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At what cost? Everything our gov't is involved in automatically includes massive inefficiency, waste, fraud and corruption. Everything. Unsubstantiated generalization.
There are things government does well, but 17trillion in debt strongly lends to the idea of massive waste. As far as fraud and corruption, I don't care who's in power, I don't see how anyone could argue that the government isn't anything but fraud and corruption. That's not to say there are no good people in government, but, and yes this is my opinion, the American system of government is a disastrous mess and nowhere close does it resemble what it was intended to be. The mere fact that we're discussing this on a federal level and that states aren't allowed to decide this for themselves is proof of that.
That's why they should be limited to only services that are absolutely essential for them to provide. Opinion. State it as such
It's hard to argue against, the constitution largely prohibits government more than it allows them and sets in place very few and limited things it can do...speaking of the federal government only. And in recent times, Obama has recognized this, called the constitution a document of negative liberties and one that should be corrected with affirmative rights. But that would do away with what we have and create something new...which in many ways has already been done as the constitution is not often followed anymore. But the basis of the constitution is of the basis of nature's God. It doesn't not matter if you believe in God or not, that is the basis...even Thomas Paine, an ardent atheist understood this and was one of the very reasons he wrote common sense. And yes, many things in the constitution, following it to the letter, we can argue that if that's the right path it is a matter of opinion, but those that believe so simply believe it is common sense.
The reason our health care system is so ungodly expensive is because of gov't regulation and intervention. Another unsubstantiated generalization with an opinion thrown in. Now we what them even more involved? Lunacy. Opinion Government is partially (if not largely) to blame. The court system that allows ambulance chasing lawyers, that's driven the cost up. Regulation that has made it impossible to buy insurance across state lines has driven the cost up. And a massive one, an FDA that allows the board members of the big pharma companies to hold the top spots at the FDA, they basically play a game of never ending musical chairs, that is perhaps the biggest problem of all and that is 100% government.