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  1. #1
    OingoBoingo's Avatar
    OingoBoingo is offline Member
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    Rehabilitation or Anti-Aging

    I have been diagnosed with LH causing my low testosterone and am faced with the question of either trying in increase levels by hCG mono-therapy, or just going for Anti-Aging which seems like it would also address the problem.

    I guess my main concern is that if I waste time (and money) on just the LH problem, even if I get my levels up to “normal” for my age (57), it would most likely not be in the upper quartile.

    The doctors here are willing to include hCG in the Anti-Aging protocol, so I’m happy about that. And the more I think about it, the less it seems like a good idea to mess around with hCG without T.

    Am I missing something?

    Would love to hear opinions from the experts.

  2. #2
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    HCG is good for many reasons not only keeping the balls working, keeping them from pulling up like a 10yr old boy and being painful or fertility but a combination of everything and more. I think there is a sticky at the top about hcg and why it's important.

    Dont count out fertility even at 57. I know I did years ago saying I didnt want anymore but the new wife is really trying to talk me into one and I'm 52 in not long. Never say never.

  3. #3
    OingoBoingo's Avatar
    OingoBoingo is offline Member
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    Thanks lovbyts.

    I would want hCG to be part of my TRT.

    But the question really is: Should I be spending time and money on hCG mono-therapy at my age, or just go for the TRT?

    I keep thinking even if I could improve my T levels with hCG, where would that really put me?

  4. #4
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Well I'm not an expert on LH but most likely you are right and should just go for the TRT. If it was more for fertility the hcg mono therapy would be good at least temporarily but I know even at 47 when I stated TRT it was like night and day. It's to bad you cant get GOOD HGH in Thailand anymore. I had an RX for that shortly after starting TRT and that was NICE...

  5. #5
    OingoBoingo's Avatar
    OingoBoingo is offline Member
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    The doctor I'm seeing offered HGH, but I was concerned about adding too many things into the mix at one time. So I thought it might be a good idea to start TRT first and see if things improve and level out a bit before adding HGH.

    I am a little concerned if HGH would affect E2 because the sensitive test isn't available here.

    As far as the pharmacies here go, the only HGH I've been able to find is from China, and I try not to do stuff from China.

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