Testosterone: 13.2 nmol/L(8.4-28.7)
SHBG: 45 nmol/L (13-71)
Free Testosterone: 208 pmol/L (200-800)
Bio Available: 5.4 nmol/L (5.0-18.0)
**** that no wonder I feel like shit! Im 21!
PSA: 0.27 ug/l (<4.01)
Hematology panel: Everything in range don't want to type, no flags whatsoever
Glucose fasting: 4.4 nmol/l (3.6-5.5)
Electrolytes: sodium 143 (135-145) potassium 3.8 (3.5-5.0)
Creatinine: 92 umol/l (45-110)
ALT 19 U/I (<50)
AST 31U/I (<36)
TSH 2.33 (.30-5.5)
FSH 3.9 U/I (2.0-18.0)
LH 5.7 U/I (2.0-18.0)
Prolactin 9.1 ug/l (4.0-15.0)
Estradiol 96 pmol/l (<156)
Comments and suggestions more then welcome and appreciated!