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Thread: Any of the members here. ..

  1. #1
    hawk14dl's Avatar
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    Any of the members here. ..

    Is anyone in here going through I'm thinking of getting my tests done and go with their program if I'm eligible. I just wanted to hear some first hand experiences and possibly ask some questions.

  2. #2
    64509chvl's Avatar
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    Yes...I've been with them for just about 3 months now! I'm happy with them so far! Very knowledgable staff & there is always somebody to talk to especially in the beginning when you have a thousand questions !

    Getting started was very easy, painless & fast! When I finally made my decision to move forward with TRT, I think from the day I said I do on the phone with them I had a visit with their physician in my area in about a weeks time to go over my initial bloods...then had meds to my door a few days later!

    I got used to talkin with LowT Mike on the phone but he has left the company...I've been talking to Justin the last couple times & he's a lot if help aswell!

    Don't anyone take this the wrong way as I'm trying to be completely honest here, buta couple things I wish we're diferent are...I wish they used E2 sensitive assay rather than the standard E2 test for females. Other thing is in the beginning, it takes a few adjustments to get dialed in, or it has for me anyway...gettin close, but not there yet! Problem with this is you need blood work after adjusting your dose, or you should atleast! So after the 6 week bloods there isn't another blood pull for another 6 months...I just think that there should be a couple more blood pulls after the first 6 weeks if dose adjustments are made! Then 6 months in between should be no problem.

    This wouldn't be a deal breaker for me as I really like everything else about them, but just expect to pay for a blood pull or two out of your pocket in the beginning. I don't know if others are the same way but chances are...prolly are. I would recommend to any friend or family member of mine that needed help without hesitation!

  3. #3
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    I know a bunch are. Give it time. They'll chime in.
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

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    Metalject's Avatar
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    I use them. No complaints. This is my 4th doctor/group/program....whatever you want to call it. Pretty hassle free IMO, which is one of the biggest selling points for me. Well, that and I haven't had to pay anything that I didn't expect to pay. I've had that happen in the past and it's annoying when it does. Anyway, everything's pretty cut and dry and to the point, which I like.

    Blood work, I guess the best way to look at it is when you signup and pay you know what you're paying for. You know you get three blood test the first year. That's what's included. If you want more, you can buy more. I've bought one extra one so far so that I could get some other things looked at, IGF-1, cortisol, D3, etc. The price is decent for extra labs. I'm sure I could save a few bucks going with an online lab but again the convenience of keeping it all in the same place is easier and it's just not worth the hassle to save $10-$20 on a stupid lab.

    One last thought, the estradiol deal. I don't mind the standard vs. sensitive. Personally, I worry more about how I feel than numbers. I used to get bogged down in the numbers game, especially with testosterone but that was dumb IMO. Currently, my plan is going as smooth as possible. I use less testosterone than I ever have, no AI and a little more HCG than previous periods. Feel good, no complaints.

  5. #5
    LFH40's Avatar
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    Love 'em! Like KelKel said, there will be more chiming in. I'm one of them. I started in October so I'm hovering close to the 3 month mark. I feel better than ever (despite having shoulder and bicep surgery a week ago today..) But aside from INJURY, my hormonal situation is going well. I still don't know if it's too early to tell whether or not I'm "dialed in" as we say, but I know I'm DEFINITELY feeling better. Low T has a great service and I have never been let down by them yet. Their customer service is top notch. Rosie, Justin, and Robert are the ones I've dealt with there and I've called them and emailed them almost constantly during these initial few months and they're simply wonderful. They are super prompt with getting back to me on all my concerns and questions.

    I also wish they did the sensitive assay as well. I had high E2 on the standard and I had some nipple issues (as embarrassing as it sounds) and I ended up on an AI prescribed by my low t doc after the 6 week blood work and I've been on it for a few weeks now and it seems to be helping. I will have to buy my own E2 sensitive assay test in a couple weeks to see exactly where I'm at. I don't really know how I should "feel" at this point, however, I'm waking with erections which I've never had for years and I'm having a super high libido which was not very strong and when it was, I couldn't sustain long enough to finish the "job." which is NOT an issue now. So something must be going right.

    The only aspect I can't really tell YET is in the body building department. About 2 weeks prior to starting TRT with Low T, I hurt myself on the job and tore my labrum in my shoulder and my bicep and needed it scoped. I haven't done much in the weights dept. outside of pre-hab before surgery and that was not enough to build muscle. I was athletically cut beforehand and I was fitting in a 30" waist and some jeans were a 32". I'm still in the 32" jeans and somewhat cut in my abs area still, but I have to eat correctly or otherwise I start seeing a decline. I think the TRT has been helping me not put extra on the waist.

    But off of my tangent, sorry, yes, I am really happy with Low and I spent months prior to going with them seeking out my GP, endo, urologist to no avail and nobody had any other answer besides to slap androgel on my shoulders with no HCG and no AI. That wasn't gonna fly. Can't say enough good things about them and I hope to GOD that nothing ever happens where they go out of business or close up shoppe because that would be just devastating to me. I often think about that and what I would do if Low ceased to exist.

  6. #6
    hawk14dl's Avatar
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    For those of you that switched from another service, so you like them better? I'd you were going through insurance,and now are through private pay with lowt, is there much difference in the cost?

  7. #7
    jay adams is offline Associate Member
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    The price has gone up not going the insurance rout anymore. BUT, there's no way my general doc could've dialed me in like low t. I was paying 80 bucks for two months worth of test through insurance but that's it. With low t I'm able to get hcg and anastrazole also.

    It would be cool like the poster above said if there was more blood work in the beginning to get you dialed in. That's not that big of a deal cause you can pay for extra blood tests on top of the ones you're already paying for to help dial you in. Or if you get a real cool doc from low t like I have (he writes me blood tests whenever I want them and my insurance covers it).

