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Thread: Study on Test's effect on depression. Interesting

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Study on Test's effect on depression. Interesting

    I saw this study and thought Id share it. Might be the reason why that despite my T levels have increased, my "anhedonia" (like the study calls it) has not vanished.

    Testosterone prevents but not reverses anhedonia ... [Horm Behav. 2012] - PubMed - NCBI

    "Testosterone prevents but not reverses anhedonia in middle-aged males and lacks an effect on stress vulnerability in young adults."

    It basically says that having Low T puts you at greater risk for depression/anhedonia. Which makes sense for me, when my symptoms started I was in the 300s. It goes on to say that adding testosterone does not go on to solve the problem. It only helps prevent the problem if it isnt there yet.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Asia but not Asian.
    During my 12 years in the Navy I was a stud. Most positive attitude of anyone, always smiling and happy, tuning my 79 Trans Am and 91 Mustang 5.0 5-speed GT with much intensity. About 6 years ago, I can almost tell you the month it happened, it all went south. My military training had me put the smile on but I did not want to get out of my hole, energy levels zip. Two weeks on TrT and it all went back to like when I was 18. Everyone wanted to know wth happened to do an 180 from negative to positive in almost every aspect of my life. I know what the report says from your link and understand scientific research says x y z..but..

    It is my belief that when it comes to testosterone EVERYONE is different. Found out my good friend in the States is on TrT and he was 250 range and he takes .15 gram weekly. I was under 100 and take .09 to get the same "normal" feeling he gets from his treatment.

    Maybe what I had was not depression but side effect of low test. Clinical depression might be considered different critter.

  3. #3
    Nice post. There is definitely an effect there, although I'm not sure how well it's been studied. In my experience, one of the biggest boosts in mood I've ever gotten was from transdermal DHEA. I'm not sure what the mechanism is for hormones and their effect on mood.

  4. #4
    I believe that low T is going to cause depression in most. But high levels alone will not rid you of depression. It will rid any physiological need to be depressed but you always need to have your mind in the right place. This is why HRT isn't very effective for most people with mental disorders.

    I'm going through pct and getting depressed here and there but my mindset is by far the greatest weapon against it. I was depressed from 17-22 before TRT, got on and my mind still never felt quite right. Then I just changed my mindset and snapped out of the depression, and even though I'm off TRT now at 23 I'm feeling great mentally.

    Not sure if I worded that properly but I think you'll understand.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    South Fla
    Most men who develop low t can be depressed due to low t for the simple fact that testosterone is what makes us men. Once that goes down a lot of things develop. The younger it happens the more the damage. That is why if your depression is from that it will reverse once t levels are restored. If your depression is from elsewhere, then probably not.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by jomamma007 View Post
    I believe that low T is going to cause depression in most. But high levels alone will not rid you of depression. It will rid any physiological need to be depressed but you always need to have your mind in the right place. This is why HRT isn't very effective for most people with mental disorders.

    I'm going through pct and getting depressed here and there but my mindset is by far the greatest weapon against it. I was depressed from 17-22 before TRT, got on and my mind still never felt quite right. Then I just changed my mindset and snapped out of the depression, and even though I'm off TRT now at 23 I'm feeling great mentally.

    Not sure if I worded that properly but I think you'll understand.
    You couldn't have said it any better. I believe what you are implying is that TRT will give us the raw material to improve our lives, our moods, but WE have to make the choice to get better. I feel this is central. I'm posting here a thread on this subject for the benefit of those who have not read it, and who would like to take part in the discussion.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Atlanta GA
    A lot easier to get depressed if you have a broke dick, tired all the time, have no energy, take naps, gain fat, and feel like general crap.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Ontario, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by Ryanmcd View Post
    A lot easier to get depressed if you have a broke dick, tired all the time, have no energy, take naps, gain fat, and feel like general crap.
    Say it like it is, brother!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    South Fla
    Quote Originally Posted by Ryanmcd View Post
    A lot easier to get depressed if you have a broke dick, tired all the time, have no energy, take naps, gain fat, and feel like general crap.
    I remember growing up the word that was used was impotence. That was practically a death like sentence for a man. Today there is trt, V and Cialis. And that is in addition to the other things like Ryanmcd said.

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