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Thread: New to trt dosages need help

  1. #1
    Vahevahe's Avatar
    Vahevahe is offline Junior Member
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    New to trt dosages need help

    Some stats: 6ft 220lbs 30%bf

    Test came back at 250 out of range.

    Doc started me on testosterone 100mg every 5 days after one month I felt no effect. I have done labs and am going to see my doc but in the meanwhile I went to a ucla doc and he said he starts patients on 200mg every 5 days. I emailed my doc and he agreed to 200 every 5 days. I guess what I'm trying to ask is it common to feel nothing on 100 mg? And is a jump to 200 mg from 100 ok?

  2. #2
    Beethoven's Avatar
    Beethoven is offline Productive Member
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    200 mg is at the top end of trt. 100 mg is about where most are. It takes time to get everything where it should be. You should post complete labs with ranges for the best responses from our resident experts.

  3. #3
    GSXRvi6 is offline Member
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    I'm doing 50mg every 3.5 days, I will be surprised if you can stay at 200.


    Give it a few months before you decide it's not working, and adjust in small increments based on feeling and bloods.

    Testosterone isn't like shooting heroin, you raise your levels, then your body changes/adjusts in the presence of elevated testosterone, it doesn't happen overnight.

  4. #4
    2Sox's Avatar
    2Sox is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by GSXRvi6 View Post

    Testosterone isn't like shooting heroin, you raise your levels, then your body changes/adjusts in the presence of elevated testosterone, it doesn't happen overnight.
    You could have chosen a better analogy. Remember, the members of this board are not the only people who visit and read it.

  5. #5
    Vahevahe's Avatar
    Vahevahe is offline Junior Member
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    Well its looks like im going to stay on the same dosage. I got my levels back and my testosterone is at 972 range 348-1197. SHBG is low though 13.1 range 16.5-55.9 . Free T4 is also low at .67 range .8-1.7. So it looks like the testosterone is ok but i got some other problems now. Estradol is in range but is 33 range is 8-35 is it too high?
    Last edited by Vahevahe; 12-27-2013 at 04:11 PM.

  6. #6
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Did you ever see BW results after 1 month at 100mg? If not, why?
    It takes time to feel the effects of test. Even guys who cycle with grams of long ester test won't feel/see differences for weeks!
    When was BW pulled relative to your injection?
    What is your free Testosterone level?
    What is your entire protocol?
    You need a sensitive estrogen assay, not estradiol.

    More is not better here. Better is better. With 200mg every 5 days you'll experience a ton of aromitization, especially with your current BF%. Always best to start low and titrate slowly, according to BW.
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  7. #7
    Vahevahe's Avatar
    Vahevahe is offline Junior Member
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    yes,BW was pulled on the day i was supposed to inject. Free t levels is 204 range is 52-280. Protocol is Hcg 600iu next day testosterone 100mg next day half a mg of Anastrazol . Whole protocol every 5 days. I also dont see sensitive estrogen assay on the labs

  8. #8
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Ok. On an every 5 day protocol it's not that necessary to bump it the day before with HCG but I understand your doc's logic here. He actually seems pretty much on top of things with his methodologies here, adex timing and all. Most aren't. You need to request the sensitive assay. It's specific to males and what you need to stick with. Particularly with that amount of adex being used. It's a lot actually. As you get in better condition and lose more BF you will be able to reduce this.

    Also consider skipping your HCG shot the day before BW next time. You'll then see where you really land, test level wise.
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  9. #9
    GSXRvi6 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by 2Sox View Post
    You could have chosen a better analogy. Remember, the members of this board are not the only people who visit and read it.
    That's the only injectable drug I know of that kicks in quick. I've never done it but I didn't know what else to compare it to. My drug experience is quite limited (aka pretty much none).

  10. #10
    bigdippin's Avatar
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    In my experience, I didn't feel anything until the 5 week mark. I got the initial "high" after my shot though. All mental. I noticed a huge difference when I went to an injection every 3.5 days.

  11. #11
    Brett N is offline Senior Member
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    same here bigdippin, a month is definitely not giving the testosterone enough time. I didn't really start feeling better until 5-6 weeks and even that wasn't dramatic. It is a slow evolving process, make small changes and wait for long periods of time. Blood work lets you know where you are really at, numbers aren't a clear indication of the way you should feel but you can roughly go by them.

    Estrogen levels can also effect your mood and feelings in a very big way, too low or too high can make you feel like shit. My too low is not the same as someone else's too low so you just have to go by how you feel. Again, you make adjustments and give your body time to change. That is why TRT takes a while to get dialed in perfect.

  12. #12
    TaiChiChuan is offline New Member
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    I used to inject 300mg/ml every 2 weeks that's 150mg/ml a week for those that flunked math.
    It had taken me close to 3 weeks before I began to feel the effects of my first injection.

  13. #13
    trikydik's Avatar
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    I am on week 5.
    You really don't feel anything until around week 4 - 5..

    The main thing I noticed, well 3 things)

    1. I recovered a WHOLE lot faster after each trip to the gym
    2. I see women more often (and not just pretty ones which sometimes is disturbing)
    3. I have a lot better self image, which at 240 lbs and 25% BF is not realistic, but is still there.

    My TRT is 150 every week. In 2 weeks I am splitting it to 75 every 3.5 days to make the levels more stable.

  14. #14
    TaiChiChuan is offline New Member
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    Next year, I'm going to self-administer the TRT because I haven't received my stuff in the mail.
    I'll start with an injection of 1,000mg. of ST450, Test E, and sterile oil combined every 14th and 28th of each month.
    Last edited by TaiChiChuan; 12-30-2013 at 05:28 AM.

  15. #15
    Brett N is offline Senior Member
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    @TaiChiChuan - That sounds like a horrible plan. That is nowhere near what a practical TRT schedule would look like. I don't know if you are being sarcastic or if that is what you really intend on doing.

    Have you not read what the protocol of almost 90% of the people that are on here are doing? Nobody recommends injecting every 2 weeks, NOBODY!

  16. #16
    GSXRvi6 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by TaiChiChuan View Post
    Next year, I'm going to self-administer the TRT because I haven't received my stuff in the mail.
    I'll start with an injection of 1,000mg. of ST450, Test E, and sterile oil combined every 14th and 28th of each month.
    1gram of test E twice a month for TRT is insane.

  17. #17
    trikydik's Avatar
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    Correct me if I am wrong, but your serum levels will spike 3 days after injection and then taper off exponentially after that. Within 2 weeks, I doubt you levels would be anywhere near normal. A second byproduct of this is that your nads will shut down immediately and they will not produce anything for the rest of the month.... then there is massive gyno, and all the crap that goes with it.

    He can't be serious. This has to be a joke, right???

    Standard TRT is 75-200 mg per week. As I said, mine was really low and I am at 150 per week.....

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