New around here, been lurking for several months, searching for options, but never taking the plunge on anything. Then in January I decided to make a change in my professional life and do something I wanted to do when I exited the military in 2004. Truck driving...come from a family of truckers, cops, or military lifers. Got tired of the political bullshit of the military, and I dont like getting shot at, so i figured I would go the route of my old man and grandfather and drive truck.
Well in making that decision after signing up for CDL school, (which I graduate on this coming Tuesday) I decided to take a serious look at my health. Specially since truckers are known for not being the most healthy bunch. I started this by checking my blood sugar at my mothers, it was 384 (yikes). To understand this I was good for a 12pack of soda a day. I mean I was a real bag of shit on the health side. Soda, candy, chips, if it was carb, or sugar laden,enriched flower, or had high fructose corn syrup in it, I ate it. Well from that day for the rest of the weekend, I didnt drink a single full sugar soda. I started drinking diet (yeah I know its not healthy either, so please no lectures) Sides for the last 2 months I drink more water, homemade ice tea with little sugar, or a Monster Rehab once a day.
For my stats, I am 36, 6'2" 240lbs (currently) I was 275lbs in Sept 13. Family history of diabetes, and heart disease. We started off with some blood work after a doctor visit and the results come back not bad, but not the greatest. Of the results that were either high or low are listed. HDL 24, Glucose 210, SGOT 60 SGPT 91, TSH 4.84, A1C 9.2. Everything else tested was within normal levels. Well my Dr decided to say that I had high blood sugar, (well yeah....) So he put me on metformin and a thyroid pill, said to eat less, and get some exercise, didnt matter what, just something more then sitting on my ass. So I started walking every day out to 2-3 miles depending on what my schedule looked like. He wanted me to come back after a month on the metformin and keeping track of my blood sugar levels and then we go from there.
30days later and my BS levels, according to him have an average of a 7.2 A1c. He suggests I keep doing what I am doing, and try loosing weight. In this month leading up to this appt. I had lost about 14lbs. I suspect it was from not drinking all the soda. At this time he asks me if I have anything else I want to address. I mention to him my night sweats, trouble sleeping, no sex drive/interest, insomnia, depressed mood, irritability, and my inability to loose fat over the years. (ive always had the classic spare tire since Ive been an adult). He asked about my muscle mass being low, I said it used to be a bit more but i figured since I didnt work out much other than my job, it was normal. He suggested I get a test level done. 4 days later I am back in the office with my testosterone results. He just ordered a total test level, no serum levels. my results were 225. I guess in this lab their range is 210-1274. So he suggested several options. Either gel, patches, pills, or injections. I chose the injections because im insurance covers most of it, and Ive heard issues with the others. And pills my insurance do not cover.
Fast forward 2 months, he has me on 1ml/200mg/2weeks, I feel a hell of a lot better than I did. My wife is thoroughly happy as to where its come from, my energy level is higher then it was but at about day 9-10 i feel like shit again and have trouble sleeping those nights till my next injection. Today I took my next round of blood work and have an appt tomorrow. Will be interesting to see where I am, and how he is willing to proceed. He has several patients that are on TRT at ages from early 20's to late 60's. So that tells me he has some experience with it, and is probably pretty objective to options.
I am considering asking him to let me go to 1ml a week of test cyp for 3 months and see where I am from that point.
Once my results are back from todays blood work, ill post the results.