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Thread: Rjay's bloodwork

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2014

    Rjay's bloodwork

    Testosterone: 13.2 nmol/L(8.4-28.7)
    SHBG: 45 nmol/L (13-71)
    Free Testosterone: 208 pmol/L (200-800)
    Bio Available: 5.4 nmol/L (5.0-18.0)

    **** that no wonder I feel like shit! Im 21!

    PSA: 0.27 ug/l (<4.01)
    Hematology panel: Everything in range don't want to type, no flags whatsoever
    Glucose fasting: 4.4 nmol/l (3.6-5.5)
    Electrolytes: sodium 143 (135-145) potassium 3.8 (3.5-5.0)
    Creatinine: 92 umol/l (45-110)
    ALT 19 U/I (<50)
    AST 31U/I (<36)
    TSH 2.33 (.30-5.5)
    FSH 3.9 U/I (2.0-18.0)
    LH 5.7 U/I (2.0-18.0)
    Prolactin 9.1 ug/l (4.0-15.0)
    Estradiol 96 pmol/l (<156)

    Comments and suggestions more then welcome and appreciated!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2014

  3. #3
    As you can see by my posts--both the number of and content in--I'm no expert here, but you might get more responses if you had some specific questions or shared some biographical information. Your free/total T is obviously low, so the question is why. Any testicular trauma? Height/weight? Activity level? Any sleep issues? Past steroid use?

    Prolactin looks fine. FSH/LH is in range, but someone else would have to comment on whether they should be higher. That would point me away from a pituitary problem, but I'm not a doctor. I think you need a thorough thyroid panel and a Vitamin D check at bare minimum. If no cause can be found, I would start taking Zinc, Vitamin D, and squatting like crazy for at least six months before even thinking about any kind of drug protocol. You do not want to be turning off the testicle faucet at 21 unless there's no other choice.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    Ive felt like this for about 4 years, sleep well, barely drink, exercise 4x/week, eat well, tried zinc as well as countless other herbs, my vit d level is fine I work in the sun everyday. Nothing works I did have chemotherapy at a young age which I believe to be my problem

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    shbg, doctor didnt take d3 but I spend 5+ hours in the sun everyday at work. Albumin and b12 not taken either but guarantee neither of those alone would cause me to be so low

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    oops shbg is the first thing there

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