    Very good company. Hope they're around for the rest of my days.

  8. #8
    hawk14dl's Avatar
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    Anyone else care to share their experiences?

  9. #9
    hawk14dl's Avatar
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    Another question, this applies to anyone on trt.. I just saw on a site that chronic joint and backpain may be due to lowt. It says lower back, hips, knees, and feet are locations of common soreness associated with lowt. Well, low back pain has always been a problem for me. I assumed it was genetics, my dad's side of the family all have back problems. I have recently (last year ish) started having bad knee soreness and occasionally hip soreness. Never have had foot or ankle soreness. Has anyone been cured of such chronic soreness? If so,that may be the final determining factor that pushes me over the edge. I hate being in pain every day, and glucosamine hasn't even touched it. Please reply if you've ever experience relief from those sort of pains.

  10. #10
    64509chvl's Avatar
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    I can attribute to this & it surprised me! I hope it's the TRT that did it & doesn't show up again, lol!

    I had lower back pain...not horrible but noticeable. I also had aches on my feet...I guess it would be called the "Palm" area, the whole pad area behind all my toes would ache, sometimes worse than others.

    Well I didn't realize it till about a couple weeks ago but both of those ache & pain areas have subsided greatly...I don't think I've noticed much pain from either in about 5-6 weeks. I've never had a stretch that long without thinking about it.

    Of coarse I will be sore in my lower back area here & there from pushing hard doing Romanian dead lifts but now I can tell the diference between that & what used to always linger!

    Best thing though is my lower back doesn't feel stiff or overly tight waking up anymore...we bought a Tempur Pedic bed a couple years ago & it helped quite a bit, but not completely.

    Oh another big one for me was my left shoulder...I've always had to be very careful with my form on my presses. Sometimes I would have to take overly extended de-loads from pressing lifts so I didn't wipe it out! After about 4-5 weeks I haven't noticed anything from my shoulder & I've been lifting/pushing harder than I ever have in the last 2 years! Feels really good
    Last edited by 64509chvl; 01-10-2014 at 10:54 AM.

  11. #11
    2Sox's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hawk14dl View Post
    Another question, this applies to anyone on trt.. I just saw on a site that chronic joint and backpain may be due to lowt. It says lower back, hips, knees, and feet are locations of common soreness associated with lowt. Well, low back pain has always been a problem for me. I assumed it was genetics, my dad's side of the family all have back problems. I have recently (last year ish) started having bad knee soreness and occasionally hip soreness. Never have had foot or ankle soreness. Has anyone been cured of such chronic soreness? If so,that may be the final determining factor that pushes me over the edge. I hate being in pain every day, and glucosamine hasn't even touched it. Please reply if you've ever experience relief from those sort of pains.
    Testosterone never did a thing for my lower back pain OR my feet pain. That's probably because I'm 66 and ran 35 miles/week for twenty years.

    The kind of pain you're describing can come from so many sources; age, work, stress, diet, sitting for long periods, standing for long periods - maybe genetics, but I never heard of that. No doubt TRT greatly improves the quality of life for all of us on it, but it's not a panacea for all that ails.
    Last edited by 2Sox; 01-10-2014 at 04:05 PM.
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  12. #12
    2Sox's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 2Sox View Post
    Testosterone never did a thing for my lower back pain OR my feet pain. That's probably because I'm 66 and ran 35 miles/week for twenty years.

    The kind of pain you're describing can come from so many sources; age, work, stress, diet, sitting for long periods, standing for long periods - maybe genetics, but I never heard of that. No doubt TRT greatly improves the quality of life for all of us on it, but it's not a panacea for all that ails.
    By the way, did you know that antihistamines and decongestants can wreak havoc on your back, in particular? From my knowledge, by their very nature these common medications remove moisture from the body, including from spinal fluid and the prostate. I'd suggest that anyone who has taken these think back and see if you had back problems at these times. I can remember a time when I was taking pseudophed for a few days and had such an attack of lower back pain, I was hardly able to straighten up. (And this was years ago.) And these meds can make it very hard to urinate - even if you're a YOUNG man. It was not until years later that I learned about these facts and made the connection between these meds and my body's response to them.

  13. #13
    64509chvl's Avatar
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    Interesting...good info sox!

  14. #14
    Low Testosterone is offline ~ HRT Specialist ~
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    Those of you that have shared, thank you for the kind words.

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    Rrexy is offline Junior Member
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    Getting my blood work done tomorrow AM.
    Never had blood work done for Test numbers before so I have no idea what to expect.
    Looking forward to the results!

  16. #16
    hawk14dl's Avatar
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    Looks like I'll be going to my dr, low t won't treat under 30. I am 28.

  17. #17
    64509chvl's Avatar
    64509chvl is offline Associate Member
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    Sorry to hear that bud. I hope you can work together with your doc and get the hormones in check! You've got the fellas here aswell

  18. #18
    Low Testosterone is offline ~ HRT Specialist ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by hawk14dl View Post
    Looks like I'll be going to my dr, low t won't treat under 30. I am 28.
    If you have a prior lowt diagnosis, have had or MRI or answer yes to any of these questions, we may be able to offer you service:

    *Past anabolic steroid use
    *Past opiate use (excess)
    *Long term antidepressant use
    *Head or testicular trauma with medical documentation

    I've also sent you a private message.

  19. #19
    hawk14dl's Avatar
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    Thanks, I've replied to your pm. Looks like I'll have to wait a year anda half to see you guys.

  20. #20
    Low Testosterone is offline ~ HRT Specialist ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by hawk14dl View Post
    Thanks, I've replied to your pm. Looks like I'll have to wait a year anda half to see you guys.
    Maybe, but maybe not. I've responded to your PM.

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