Sodium 138 mmol/L ( 135 - 145 )
Potassium 4.4 mmol/L ( 3.5 - 5.5 )
Chloride 104 mmol/L ( 95 - 110 )
Bicarb. 24 mmol/L ( 20 - 32 )
Anion Gap 10 mmol/L ( 5 - 15 )
Ca (corr) 2.44 mmol/L ( 2.10 - 2.55 )
Phosphate 1.4 mmol/L ( 0.8 - 1.5 )
Urea 5.4 mmol/L ( 3.0 - 7.5 )
Uric Acid 0.43 mmol/L ( 0.20 - 0.50 )
Creatinine H 117 umol/L ( 60 - 110 )
eGFR 74 ( >59 )
Fasting Glucose 5.1 mmol/L ( 3.6 - 6.0 )
Total Protein 77 g/L ( 66 - 83 )
Albumin 48 g/L ( 39 - 50 )
Globulin 29 g/L ( 20 - 39 )
Bilirubin H 41 umol/L ( 4 - 20 )
Alk Phos 100 U/L ( 35 - 110 )
AST 25 U/L ( 10 - 40 )
ALT 23 U/L ( 5 - 40 )
Gamma GT 18 U/L ( 5 - 50 )
LDH 137 U/L ( 120 - 250 )
Chol. 5.5 mmol/L ( 3.9 - 5.5 )
Trigs. 1.4 mmol/L ( 0.6 - 2.0 )
Iron Studies 28 umol/L ( 5 - 30 )
Magnesium 0.9 mmol/L ( 0.7 - 1.1 )
Haemolysis Index 1 ( 0 - 40 )
Thyroid Function Tests
Free T4 18.0 pmol/L ( 9.0 - 19.0 )
TSH 2.6 mIU/L ( 0.3 - 3.5 )
Gonadal Hormones
FSH 4 IU/L ( <10 )
LH 3 IU/L ( <9 )
Oestradiol 88 pmol/L ( 55 - 165 )
Prolactin 373 mIU/L ( <500 )
25-OH Vitamin D L 49 nmol/L ( 50 - 150 )
Testosterone 23.6 nmol/L ( 11.0 - 40.0 )
SHBG 47 nmol/L ( 10.0 - 70.0 )
Calculated Free Testosterone 395 pmol/L ( 260 - 740 )
Cortisol 724 nmol/L
The first time I got tested, my Free Testosterone was 360pmol/L, two weeks later I went for a test and my free testosterone is 395pmol/L.
I am 25 years old, 75kg, 15% body fat. When I was 18 I had been working out since the age of 16 and was 81kg 11-12% body fat. I did a 12 week test enanthate cycle at 22 yrs old, and felt like shit ever since, did another 10 wk prop/anavar cycle a couple yrs later on and felt like shit after that.
I can't remember my enanthate cycle, I know I didn't use HCG but used clomid/nolva in pct.
This was my prop cycle:
I have been trying to work out for a long time now (about a yr) but can't seem, to even get the motivation to leave bed in the morning. I never assumed low test until I went to the GP and he suggested getting tested for low T and diabetes.
Description of symptoms:
- Feel like I can't get out of bed in the morning
- Thinking about going to the gym all day long but never moving
- Extremely low appetite
- Lack of desire to have sex
- Irritable and moody to those around me (it doesn't bother me, but I can tell everyone else thinks I'm very moody and irritable because they treat me like a grumpy prick)
- Very low motivation to do anything
- Suicidal thoughts on occasion and depersonalization
I look at tables on the internet in studies and it would appear I have less free testosterone than the bottom 5% of 70yr old men.
I went to a doctor and he is willing to prescribe me anything, but I just want advice a second opinion. He said I am within the "normal" range so I don't require it but he believed I would still benefit from TRT so he gave me the option of HCG/arimidex and testosterone injections. He told me to do my own research and think about it, as the laws in Australia are tight and he would need me to sign consent forms if I wanted to go onto the treatment.