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Thread: Deca protocol along with TRT?

  1. #1
    Ccdiesel is offline Associate Member
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    Deca protocol along with TRT?

    Is anyone currently using Deca as a part of a TRT protocol. NOT as a blast or for muscle gain but for it's anti-inflammatory properties.

    I am curious if there is a dosing protocol that is sustainable, in the sense that there are no uncontrollable side effects as nanodrolone deconate is a progesterone derivative.

  2. #2
    Beethoven's Avatar
    Beethoven is offline Productive Member
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    Others will chime in but I have read several guys do 100 mgs a week. I plan on adding it to my protocol also.

  3. #3
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Yes, I do.

    Dosing protocol is between you and your doc but for most who add it to their TRT the dose is low and similar to their TRT amounts. My TRT dose is 120mg split. I add in about the same amount of deca . You won't have progesterone issues with low dose deca. But as with any change to your protocol, monitor bloods closely to make sure all is well.

    ps: you can only have progesterone issues if estrogen is uncontrolled. But again, with such low amounts you'll see none, imho.
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  4. #4
    Ccdiesel is offline Associate Member
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    Thanks I appreciate the response guys. Kel what was your reasoning for adding it? If you don't mind me asking.

    I also need to add GH. I tested this morning and it did not even register <0.1
    Last edited by Ccdiesel; 02-27-2014 at 11:21 PM.

  5. #5
    Oldhighlander's Avatar
    Oldhighlander is offline Associate Member
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    I'd be interested to know to Kel. Anti inflammatory? I need that soooooo much. Is it by script? How much does it help?

  6. #6
    Rrexy is offline Junior Member
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    Ive been thinking about this as well - once my TRT is dialed in.........

  7. #7
    PJS19 is offline Associate Member
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    Do doctors prescribe this? I heard it works wonders for joints, I hope I can get this in my protocol

  8. #8
    Beethoven's Avatar
    Beethoven is offline Productive Member
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    Kel, is this protocol for you on going or do you stop the Deca at any time? Secondly, if I were to do even 200 mg a week, would it have to up my test or AI?

  9. #9
    BigPimpin76's Avatar
    BigPimpin76 is offline Senior Member
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    [QUOTE="Beethoven"]Kel, is this protocol for you on going or do you stop the Deca at any time? Secondly, if I were to do even 200 mg a week, would it have to up my test or AI?[/QUOTE

    Good Question!!
    I would like to know as well ...

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  10. #10
    Ccdiesel is offline Associate Member
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    Still researching, but something to keep in mind, DECA can seriously inhibit inflammation and slow healing in the right dose. Probably not in everyone to the same extent, but I find it to be a significant effect as there are so many reports of "joint pain relief".

    That being said, most of us probably have some amount of chronic inflammation and could benefit from a low dose of DECA in our protocol. For myself I have chronic infllammation and essentially no growth hormone most of the time. I would definitely benefit from adding both. Inflammation in the absense of growth factors does not yield healing.

  11. #11
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ccdiesel View Post
    Thanks I appreciate the response guys. Kel what was your reasoning for adding it? If you don't mind me asking.

    I also need to add GH. I tested this morning and it did not even register <0.1
    I've beaten my joints to death over the years and still do. Deca helps and you don't need large doses. GH serum testing is pretty much useless, assuming that's what you tested. You need an arginine stimulation test:

    Growth hormone stimulation test: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia

    Look into Sermorelin as a first step.

    Quote Originally Posted by Oldhighlander View Post
    I'd be interested to know to Kel. Anti inflammatory? I need that soooooo much. Is it by script? How much does it help?
    Hi OH. Yes, it helps with joints greatly, imho. Anti-inflammatory, sure. All steroids have anti-inflammatory properties.

    Quote Originally Posted by PJS19 View Post
    Do doctors prescribe this? I heard it works wonders for joints, I hope I can get this in my protocol
    Some doctors do. Most are not comfortable as the don't have the knowledge of it. It needs to be compounded as you can't obtain it from a regular pharmacy anymore.

