Following are my blood work results from 29 January and 5 May. It looks like free testosterone is still in the tank despite significant life style changes. What can you guys conclude from the below? If my free testosterone does not improve, I suppose replacement would be the only option? Can one optimize free T naturally and how long does it take? What about the rest of the blood work?
29 January 14
(SHBG) 32,60nmol/L (reference: 13,0 - 71,0)
Thyroid-stimulating hormone 1,51mcUI/ml. (reference: 0,27 - 4,20)
thyroid hormones 1,42ng/dl. (Reference: 1,00 - 1,70)
Aspartate transaminase (AST) 27,3U/L (Reference: 0,0 - 40,0)
Creatine 1,04mg/dl. (Reference 0,67 - 1,17)
Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) 135,42ug/dl.(Reference: 80,0 - 560,0)
Triglyceride 45,2mg/dl. (Reference 0,0 - 150,0)
Glucose 81,5mg/dl. (Reference 70 – 100)
Cholesterol Total 142,1mg/dl. (Reference 0 – 200)
Cholesterol (HDL) 34,29mg/dl. Abnormal (Reference 40,0 - 60,0)
Cholesterol (LDL) 98,77mg/dl. (Reference 0,0 - 100,0)
Total Testosterone 5,33ng/mL (Reference 280-800)
Free Testosterone 7.1 ng/ml (Reference 8.8-27.00)
Prolactin (PRL) - 8.19 ng/ml (Reference 4.0-15.2)
LH - 7mUl/mL (Reference 1.7-8.6 mlU/mL)
FSH - 3.64mUl/ml (Reference 1.5-12.4 mUl/ml)
Estradiol 15.85 pg/mL (Reference 7.63-42.6)
Vitamin D2 - - I tested 3dl (normal range is above 30dl)
Vitamin D3 - - I tested 23dl (normal range is above 30dl)
5 May 14
Total Testosterone: 5ng (Reference 2.8-8.0)
Free Testosterone: 7.53pg (Reference 8,80-27,00)
Vitamin D 59ng
PSA (Prostate) 0,763 (Reference 0,000-4,500)