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Thread: 2 years worth of blood work, cause still not determined

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    2 years worth of blood work, cause still not determined

    Have an appointment soon with a new doctor who has seen all these results and said he will put me on TRT and won't investigate further to determine the cause. I'm not comfortable with that and may cancel.

    T.Testosterone - 9.7L nmol/L (range 12.0-32.0)
    SHBG - 12 nmol/L (10-73)
    Free Androgen Index - 81 (35-85)
    TSH - 3.5 mU/L (0.40-3.50)

    Haemogloblin - 160 (130-180)
    RCC - 5.5 (4.3-6.0)
    Haematocrit - 0.47 (0.37-0.53)
    MCV - 85 (80-100)
    MCH - 29 (27-33)
    MCHC - 341 (310-360)
    RDW - 12 (10-16)
    WCC - 7.3 (4.0-11.0)
    Neutrophils - 4.6 (2.0-7.5)
    Lymphocytes - 2.0 (1.0-4.0)
    Monocytes - 0.6 (<1.1)
    Eosinophils - 0.1 (<0.6)
    Basophils - <0.1 (<0.3)
    Platelets - 214 (150-450)
    ESR - 2 (1-15)

    Random Glucose - 5.5 (3.6-7.8)
    Sodium - 140 (135-146)
    Potassium - 5.3 (3.6-5.5)
    Chloride - 99 (98-110)
    Bicarbonate - 33 (22-32)
    Urea - 5.7 (2.2-8.3)
    Creat. - 107 (60-120)
    eGFR - 74 (>89)
    Total Protein - 77 (63-80)
    Albumin - 52 (37-50)
    Globulin - 25 (20-36)
    ALP - 87 (25-110)
    GGT - 26 (10-49)
    ALT - 43 (5-40)
    AST - 31 (5-40)
    LDH - 163 (100-310)
    T Bilirubin - 29 (1-20)

    T.Testosterone - 9.5 (12-32)
    FSH - 1.8 (1-10)
    LH - 3.9 (2-12)
    TSH - 3.9 (0.4-3.5)
    Free T4 - 14.7 (10-23)

    T.Testosterone - 12 (12-32)
    FSH - 1.9 (1-10)
    LH - 5.2 (2-12)
    Prolactin - 297 (<380)
    Growth Hormone - <0.5 (no range)
    IGF-1 - 42nmol/L (15-43)

    TSH - 3.8 (0.4-3.5)
    Free T4 - 13.9 (10-23)
    Microsomal Ab - 10 (0-35)
    Thyroglobulin Ab - 10 (0-115)

    Iron - 13.9 (9.5-29.9)
    Transferin - 2.4 (2-3.6)
    Trans Sat - 29% (18-46)
    Ferritin - 108 (30-400)

    T.Testosterone - 8.08 (5.6-23.6)
    FSH - 2.2 (0-9)
    LH - 2.5 (1-7)
    Prolactin - 246 (0-372)
    GH - <0.2 (0-10)
    IGF-1 - 39 (13-47)
    25 OH Vit D - 72 (31-107)

    Sodium - 139 (135-145)
    Potassium - 4.1 (3.6-5.1)
    Chloride - 99 (95-107)
    Hco3 - 30 (22-32)
    Urea - 7.4 (2.9-7.1)
    Creatinine - 93 (60-110)
    GFR - 86 (no range specified)
    Protein - 73 (61-79)
    Albumin - 45 (33-38)
    Bili Total - 21 (0-25)
    ALP - 75 (38-126)
    ALT - 46 (<45)
    AST - 34 (<45)
    GGT - 31 (0-50)
    Calcium - 2.41 (2.25-2.58)
    Ca Corr - 2.31 (2.25-2.58)
    Magnesium - 0.7 (0.74-1.03)

    T.Testosterone - 9.3 (12-32)
    SHBG - 13 (10-73)
    TSH - 6.4 (0.4-3.5)
    Free T4 - 15.3 (10-23)

    TSH - 3.2 (0.4 - 3.5)
    FreeT4 - 15.4 (10-23)
    Free T3 - 4.9 (3.9-6.8)

    Testosterone - 8.5 (8.3-29)
    Free Testosterone - 29.1 (25-120)
    FSH - 2 (<7)
    LH - 1.6 (<7)
    OEST2 - 71 (<150)

    TSH - 5.5 (0.5-4.5)
    FT4 - 16 (10-20)
    FT3 - 4.4 (3.5-6)

    Prolactin - 214 (40-450)
    Serum CRP - <4 (<6)

    Sodium - 137 (135-145)
    Potassium - 4.2 (3.6-5.4)
    Chloride - 99 (97-110)
    Bicarbonate - 24 (21-30)
    Anion Gap - 18 (10-20)
    Urea - 10.9 (2.5-7.5)
    Creatinine - 100 (40-120)
    eGFR - >90
    Bilirubin - 28 (<20)
    AST - 32 (<35)
    ALT - 38 (<40)
    GGT - 12 (<40)
    Alkaline Phosphatase - 69 (35-110)
    Protein - 76 (65-85)
    Albumin - 51 (35-49)
    Globulin - 25 (22-38)