    Quote Originally Posted by Beethoven View Post
    Kel, is this protocol for you on going or do you stop the Deca at any time? Secondly, if I were to do even 200 mg a week, would it have to up my test or AI?
    Been about a year now. Don't plan on stopping it as long as BW stays in order. Don't think you need 200 per week. Start at 100 and give it a few months and evaluate, imho. No, you won't have to up your test as deca will not effect it at all. As long as your estrogen is in order on your TRT protocol you should have no worries with your AI. The only time you have to really worry about deca is when estrogen is out of control. Then you can have progesteronic issues. But at these low doses any issue is doubtful.

    If I missed anything, holler.
    Last edited by kelkel; 02-28-2014 at 05:48 PM.
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  12. #12
    Beethoven's Avatar
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    As always, a world of knowledge. Thanks Kel.

  13. #13
    killface's Avatar
    killface is offline Associate Member
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    I end up taking a few courses of Prednisone a year due to inflamation caused by torn disks in my spine. I wonder if deca would be a safer option for that kind of inflamation?

  14. #14
    Ccdiesel is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by killface View Post
    I end up taking a few courses of Prednisone a year due to inflamation caused by torn disks in my spine. I wonder if deca would be a safer option for that kind of inflamation?
    If you are injured see a neurosurgeon. You are trying to mask a problem.

  15. #15
    Ccdiesel is offline Associate Member
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    Ya Kel thanks, hopefully doctor agrees with the treatment.

    And I will look into the GH stimulation test. I am guessing GH has a very short half life.

  16. #16
    kelkel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ccdiesel View Post
    Ya Kel thanks, hopefully doctor agrees with the treatment.

    And I will look into the GH stimulation test. I am guessing GH has a very short half life.
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  17. #17
    j2048b is offline Associate Member
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    i have deca added to mine, but i just cant get my stuff situated enough to go that route just yet, but once i do, ill be adding deca as well as xandrolone (anavar ) as im also prescribed this as well...

  18. #18
    BigPimpin76's Avatar
    BigPimpin76 is offline Senior Member
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    Dont mean to highjack....
    I am curious as to know how would deca help in TRT?

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  19. #19
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigPimpin76 View Post
    Dont mean to highjack....
    I am curious as to know how would deca help in TRT?

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    Joint help. Really not related to TRT at all and has nothing to do with an effective TRT protocol. Just a med that serves a purpose to those in need.
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  20. #20
    BigPimpin76's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel
    Joint help. Really not related to TRT at all and has nothing to do with an effective TRT protocol. Just a med that serves a purpose to those in need.
    Ok Bro ! Thanks

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  21. #21
    Ccdiesel is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Joint help. Really not related to TRT at all and has nothing to do with an effective TRT protocol. Just a med that serves a purpose to those in need.
    Kel, I didn't expect this to interfere with fertility. I found no information that it would, is that correct?

    Also, Nanodrolone is the best option right? Not oxandrolone?

  22. #22
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    If you're on TRT you're already shut down. Thus we use HCG to keep things functioning. With any drug can come side effects but imho there's no serious issues with low dose deca . Read the side effects of Vitamin C and you'd never take it. Yes, Nandrolone , not anavar . But anavar is one of THE safest orals there is.

    As with any protocol change, BW is key to long term health and safety.

    Here's one study, unfortunately it's with rats given a nandrolone. Keep in mind the rats are "non TRT-ers." Ha. Most studies seem to deal with women and fertility.

    The reversibility of sperm quality after disc... [Asian J Androl. 2007] - PubMed - NCBI
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  23. #23
    Oldhighlander's Avatar
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    So Kel this is all done with scripts? If it is you have a fantastic doc. You said compounded. Was gonna call the local compounding pharmacy and see if they do it for anyone else. Then try to bring it to my doc. Joint pain relief would be incredible. I to still abuse the shit out of mine.

  24. #24
    fireeater49 is offline Associate Member
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    Any medical document studies that would favor deca being used for joint pain? Going to see dr in 3 wks and this elbow and shoulder pain for 1 1/2 years is killing me. Information is gold

  25. #25
    highpsi is offline Junior Member
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    How about 100mg of npp, I assume it'd work about the same?

