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Thread: Low energy, depression, and difficulty to orgasm

  1. #1

    Low energy, depression, and difficulty to orgasm

    Low energy, depression, and difficulty to orgasm

    I'm 34 and have had a slow decline in energy, an increase in depression, and difficulty reaching orgasm. I have taken all the traditional routes...tried several antidepressants/mood stabilizers, increased my daily exercise, changed my diet, added vitamins, starting meditating, etc...yet I am constantly lethargic, and lacking my normal excitement for life. I've had tons of BW done over the past few years, yet everything seems fine. After watching my husband have extreme results with raising his test levels, I began my own research.

    I've come to the conclusion that my hormone levels need assistance. Since I have witnessed great success with others; I'm considering test, HGH, or something of the sort. I know it's a balancing but I'm not against "trial and error".

    Has anyone had normal BW, experienced these issues, and had success in adding a hormone? Anyone have a direction to point me towards?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Can we assume that you are a female? If not, the same rules for your husband apply to you.

    Going on the assumption that you are female, there has been tremendous success in taking all three hormones; estrogen, progesterone, AND testosterone - however in a much lower dose that men take. My wife is on all three and the difference in how she feels, in all ways, is nothing less than fantastic.

    ALL three hormones must be taken to mimic the hormone levels of a young woman.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Ontaio, Canada
    Not to thread jack, but is there a link to the ratio to take? My wife is on winstrol 25mg eod and anavar 10mg ed, should she be on the other two compounds with this stack?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    There is a women's forum on which you may get some help on this.

  5. #5

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