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Thread: Recent and Past Lab Results - Please analyze

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2014

    Recent and Past Lab Results - Please analyze

    Following are my blood work results from 29 January and 5 May. It looks like free testosterone is still in the tank despite significant life style changes. What can you guys conclude from the below? If my free testosterone does not improve, I suppose replacement would be the only option? Can one optimize free T naturally and how long does it take? What about the rest of the blood work?

    29 January 14

    (SHBG) 32,60nmol/L (reference: 13,0 - 71,0)
    Thyroid-stimulating hormone 1,51mcUI/ml. (reference: 0,27 - 4,20)
    thyroid hormones 1,42ng/dl. (Reference: 1,00 - 1,70)
    Aspartate transaminase (AST) 27,3U/L (Reference: 0,0 - 40,0)
    Creatine 1,04mg/dl. (Reference 0,67 - 1,17)
    Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) 135,42ug/dl.(Reference: 80,0 - 560,0)
    Triglyceride 45,2mg/dl. (Reference 0,0 - 150,0)
    Glucose 81,5mg/dl. (Reference 70 – 100)
    Cholesterol Total 142,1mg/dl. (Reference 0 – 200)
    Cholesterol (HDL) 34,29mg/dl. Abnormal (Reference 40,0 - 60,0)
    Cholesterol (LDL) 98,77mg/dl. (Reference 0,0 - 100,0)
    Total Testosterone 5,33ng/mL (Reference 280-800)
    Free Testosterone 7.1 ng/ml (Reference 8.8-27.00)
    Prolactin (PRL) - 8.19 ng/ml (Reference 4.0-15.2)
    LH - 7mUl/mL (Reference 1.7-8.6 mlU/mL)
    FSH - 3.64mUl/ml (Reference 1.5-12.4 mUl/ml)
    Estradiol 15.85 pg/mL (Reference 7.63-42.6)
    Vitamin D2 - - I tested 3dl (normal range is above 30dl)
    Vitamin D3 - - I tested 23dl (normal range is above 30dl)

    5 May 14

    Total Testosterone: 5ng (Reference 2.8-8.0)
    Free Testosterone: 7.53pg (Reference 8,80-27,00)
    Vitamin D 59ng
    PSA (Prostate) 0,763 (Reference 0,000-4,500)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    You need to keep all your info on one thread, not start a new thread for every different detail about yourself. You will get better help from everyone if you keep things simple.

    I would suggest you get on Dr Crisler's site and read some of his write ups on TRT. It is very helpful to grasp the basics when first starting out.

    One thing from your labs is your LH is top of the range which means your pituitary is working but your testicles aren't producing. Have you had an injured them in the past?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    No injuries as far as I know, but there be something else in the testicles? KelKel suggested that I look into Varicoceles. But considering that my total T has reached 533, my guess is that they are producing T, dont you think?

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