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  1. #1
    Chicagotarsier is offline Senior Member
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    Asia but not Asian.

    TRT _ What is the right dose?

    I think the correct answer would be

    1. Lowest possible
    2. Quality of life reinstated
    3. Not outside of range on blood panel or test/estrogen.

    So the actual question is:

    So If Test Cyp injection of 50 x 2 a week gives you the above three items and a Test Cyp injection of 100 x 2 a week gives you the above three items

    Why would you want to go with the lower dose beyond cost? If everything is in spec with blood work would you not want to have a higher testosterone for health considerations. I understand that more is not always better but isn't in spec high test (along with all other things) better than in spec low? I would not think gyno would be a concern. Negative feedback is going to shut down your Axis once you go over 80-100 anyway.

  2. #2
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Because over time it may not work out so well. Higher doses usually lead higher estrogen, not always but over time usually.

    I have known several who felt good at 100mg a week and even better at 200mg a week but over time not so much so they added a little more thinking that would fix things but it got worse and eventually they dropped back down but it took a long time to feel better/normal again.

  3. #3
    Chicagotarsier is offline Senior Member
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    Mar 2014
    Asia but not Asian.
    Thanks man. I appreciate the feedback. I am having to figure out my dose on my own due to my doctor being slightly incompetent and the hospital not having anything other than extremely low dose testosterone . Right now I feel great and my gains are super human on 200 Test Cyp a week. I am getting labs at this level next month and then going to back down to 100 a week for a month and relab to see what the numbers say. After that I have to start watching my sperm was 0 before trt at 68 testosterone. Searching for a specialist to take a look at the family jewels to see if there is an obvious problem.
    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Because over time it may not work out so well. Higher doses usually lead higher estrogen, not always but over time usually.

    I have known several who felt good at 100mg a week and even better at 200mg a week but over time not so much so they added a little more thinking that would fix things but it got worse and eventually they dropped back down but it took a long time to feel better/normal again.

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