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Thread: My E2 dramatically changed by itself. What to make of it?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    My E2 dramatically changed by itself. What to make of it?

    I'm not really sure what to make of this, but thought maybe somebody would have an idea.

    Pre TRT- my Test was low, and E2 was on the higher end of the normal range consistantly.

    On TRT- I could never control E2, and finally got off TRT, because I was sick of trying to control it with AI's.

    Post TRT- My Test is low again (~350, with below normal free test), however my E2 is below the normal range as well. E2 as never been low before.... Always high.

    The things that have changed in that time frame are

    1) I've focused on getting iron level up higher.
    2) I've been taking Vitamins A, B, C, D, E, and fish oil to help inflammation.
    3) I've been taking an SSRI.

    Also, of note, it seems like my cortisol is a bit higher than it use to be.

    I'm just curious, because I'm thinking I might as well go back on TRT if my E2 is going to be controlable this time.

  2. #2
    I don't know how long you were on TRT before you got off and how you tried to control it. I know of people who took months/blood work to finally find a combination of T and anti E that worked for them. Usually, when T goes up, E goes up as well. If you T took a dive I would assume your E would take a dive as well. Don't know when the BW was taken after getting off T. That would have some sort of effect.

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