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  1. #1
    johnk271 is offline New Member
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    Aromasin vs Arimidex

    Hey guys, new to posting but I have been a lurker for about a year now. was diagnosed with Low T with a level in the low 400s in July and took going to 3 seperate doctors to find one that would help. 21 years old and my whole life I have been overweight with man boobs(which irealized was gyno in May of this year) even though i raced motocrosa and bmx my whole life and was more active then all of my skinny friends were. Yes, i ate like crap but most kids can eat like crap and get away with it.
    So Ive been on TRT since october 7 and its is AWESOME. Ive never felt like this my whole life and thats pretty sad to say considering Im only 21. The last year I felt horrible, couldnt get erections and was borderline depressed. And now Im full of life and loving life! Ive been a gym rat since i was 14 but have never been able to shake the fat no matter how hard i worked and how good I ate. I love the gym and I love working out and now on TRT LOVE it even more. Anyways, sorry for the read but now my question.

    TRT protocol: 100mg Test Cyp2x a week
    hcg 250iu 2x a week
    and Arimidex 2mg a week (dont say im overdosing, im a heavy aromatizer with pre existing gyno, trust me, i need it)
    Ive never had joint pain or low libido from low E2, only sensitive nips and no libido from high E2.
    The last month or so though I noticed the 2mg wasnt doing the trick anymore. I could do a shot Sunday night, take 1 mg 12-24 hours later, feel great(libido, energy) but then the next day or day after would show signs of high E2 again, low libido, bloat etc, so i started cutting the pills in 1/4s and taking an extra 1/4 whenever i needed it. seemed like a total of 2.5 mgs a week spread out did the trick but I didnt want to take that much of the stuff knowing its harsh on the liver and Im going to be taking it a looooong time considering Im only 21, so I contacted my Dr to switch to Aromasin , we did, and Ive been on 25mgs ED since last week

    Now, heres the kicker. I feel amazing. Way better than when on Adex, libido is always there (girlfriend LOVES IT) and I have almost zero bloat, my moon face is gone for the first time since October! wahoo! Bad part? My nips burn and are sensitive, even on 25mgs a day. Dr said give it another couple weeks and see how it does before we change anything, but, what if the gyno gets worse? Than that problem is even worse and as a guy the last thing i want is boobs. (or should i say, bigger boobs...) so whats the deal? stick with the Aromasin for a couple weeks and hope it settles down the gyno? Ive read it takes a good week to fully kick in but im gettin a lil worried now that its been a week and my nips are still sensitive.

    Sorry for the rambling btw

  2. #2
    GSXRvi6 is offline Member
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    Throw some tamoxifen in until you think the Aromisin is fully working and/or reduce test.

    Also, how over weight are you? more fat = more estrogen conversion
    Last edited by GSXRvi6; 01-15-2014 at 12:04 AM.

  3. #3
    bullshark99 is offline Senior Member
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    Tamoxifen may be the answer but a simpler approach may be to from your Tes down to 150 and see how you feel. I get so sick of reading it here " less is more" in the TRT world but you may be surprised, just a thought.

  4. #4
    johnk271 is offline New Member
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    I would down the test, but 200mgs is putting me in the low 900s, so I honestly don't think less would be more...maybe i dont know.

    Not too overweight honestly. 5'9 at around 200lbs but Im pretty strong and have a very solid amount of muslce on me. Couldnt tell you exact body fat but my upper abs are barely visible, maybe 15-18%? i just have some love handles and chest fat left. I have a stocky build.
    I can bench 315 with perfect form if that tells you anything. Dont ask about squats or deadlifts tho, because i stay light (225-315) with those lifts and just do 8-15 reps because i have hip alignment issues that i need to fully correct before i go really heavy with those lifts.

    And yeah i was thinking tamoxifen or raloxifene as well, just dont think the dr would prescribe it so Id probably have to hit up some friends at the gym for some. Or the site sponsor

  5. #5
    38onTRT's Avatar
    38onTRT is offline Associate Member
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    I absolutely LOVE Aromasin compared to A-Dex.. For me, there is no comparison, however,,, I have no issues with Gyno, either...