  26. #26
    Ccdiesel is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by fireeater49 View Post
    Any medical document studies that would favor deca being used for joint pain? Going to see dr in 3 wks and this elbow and shoulder pain for 1 1/2 years is killing me. Information is gold
    If you are injured better to see what's going on first. If it's tendonitis or some sort of chronic inflammation deca would be beneficial.

    There are a lot of studies. I have not seen any directly related to joint pain treatment.

  27. #27
    Beethoven's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ccdiesel View Post
    If you are injured better to see what's going on first. If it's tendonitis or some sort of chronic inflammation deca would be beneficial.

    There are a lot of studies. I have not seen any directly related to joint pain treatment.
    Tweaked muscles also I would imagine?

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ccdiesel View Post
    You are trying to mask a problem.
    Nope, I've seen a few specialists. Its currently not bad enough to warrant surgery and even if it was, I'm still not sure I'd have it. The current course of treatment is to treat the major inflammation (with the Predinsone) whenever it occurs, which is 2-3 times a year.

    The Prednisone works like a boss but, it's tough on the liver. It would be nice to have a healthier, more long term solution; aside from an iffy back surgery.

  29. #29
    Ryanmcd is offline Associate Member
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    I asked Crisler about this and he says it has no place in TRT. Also here are some posts on it, again he is not a god in TRT but he is one of the better docs around.

    Here is a quote from his forums.

    First, check out (another) excellent article by my pal Dr. Jeffrey Dach:

    He sums things up very well.

    So, natural, bioidentical progesterone does not increase breast cancer risk, but synthetic progesterones, known as "progetins", do.

    Nandrolone decoanate (Decadurabolin) is a progestin.

    We have seen numerous associations between those things that increase breast (and other cancers), and prostate cancer risk.

    I'm just sayin'...."

    Would GH or a good joint complex like I use it and it's great.+

    Also it seems to screw up your thyroid, at last in this test.
    Last edited by Ryanmcd; 03-02-2014 at 12:08 PM.

  30. #30
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Quote Originally Posted by Oldhighlander View Post
    So Kel this is all done with scripts? If it is you have a fantastic doc. You said compounded. Was gonna call the local compounding pharmacy and see if they do it for anyone else. Then try to bring it to my doc. Joint pain relief would be incredible. I to still abuse the shit out of mine.
    Yes, mine is scripted.

    Quote Originally Posted by fireeater49 View Post
    Any medical document studies that would favor deca being used for joint pain? Going to see dr in 3 wks and this elbow and shoulder pain for 1 1/2 years is killing me. Information is gold
    Never really looked. I've read it will increase synovial fluid production.

    Quote Originally Posted by highpsi View Post
    How about 100mg of npp, I assume it'd work about the same?
    Just a different ester but who want's to inject EOD.

    Re Crisler. I would never contradict that man as I think he's great. That said, to each his own. My experience with low dose deca has been nothing but positive. Hell, high dose too for that matter. Dr. John loves GHRP-6 and uses it routinely. I tried it and had issues with it. My point, one man's meat is another mans poison.
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  31. #31
    fireeater49 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ccdiesel View Post
    If you are injured better to see what's going on first. If it's tendonitis or some sort of chronic inflammation deca would be beneficial.

    There are a lot of studies. I have not seen any directly related to joint pain treatment.
    Have ALOT of ortho problems I have accumulated over the years (powerlifting and judo) and I am sure that I am lifting probably more than I should but I have been backing off and going more volume lately but the pain is always there especially at night when I sleep. I will try to run this up the flag pole with the dr and see what he says. Meloxicam and IBU have not helped at all

  32. #32
    Ccdiesel is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by fireeater49 View Post
    Have ALOT of ortho problems I have accumulated over the years (powerlifting and judo) and I am sure that I am lifting probably more than I should but I have been backing off and going more volume lately but the pain is always there especially at night when I sleep. I will try to run this up the flag pole with the dr and see what he says. Meloxicam and IBU have not helped at all
    I am not familiar with the medications you used. If traditional rest, ice, mild anti inflammatories have been used/failed and there are no significant signs of mechanical injury I would go this route. Rest and pt I have found really useful but not for chronic/nagging issues.