    HB - 151 (130-180)
    RCC - 5.1 (4.5-6.5)
    HCT - 0.45 (0.4-0.54)
    MCV - 87 (79.99)
    MCH - 29 (27-34)
    MCHC - 337 (320-360)
    RDW - 13.8 (10-17)
    PLAT - 200 (150-400)
    WBC - 6.8 (4-11)
    NEUT - 3.7 (2-7.5)
    LYMP - 2.3 (1-4)
    MONO - 0.6 (0.2-1)
    EOS - 0.1 (<0.7)
    BASO - 0.0 (<0.2)

    Fast. Glucose - 5 (3.6-6.0)
    Total Protein - 77 (66-83)
    Albumin - 47 (37-50)
    Globulin - 30 (23-39)
    ALP - 65 (35-110)
    GGT - 15 (5-50)
    ALT - 39 (5-40)
    AST - 27 (10-40)
    LDH - 178 (120-250)
    T Bilirubin - 32 (4-20)

    Haemoglobin - 146 (130-180)
    RCC - 5.2 (4.5-6.5)
    Haematocrit - 0.45 (0.39-0.54)
    MCV - 86 (80-100)
    MCH - 28 (27-32)
    MCHC - 327 (310-360)
    RDW - 13 (10-15)
    WCC - 5.9 (4-11)
    Neutrophils - 3.7 (2-7.5)
    Lymphocytes - 1.7 (1-4)
    Monocytes - 0.5 (0-1)
    Eosinophils - <0.1 (0-0.5)
    Basophils - <0.1 - (0-0.3)
    Platelets - 204 (150-450)

    Vitamin B12 - 604 (>144)
    RBC Folate - 2136 (>776)

    Cholesterol - 5.33 (2.3-5.5
    Triglyceride - 0.43 (0-2)
    HDL - 1.98 (1-3)
    LDL - 3.2 (0.5-3.5)
    Chol/HDL Ratio - 2.7 (0-4.5)

    P-Zinc - 16 (9-19)

    R-U-Creatinine - 5.4 nmol/L (no range given)
    Urine Iodine - 88 (>100 not deficient, 50-100 mild deficiency)

    TSH - 3.9 (0.4-3.5)
    Free T4 - 14.6 (10-23)

    TSH - 3.5 (0.4-3.5)
    Free T4 - 15.8 (10-23)
    Microsomal Ab - 5 (0-35)
    Thyroglobulin Ab - <30 (0-115)

    Sodium - 140 (135-145)
    Potassium - 4.5 (3.5-4.5)
    Chloride - 101 (95-110)
    Bicarbonate - 27 (20-32)
    Urea - 10 (3.0-7.5) High
    Creat. - 93 (60-110)
    eGFR - >90 (>89)
    Total Protein - 73 (66-83)
    Albumin - 45 (36-47)
    Globulin - 28 (26-41)
    ALP - 58 (35-110)
    GGT - 14 (5-50)
    ALT - 33 (5-40)
    AST - 25 (10-40)
    LDH - 145 (120-250)
    T Bilirubin - 20 (4-20)

    Haemoglobin - 148 (130-180
    RCC - 5.1 (4.5-6.5)
    Haemotocrit - 0.44 (0.39-0.54)
    MCV - 88 (80-100)
    MCH - 29 (27-32)
    MCHC - 333 (310-360)
    RDW - 12 (10-15)
    WCC - 6 (4-11)
    Neutrophils - 3.6 (2.0-7.5)
    Lymphocytes - 1.8 (1-4)
    Monocytes - 0.5 (0-1)
    Eosinphils - 0.1 (0-0.5)
    Basophils - <0.1 (0-0.3)
    Platelets - 183 (150-450)
    ESR - 2 (1-10)

    C Reactive Protein - 0 (0-5)

    EBV VCA IgG - Detected
    EBVNA - Detected
    EBV IgM - Not Detected
    Evidence of past, not present EBV infection


    Total Protein - 68 (6-83)
    Albumin - 44 (36-47)
    Alpha 1 - 2 (1-3)
    Alpha 2 - 6 (4-10)
    Beta - 6 (5-11)
    Gamma - 10 (7-16)

    Cortisol - 433 (100-690) 9am reading

    IgG - 11.3 (6.2-14.4)
    IgA - 1.02 (1.24-4.16)
    IgM - 0.64 (0.48-3.1)

    RF Latex - 2 (0-13)


    ACTH - 4.9 (1.6-14)

    Testosterone - 11.5 (11.5-32)
    Free Test - 274 (260-740)
    SHBG - 23 (10-73)
    DHEAS - 8.1 (2-11)
    FSH - 1.8 (1-10)
    LH - 2.3 (2-12)
    TSH - 6.8 (0.4-3.5)

    Androsterone Glucuronide - 144 (108-158)

    Also had cortisol tested 8am, 12pm and 4pm. All were somewhere in the 500nmol/l range with the ranges being 100-690 for am readings and 100-400 for pm. So my cortisol was elevated throughout the day.

    Had a skull xray (not MRI) to determine if there was any expansion of the pituitary area. It was determined that it appears normal.

    If you managed to get through all of that thanks.

    What else do I need to get checked?
    Last edited by Ace111; 01-05-2014 at 09:54 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    I'll add some stats since I've lost weight since posting here the first time around- 5'8, 165lb, <15% bodyfat. Weight train 3-4x/week. Get enough calories to maintain, diet is 'clean' (occasionally eat a piece of junk food). Losing the weight (40-45lb) hasn't changed anything and my testosterone (total and free) has stayed pretty much the same. LH and FSH are constantly low-normal.

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