Gents hoping you can assist me in a conversation with my Endo. For some background:

Sex: Male
Age: 30
Height: 5'9
Weight: 180
BF: ~13%

I'm not on TRT and have never cycled gear. I did a superdrol based PH about 7 years ago w/o proper PCT and was shutdown pretty hard, but managed to recover (thankfully). There's no excuse, I was younger and dumber.

About a year ago I went to go see my GP with typical low-T symptoms (fatigue, lethargy, depression, concentration issues, irritability, low libido, etc.) At the time the lab results came back "in-range" and I wasn't hypogonadal, but at 366 Total T for a 29yr old, I was at the low end of the range. During this testing, he never looked at Estrogen. He said I wasn't a candidate for TRT based on the cut-offs and age and we both decided to try some lifestyle changes first.

Fast forward to a few months ago. I cleaned up my diet (more fat), been sleeping better (melatonin), lifting better (heavy compound work), getting more sun etc. and managed to get my total T up to 802 at the last test with my GP, but many of the issues, though a bit improved, weren't really resolved. I thought the answer was to try to boost T some more so I started on an OTC stack of DAA, ErasePro, and LeanExtreme. After 6 weeks I started noticing some nipple puffiness and sensitivity (I HAD pubescent gyno and had surgery for it 5 years ago, the entire gland wasn't removed for contouring purposes so re-growth / flare ups can happen - I wasn't freaking out over nothing.) Upon further research, I also learned that DAA has been known to cause gyno flares (very stupid for not researching that first even though I thought OTC AI would have me covered). I dropped all the supps at this point. I went back on ErasePro after week when the symptoms didn't abate and threw in some Inhibit P as well.

Two weeks after initial gyno symptoms, I went see an Endo for a comprehensive blood panel and perhaps get a script for a SERM or AI. Got the results this morning and again everything is "normal:"

TESTOSTERONE ,FREE - 124.9 Range: 35.0-155.0 - pg/mL
•TESTOSTERONE,TOTAL - 766 Range: 250-1100 - ng/dL
•Prolactin - 3 Range: 3-17 - ng/ml
•ESTRADIOL - 36 Range: < OR = 39 - pg/mL
Total estrogens are still pending.

Worth noting: I had ingested ErasePro and Inhibit P roughly 36 hours before the blood was drawn. I expressed concern over this to the doc but he dismissed it saying the compounds would've cleared my system already.

My concern is that given my history, what I thought were Low-T symptoms (last year + currently), and recent gyno scare, I'm concerned my estrogen is still too high and may be the overlooked culprit of my symptoms. I've read anecdotally that men should shoot for a Test/Estro ratio of 30-40 and even as high as 50 to 1. I'd like to make a case to my endo that's backed by some science and I'm hoping you guys (being much better read than I am) can point me to some resources. Even if not, any words of encouragement or personal anecdotes of dealing with Estro issues are still appreciated.

Thanks for reading