    Quote Originally Posted by killface View Post
    Nope, I've seen a few specialists. Its currently not bad enough to warrant surgery and even if it was, I'm still not sure I'd have it. The current course of treatment is to treat the major inflammation (with the Predinsone) whenever it occurs, which is 2-3 times a year.

    The Prednisone works like a boss but, it's tough on the liver. It would be nice to have a healthier, more long term solution; aside from an iffy back surgery.
    Yes if they are pushing corticosteroids on you I would opt for deca and see how it works for you. As long as you have no obvious mechanical problems with your joints or "crepitus" "cracking" etc that causes pain or inflammation. The concern would be simply masking an issue and possibly furthering the injury.

  33. #33
    Ryanmcd is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Yes, mine is scripted.

    Never really looked. I've read it will increase synovial fluid production.

    Just a different ester but who want's to inject EOD.

    Re Crisler. I would never contradict that man as I think he's great. That said, to each his own. My experience with low dose deca has been nothing but positive. Hell, high dose too for that matter. Dr. John loves GHRP-6 and uses it routinely. I tried it and had issues with it. My point, one man's meat is another mans poison.
    Do you run it year around or in a cycle?

  34. #34
    Ccdiesel is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryanmcd View Post
    I asked Crisler about this and he says it has no place in TRT. Also here are some posts on it, again he is not a god in TRT but he is one of the better docs around.

    Here is a quote from his forums.

    First, check out (another) excellent article by my pal Dr. Jeffrey Dach:

    He sums things up very well.

    So, natural, bioidentical progesterone does not increase breast cancer risk, but synthetic progesterones, known as "progetins", do.

    Nandrolone decoanate (Decadurabolin) is a progestin.

    We have seen numerous associations between those things that increase breast (and other cancers), and prostate cancer risk.

    I'm just sayin'...."

    Would GH or a good joint complex like Cosamin DS I use it and it's great.+

    Also it seems to screw up your thyroid, at last in this test.

    Chronic administration of anabolic andr - PubMed Mobile

    Your first link that the Dr references does not work. His post gave little to no explanation. He simply said it is not naturally occurring, which we know, does that mean it has no benefit to us? No. Functionally no it serves no purpose in HRT, it is a compound that may provide a better quality of life for some of us based on its documented effects.

    Not sure about the effects on thyroid function but bloodwork would let you know that.

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryanmcd View Post
    Do you run it year around or in a cycle?
    Year round low dose for TRT. I've used in in cycles as well.
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  36. #36
    Ryanmcd is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Year round low dose for TRT. I've used in in cycles as well.
    I will look into it, I know crisler is not a fan but my other Doc will script whatever so I may give it a shot down the road. Thanks for the info.

  37. #37
    Ccdiesel is offline Associate Member
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    Started new protocol on Saturday. Not sure how long before I see any effects but I will post. If anyone has any potential recommendations I would consider. My script is for a lot more but this is what I felt would be best for me to start with. See below.

    Testosterone Cypianate 60 mg every 4 days (105mg a week)
    Nandrolone Deconate 60 mg every 4 days (105mg a week)
    400iu HCG twice weekly
    Vit D3 5000iu once a day

  38. #38
    dreadnok89 is offline Member
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    My doc says nano or DECA , is hard to get. Its not as availible. Also would this work psoriasis arthritis on the elbow?

  39. #39
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ccdiesel View Post
    Started new protocol on Saturday. Not sure how long before I see any effects but I will post. If anyone has any potential recommendations I would consider. My script is for a lot more but this is what I felt would be best for me to start with. See below.

    Testosterone Cypianate 60 mg every 4 days (105mg a week)
    Nandrolone Deconate 60 mg every 4 days (105mg a week)
    400iu HCG twice weekly
    Vit D3 5000iu once a day
    Looks good.

    Quote Originally Posted by dreadnok89 View Post
    My doc says nano or DECA, is hard to get. Its not as availible. Also would this work psoriasis arthritis on the elbow?
    It's available through compounding pharmacies. No clue but it helps with joint pain so....
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  40. #40
    dreadnok89 is offline Member
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    Ya kel, he was saying his compounding has a hard time with the demand. I'm gonna research it more.

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