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That's definitely an option, and I've often said the same thing to people. But, there's also the idea of changing the country. For example, when it all started, those that opposed British rule could have left and gone somewhere else, no one was stopping them, and some may have very well left, who knows. But it's hard to deny, America is a far cry from what it once was.
I was watching a little of the coverage of the anniversary of the Boston terror attack. They were talking about how strong the city was, how the people stood up to the terror, etc. I immediately thought, "what a load of crap." The city went on lock down, a militarized police force roamed the street and we smiled about it. It was one of the most un-American things I've ever seen.
Taxes - half the country pays 20-40% of their income to the government. That's not including all the hidden taxes, sales tax, state taxes, etc. In no way was that ever intended for the U.S. and on its basis contradicts one of the two primary reasons the U.S. became a sovereign nation.
Reason number 2 - liberty. Can anyone honestly say liberty is upheld to its fullest extent in the U.S. anymore? Is it better than a lot of other places? Of course, but that doesn't mean anything. Your money is taken, you are regulated into the ground at every turn. And heaven forbid, don't use the word God in the wrong place, you might offend someone and cause them irreversible suffering. And your opinions on anything, social matters, they better be approved or you deserve to be humiliated and made a fool. Oh, and you have low testosterone? Well we will decide how we let you handle that. That's what the U.S. is becoming "we will decide" not you, because you are not smart enough or capable of making your own decisions. How about a police force that is rapidly becoming an army that doesn't serve the people but rules the people? Most respect the police out of fear. And last but not least, our leaders, the so-called "public servants." You cannot rule over men and serve, that's the ultimate contradiction.
You can still love your country and hate what it's becoming. You still have the liberty to do that, thankfully.