Veterans Admin Endo laughable experience :
Read Statements to set me straight right off the bat !
1) Before you start I have read your blood work and make sure you understand I am the Dr. and you are the patient and you will do what I tell you or we will send you to the Psychologist !
2) Hormone therapy has noting to do with making you feel good it is about you having your Testosterone reading in the low end of normal for a elderly man of 54 years old !
3) A man you age is supposed to feel older and that is because lower testosterone levels are normal is just what it says the low end of the normal range for elderly men !
4) What you want me to prescribe and what I tell you to take may not be anywhere close to what you think is good but I am a Dr. and you are here because you need help and I am a professional !
5) No I do not prescribe estrogen blockers like you are now taking and if you were not taking to much Testosterone you would not need an Estrogen Inhibitor !
6) Normal for a 54 year old man has was and always will be no more than 350 possibly 400 Free Testosterone max and you don't need injection at your age the gels or patches will get you into normal range !
7) How old are you ( Like he did not know he had told me several time already ) . Unless you plan to have more children and need to be more fertile there is no reason to inject HCG into you body this is just plain foolish !
8) I see here where your MD prescribed you to inject 200 mg every other week and you inject every 3.5 days ? You should never change the prescription of a Dr. without checking with him 1st 1 injection EOW is fine !
9) Do you think you are a bodybuilder because I do not supply steroids for them to be abused and for an elderly man like you all you will ever need is a quality gel and I know you are going to say they are expensive ,(THEY ARE FREE HERE) and you will thank me for all of the direction I am going to be giving you and I will probably save your life and prevent a heart attackInjectable Hormones are for younger men !
10) Optionminal Testosterone level are not important as long as I can get you into the bottom of the normal range for a 54 year old is fine !
11) He made it a point and stressed that feeling good like I do now was not important that waht was important is to have a small amount of Testorone and no HCG and no Estrogen blocker and again he stresed I would not feel a lot better but if a little Testosterone supplement in a gel could get me motivated enough to get me out of the bed and assist in me not being depressed this was good enough and healthy ? I am still seeking advise since I have to go back and see the shrink who will have a little chart and told that I am addicted to Steroids and to fix me ? I do not want to be fixed I want to be in my optiminial range and feel as good as possible and I can't get a Dr. to get me out of the 300's and with all the opiates this is not igh enough to make me feel good mentally ? This Dr. went own to tell me I had no idea how many men he saw that thought like I did and sometimes he never was able to treat them ? Well meet me ! BUT IN THE MEAN WHILE i HAVE TO DEAL WITH THE SHRINK AND ALL HIS BS !
12) Just a few that I still remember . He went on this rant for about 20 minutes ?
Questions Dr. Asked me and the answers when he even allowed me to answer !
1) DOC :Why did you ever start Testosterone Replacement Therapy ? ME : "My Testosterone level was 78 and taking high dosage of opiates at the age of 51." DOC : You should have never been put on 200 mg EOW of an injectable ! ME : " I was scripted the Andro gel for 6 mths and my Testosterone level did not change , only my Estrogen level went up ?" DOC : That is impossible !
2) DOC : What do you think your level should be ? ME: I was hoping you would tell me but from what I know there is no set # all me are different, I was hoping around 600 to 700 "? DOC : That is what I thought you would say ! Get this straight we are not giving away steroids to help old men pretend like they are body builders !
3) DOC : Why are you taking all these supplements ? DHEA, Pregnenolone, D-3 Selegiline, Zinc, Magnesium, MSM, and the HCG you say that your Dr will not prescribe ? Where are you getting these some are prescription compounds ? I said off-line and from labs in India these are the strict proticall's used by some of the more professional TRT clinics in the USA and FDA approved and Medical Board approved also " I will not even bother the rant this sent him on let's just say I thought he was having roid rage to the max and I was looking for the door ". DOC : added It's ppl like you and all these compounds that you said you are back loading your passage ways with that cause your blood work to have false reading and there is no way to tell what your real levels are !
4) DOC : Do you realize that you have Over dosed on Testosterone and could have a heart attack any minute , or a stroke, or blood clots and your liver is most likely destroyed ? "ME: Doc I don't think we are going to be able to work together and I want to see another Dr ! DOC: What do you think I am not good enough or do you think you know more than me ? ME : No sir I think you are ****in off you rocker and you need professional assistance with your anger and also need to go back to school ! I am not in the Marines any more and I don't have to listen to this BS from you so if you will excuse me ?
5) Now I have to see the shrink and will get drilled as to why I am addicted to steroids ?
My questions to him and the ones he would answer !
1) Why do you say that Cypionate Injection should be taken EOW Considering the half life ?
2) Why do you say back loading messes with your blood work panels ?
3) Why in the world do you say old men should not feel good and being in normal range is all that matter ?
4) Why do you say that if Estrogen level is to high then you are taking to much Testosterone ?
5) Why are you against HCG . When I know it makes me feel better and keeps my jewels from hurting ?
6) Why are you even here if you have a predetermined explanation before meeting the patient
The BS answers he gave to question he had no idea what I was asking !
1) Oh my RBC is high and he is totally against donating blood or theripudic blood draws . Big suprise ? 5.5 and the VA test did not show a normal range just high ? Is this way high or still low enough to do a Red Cross Donation ?
2) At this point I was so over this man and upset I even forgot all of the BS answers he gave . I was lucky to find another Dr. that doesn't even understand BW or the difference between optimum ranges and normal ranges ?
Steer clear of the VA or you will be labeled a nut for desiring to feel good andon a well balance TRT