Really glad I found this forum. I've been reading the stickies and various threads but still have some questions. Hoping someone can help.
I'm 36, average height/weight with the exception of excess abdominal fat. Have been feeling run down, tired, mentally foggy, and lacking motivation for years now. Libido comes and goes, but never any morning erections. Some ED. Went to my primary last October and asked to have my total T measured: it came back at 379, which was of no concern to her. I've been on and off weight programs (no steroids) for years, usually going 8-12 weeks before burning out. Find it hard to put on muscle.
Fed up, I finally had proper labs done through an HRT facility in May. Results:
CBC: All normal.
Creatinine: .98
eGFR: 99
Potassium: 5.9 (high)
Total Cholesterol: 215
HDL: 60
LDL: 141
PSA: 0.6
Total Test: 244
Free Test: 6.1
LH: 1.4
FSH: 1.5
Doesn't look like estriadol/estrogen was tested. I'll be seeing the doctor soon. My questions:
Is it possible to know the cause of the low T, or why it dropped by 140 in 8 months? The last test was drawn around 10 am, and I've heard T can fluctuate during the day.
Would Clomid be a practical experiment before starting full-on injections?
Can HCG be administered as a cream? Any downsides?
I was not exercising and very sedentary when the last labs were taken, save for some bodyweight exercises. Should I try to resume a workout routine and have myself re-checked before committing to HRT?
Finally--in researching HRT, I've come across the troublesome side effect of higher hematocrit levels, with resulting blood thickening. (Right now, my level is 44.9.) This troubles me as my sister had a stroke in her 40s last summer due to hormonal therapy. I plan to get tested for a genetic predisposition, but regardless of the result, living with stroke first-hand has made me very reluctant to jump on something that might weigh on my mind, causing more stress than benefits. I do take fish oil, which I believe thins the blood, but I don't know if that would be enough.
Appreciate any advice and info offered. Thank you.