    For me, Aromasin isnt as "harsh" as a-dex as I can regulate my E2 better with it.. A-dex is a really powerful drug and IMHO, shouldnt be used longterm in regulating E2 in MEN..

  6. #6
    GSXRvi6 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by johnk271 View Post
    I would down the test, but 200mgs is putting me in the low 900s, so I honestly don't think less would be more...maybe i dont know.

    Not too overweight honestly. 5'9 at around 200lbs but Im pretty strong and have a very solid amount of muslce on me. Couldnt tell you exact body fat but my upper abs are barely visible, maybe 15-18%? i just have some love handles and chest fat left. I have a stocky build.
    I can bench 315 with perfect form if that tells you anything. Dont ask about squats or deadlifts tho, because i stay light (225-315) with those lifts and just do 8-15 reps because i have hip alignment issues that i need to fully correct before i go really heavy with those lifts.

    And yeah i was thinking tamoxifen or raloxifene as well, just dont think the dr would prescribe it so Id probably have to hit up some friends at the gym for some. Or the site sponsor
    They are not saying less is more from the standpoint it will raise your test levels by lowering your dose. 200mg per week is a hefty TRT dose, I'd be SHOCKED if you didn't run your RBC up on that much test.

    Your in the 900's that may be "too much" for your body to run at homeostasis. Think about it, lets say you back your test down, your levels drop to around 750 (what about your free T?????) and everything still works fine except you no longer have estrogen or gyno issues, doesn't that sound better than taking more drugs?

  7. #7
    johnk271 is offline New Member
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    My RBC and liver values etc were perfect after the first blood test so Im not worried about that right now, and yes i agree less can be more the only thing im worried about is the fact that I feel amazing in 99% of everything, its just the gyno crap, and to be honest its really not that bad, I just want to be sure it doesnt get worse. And I wonder if I dropped the dose might I not feel as good maybe? I don't know...

    I have bloodwork coming up in early to mid February so we'll see where Im at then, if E2 is high after that test while taking 25mgs a day of Asin then I will definitely back down on test.

    Main reason for my post was to ask if anyone has had this problem with Asin vs Adex? I find it so strange that on Adex my nips were fine, but I was bloated and had mental fog (Highly doubt my E2 was too low because joints felt perfect and lib ido would get better whenever i felt i needed to take another 1/4 of a pill) but on Asin I feel awesome, no mental fog, workouts are better, no more moon face or bloat at all really and my lib ido is the best its been in my whole life, but, my nips are sensitive....thats whats confusing me....

  8. #8
    GSXRvi6 is offline Member
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    I've never had any issues with adex on doses higher than 200mg/wk of test, not having any issues with aromisin either on doses much higher than 200mg/wk.

    I'm not E2 or gyno prone either tho

    It takes time for RBC to climb up. My bodies "happy state" is around 700 and 22 free (on a scale of 25) I have no estrogen, RBC and no other support drugs are required. When I was on 200 my RBC slowly crept up, I did not run AI but never had any problems with gyno or estrogen related symptoms that I could tell.

    I'd back down the test if it were me, at least to 150mg/wk run it for 6 weeks, test levels and E2. If you already have gyno my understanding is it will continue to grow, hence SERM's are used for reversal.

  9. #9
    johnk271 is offline New Member
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    GSXR- you lucky dog, no E2 or gyno issues haha.
    Ill give the Asin another week and if nips still hurt ill lower test to 160mg. Although my nips are much better today so maybe i panicked too quickly! lol. I appreciate your advice and you are probably right. Thanks bud

  10. #10
    Low Testosterone is offline ~ HRT Specialist ~
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    Interesting read on aromasin by Nelson Vergel. Post number 5
    Aromatase inhibitors other than arimidex?

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