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Thread: Considering supplementing DHEA or HCG

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2012

    Considering supplementing DHEA or HCG

    Hey guys.

    Didn't think I'd ever be back on here, I'm the guy who was taking testo gel after already having a testosterone level of 650 ng/dl, I was desperate to find some sort of miracle cure for depression after all medications / therapy's had failed, I'm finally on med's that are working and now that my mental health is finally sorted I need to sort out my physical health.

    I never got tests after taking the testosterone, I was injecting for a few months after the gel up to 250mg weekly hoping to get back those first few weeks of feeling on top of the world, I have no idea how much I might have screwed up my endocrine system, my body has seriously deteriorated, I used to have full pecks / biceps without ever really working out but all that's kinda faded out, I'm 31 now so age could be a factor but I'm not sure.

    So, I'v been thinking about supplementing DHEA or taking HCG to give my body a boost and get it back to something similar to what it used to be , I really don't know the difference between the two which is why I'm asking.

    Let me know how I should to go about it or if it's a good idea.


  2. #2
    I think you should get the tests first. Then you can formulate a plan of attack. Without the tests, you're just shooting in the dark.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Back from Afghanistan
    get the tests. then do extensive reading and learning about DHEA and pregnenolone. There may be an upside to taking either one or the other, or there may be a down side.

    I bought (I think the qty is right?) 100gms of DHEA over ten years ago (it doesn't go bad like you think) and most of it is still sitting on top of the fridge. What you don't want is to increase your E levels. Yes, it's a possibility. Worthy of looking into, don't you think?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Read all the "stickies" on this site and you'll find many of the answers to your questions. I've always found that self respect always follows hard work done on our own.

    From what you describe it seems you're planning to take a shot gun approach to your health. I would suggest that this is terribly unwise and very dangerous. The only approach should be respectful, and carefully thought out and planned.

    Regarding depression: There have been many discussions here on the subject. If you read them I believe you'll find some very useful information and a great deal of food for thought. To state the obvious: One thing to remember is that our minds and our bodies are intimately connected. Neglect or abuse one and the other suffers along with it. At the risk of being patronizing; now is the time to educate yourself, not rush headlong into some poorly thought out program of self treatment.

  5. #5
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Quote Originally Posted by 2Sox View Post
    At the risk of being patronizing; now is the time to educate yourself, not rush headlong into some poorly thought out program of self treatment.
    Well said.
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Cheers for the replys, yeah I was pretty much going with the shotgun approach, I had thought supplementing dhea was relatively safe compared to taking outside testosterone plus I had heard of people doing the hcg diet, I wouldn't have to worry about estrogen as mine is under the bottom of the accepted range, I had a pretty sweet endocrine system and I screwed it up : (

    I'll read through all the stickys and try to make an educated decision, gunna start hitting the gym and start running, guess I just wanted something to give me a boost, want to loose weight and get my muscles back to how they were.

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