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Thread: 17 year old and Testosterone replacement therapy

  1. #1

    Question 17 year old and Testosterone replacement therapy

    Question, I'm seventeen with Testosterone level of 291 ng/dL. I have depression, no sex drive, erectile dysfunction and low energy levels. Am I a candidate to go on Testosterone replacement therapy? What were your levels prior to starting your TRT? Need some guidance here.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    NO, you are a candidate to find out why your levels are low, not getting on TRT. You need to have a FULL hormone panel ran, MRI to check pituitary glands and anything else until they can find out why they are low.

    Mine were 194.

  3. #3
    ok thanks, is the level I have healthy for my age? Could my levels be the reason why i have all these symptoms?

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by 15plus View Post
    ok thanks, is the level I have healthy for my age? Could my levels be the reason why i have all these symptoms?
    No, it's not healthy for your age but, what lovbyts is trying to tell you is that at 17, you need to find out why? You need more tests run before you get on TRT. Also, at your age, you have quite a hurdle to overcome in finding a doctor that will put you on TRT. Is it your thyroid? Are you overweight? Do you have a poor diet? Are you getting enough sleep? Do you have varicoceles? Do you have a prolactinoma?

    My levels were the same as yours, 290, 277, 291, 210 and at 37, it was a fight for me to get on TRT.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by CobraMustangSVT View Post
    No, it's not healthy for your age but, what lovbyts is trying to tell you is that at 17, you need to find out why? You need more tests run before you get on TRT. Also, at your age, you have quite a hurdle to overcome in finding a doctor that will put you on TRT. Is it your thyroid? Are you overweight? Do you have a poor diet? Are you getting enough sleep? Do you have varicoceles? Do you have a prolactinoma?

    My levels were the same as yours, 290, 277, 291, 210 and at 37, it was a fight for me to get on TRT.
    I dont know about my thyroid, I should have that tested. I'm not overweight, my diet is healthy and i dont have varicoceles.I get enough sleep everynight. I suspected that high prolactin levels may be a culprit but my family doctor and another doctor denied the test for it and said I have have ''no symptoms of high prolactin'' such as lactating. I told my family doctor I researched that high prolactin levels can cause : decreased energy, sex drive, muscle mass and strength, and blood count and erectile dysfunction - all symptoms which I have 100%. He denied that high prolactin could cause these things and sent me on my way.

    I think I need a new informed, caring doctor. My red blood cell count is 4.52 X10 12L. Why was it fight to get on TRT?
    Last edited by 15plus; 06-01-2014 at 01:58 PM.

  6. #6
    marcus300's Avatar
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    You must be 18yrs old to post on this site. Sorry.


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