even run that with your PCT. I Run 1400 all year round regardless, 30-50 when im sick. Anyway good luck. Avoid the TRT as long as you can, but if you need it its no big deal. But get as healthy as possible, do some aggressive PCT then look into TRT. Throw the kitchen sink at this, its worth it

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by PJS19 View Post
    VTX, does clomid make you feel better? I voiced my concerns to my doctor that I understand the clomid is working on paper but I dont feel better. And he said testosterone is testosterone, and I may have a different problem if I still dont feel better on clomid. But others seem to react the same way to clomid.
    sounds like estrogen rebound.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    A rock & a hard place
    Quote Originally Posted by DAAS

    sounds like estrogen rebound.
    ^^^There are many hormones that can be effected and many of the symptoms of low T can be mirrored with high or low E. What other panels were run in your blood work?
    Last edited by MuscleInk; 12-25-2013 at 10:00 PM.

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