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Thread: Skin Problems

  1. #1
    sabmontana is offline New Member
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    Skin Problems

    Hi members, I am hoping to hear some personal experiences about combating skin problems when using testosterone . I have always been naturally muscular and had never considered testosterone for body building. I have some serious back problems/injuries and have been on pain management (opioid therapy) for nearly a year. Part way into it the pain was under control but my appetite, sex drive, and energy levels plummeted. Come to find out after a blood test my testosterone was at 160 (I understand normal range to be 500-1200) so I was prescribed testosterone injections.

    At first it was .75 CC every 10 days which was not helping. I was told by my Doc to bump it up ‘until I felt better. At the highest levels, 1.75 CC per week I was feeling great, and my muscle mass was noticeably better even with moderate exercise and diet. I overheated quickly while at yoga classes, which was irritating but tolerable. What was NOT tolerable was the horrible, cystic acne I was getting on my cheeks, shoulders, upper and lower back. I reduced my testosterone to .75 CC every week (after a later test revealed my levels were double the normal range at over 1200) and have some benefit, barely, but skin problems persist!!!!!

    What I have done: I shower or take a bath at least 2X per day, I have been on and off antibiotics both oral and topical, I use anti-acne soaps and creams, wear looser clothing whenever possible, and put bandaids soaked with tea tree oil on them on infected areas overnight. I try and drink more water but admittedly probably could drink more. I exfoliate with epsom salts 1-2x per week. My diet is fairly good, I don’t eat more than I need. People tell me I look great, but I am very self-conscious about the acne and it can be very painful. I have always been prone to this kind of thing but never at this level.

    Is there anything else I can do that I am not doing? I am barely at therapeutic levels with the testosterone as it is. What do other members do here to manage skin problems? (Oh BYW I was a sometimes smoker and QUIT altogether 1.5 months ago!!!)

  2. #2
    956Vette is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    Mgt of conversion to estrogen may be where to look. Addition of arimidex and/or nolvadex (likely products to not involve your Doc) helps maintain balance/clear skin.

  3. #3
    sabmontana is offline New Member
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    Thanks 956Vette, much appreciated I will look into it; I imagine this is the kind of thing to find online somewhere?

  4. #4
    2Sox's Avatar
    2Sox is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by sabmontana View Post
    Hi members, I am hoping to hear some personal experiences about combating skin problems when using testosterone . I have always been naturally muscular and had never considered testosterone for body building. I have some serious back problems/injuries and have been on pain management (opioid therapy) for nearly a year. Part way into it the pain was under control but my appetite, sex drive, and energy levels plummeted. Come to find out after a blood test my testosterone was at 160 (I understand normal range to be 500-1200) so I was prescribed testosterone injections.

    At first it was .75 CC every 10 days which was not helping. I was told by my Doc to bump it up ‘until I felt better. At the highest levels, 1.75 CC per week I was feeling great, and my muscle mass was noticeably better even with moderate exercise and diet. I overheated quickly while at yoga classes, which was irritating but tolerable. What was NOT tolerable was the horrible, cystic acne I was getting on my cheeks, shoulders, upper and lower back. I reduced my testosterone to .75 CC every week (after a later test revealed my levels were double the normal range at over 1200) and have some benefit, barely, but skin problems persist!!!!!

    What I have done: I shower or take a bath at least 2X per day, I have been on and off antibiotics both oral and topical, I use anti-acne soaps and creams, wear looser clothing whenever possible, and put bandaids soaked with tea tree oil on them on infected areas overnight. I try and drink more water but admittedly probably could drink more. I exfoliate with epsom salts 1-2x per week. My diet is fairly good, I don’t eat more than I need. People tell me I look great, but I am very self-conscious about the acne and it can be very painful. I have always been prone to this kind of thing but never at this level.

    Is there anything else I can do that I am not doing? I am barely at therapeutic levels with the testosterone as it is. What do other members do here to manage skin problems? (Oh BYW I was a sometimes smoker and QUIT altogether 1.5 months ago!!!)
    I have found that a course of Augmentin for 7-10 days will clear up an extreme case. Of course, it's not a good idea to continually treat this way. I found that antibiotics lowers your T level and messes up your G.I. tract.

    You can try a topical antibiotic which I have found works on those large eruptions: Clindamycin phosphate topical solution, 1%. Use as directed and it works. Some people on the forum have used acutane with great success but I never had cause to use it myself.

    I think you made a good move to reduce you T dose. This helped me.

  5. #5
    APIs's Avatar
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    As someone mentioned, your Estrogen levels may be skewed. Has your Doc ever tested for this? Are you on an AI? If he's prescribed 1.75 CCs ew for TRT, I'm thinking he probably isn't schooled on proper TRT protocols...
    Last edited by APIs; 12-31-2013 at 04:28 PM.

  6. #6
    sabmontana is offline New Member
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    Thanks 2Sox much appreciated, I have used and tolerated Augmentin in the past I have an appointment on the 7th and will discuss.

  7. #7
    sabmontana is offline New Member
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    Hi APIs perhaps you are right, I live in a rural state with not so many great choices for docs and health care. I am going to get my estrogen levels checked, that seems to be coming up as an issue. Thanks for taking the time to reply, much appreciated.

  8. #8
    Machdiesel's Avatar
    Machdiesel is offline Anabolic Member
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    Ok there's so much here to talk about. Firstly what is your injection schedule
    And how much (in mgs). I think you need to completely overhaul your protocol and then go from there

    Edit: when was you BW taken in relation to your last injection

  9. #9
    Bonaparte's Avatar
    Bonaparte is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Try a low dose (10-20 mg) of accutane. Side effects are minimal, but it still works incredibly well.

  10. #10
    Jake14 is offline Junior Member
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    I have the same issue, but I think to a lesser extent. This morning, I was discussing it with a body builder who used to compete at the national level. He suggest daily, an ounce of water for every 3/4 pounds of body weight. I am starting that today to see if that works.

  11. #11
    Brett N is offline Senior Member
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    I take a prescription of Doxycycline (100mg 2x a day)
    Wash with Neutrogena Acne Facewash (amber color)
    After washing with that I use a 10%Benzoyl Peroxide Topical Wash (Harris brand) I massage area for 20 seconds (face and neck) and I leave it on until after I wash completely with soap and rinse.

    Works great and everything has cleared up. Prescription you need to go to dermatologist but the washes can be bought without a script. I get the 10% Benzoyl Wash off amazon and the Neutrogena can be bought anywhere.

    I asked about accutane but the Dr said that Doxy was a little less aggressive with near 0 sides so we tried that route first and it seems to be working good.

  12. #12
    VTX1800 is offline Associate Member
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    Need to search austinites herbal acne thread. Zinc and vitamin b5 I do believe.
    I suffer back and chest acne, however it's slowly proving. If I have another huge flair up I'll be going with low dose accurate. Horror stories only comes from those who were on high doses.

  13. #13
    nwjt's Avatar
    nwjt is offline Associate Member
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    My first year on TRT was was acne hell despite spot on levels. However after a couple years,despite not being real good about my levels, high E2, low test, and everything in between I barely get any acne.

    Minocycline helps a lot but I got nervous about taking so long term. I found with time my body adjusted.

    However bloating is a major problem for me but I eat high sodium and sugar. Fortunately I have has way high e2 and that is the only side effect I have had. I did get prescribed armidex but really doesnt do much for me.

    It seems a bad diet and TRT is not a good combination. While I am not fat, the bloating makes me feel worse and I have a double chin from it right now!

    I am not a poster child for TRT right but case and point I think the acne is just an "in time" thing.

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