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Thread: Low testosterone levels... but doc won't prescribe anything

  1. #1

    Low testosterone levels... but doc won't prescribe anything

    Hi all,

    I recently got my testosterone levels checked because I had some of the symptoms of low testosterone. My results came back with a reading of 8.5 (this is how it is done in australia). My understanding is that the lower limit of the "acceptable" range is 8. Given that I am a 27 year old male, and this range includes men of all ages, after some research I believe I do have low testosterone levels. However, my doctor is completely dismissive of this, which is extremely frustrating.

    Because of this I feel like I am going to need to get it from the black market, but I am a total noob to all things steroids. What is a suitable steroid to take that would bring my levels up to the higher end of the acceptable range? I'm not interested in becoming huge, I just want to treat the effects of low testosterone.

    Is anyone able to give me some advice on what sort of steroid I should be looking for, how much I should be injecting, and how often it would need to be injected?

    Thanks for the help

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    First thing is to get a complete diagnosis of the cause of your low T - which includes a comprehensive blood panel. When you post the results, be sure to give the ranges of each test. No one should ever start injecting T without first knowing what the cause of their condition is - and there are several. And please get the idea of black market drugs out of your head. No one on this forum would ever advocate for this. You're in the wrong place if you think otherwise. You're in the right place if you want to learn and ask questions. You'll find everyone here very eager to share their knowledge and help you.

    Go to this link for starters:

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    The only steroid you should ever inject to combat low testosterone is testosterone.. I know your struggle I had similiar levels even a couple years younger then you but every doc blew me off. I ended up starting on my own and luckily found an awesome doc after self treating and continous searching for a doc for 4 months. That being said I did months (not weeks) of research and tried every natural option I could find for a year before taking the plunge. It also hasn't been all fun and games there has been lots of balancing for me to do, estrogen has reared its ugly head more then once causing me problems all over again, 5 months later Im still searching for the optimal program although I defiantely feel better then before. Im not saying everyone is like this but be aware its not an instant cure in many cases.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    Sorry as for injectables some apparently do alright on hcg monotherapy, since your young you should look into that as well BEFORE testosterone

  5. #5
    ok i spoke to another doctor who thankfully agreed that as i was only .2 within the normal range it warrants seeing a specialist. I have the appointment in a couple of weeks and I imagine it will involve another blood test before any HRT. Basically I want to make sure I bomb this test anyway possible (without using deca the night before as i have no access to it). if anyone could give some tips that would be appreciated.

    also, another question about HRT - what is the testosterone that they inject you with? There seem to be so many negative aspects to steroids that I wonder if those same negatives are present in HRT?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Not a good plan trying to make sure you fail the test. You wont find anyone here who would not trade their HRT for a healthy normal test level.

    What you should be thinking about is how you can get your test levels up to a healthy normal natural level without having to go on HRT.

    As you said, you are new to all this and it's clear you dont realize what is involved in HRT. Lets look at the bar minimum. At a minimum you will have to pin yourself at least 1x a week for the rest of your life. Your 27 now, lets say you only live to 85, thats 58 years. That would be 3024 times you will have to inject yourself. Now lets figure in if you want to have kids some day and you dont want your balls looking like you are 10yrs old you will need to also use HCG. Thats a minimum of 2x a week injection so another 6048 + 3024 = 9072. Now if you are E2 sensitive and it's always advisable to use an AI to keep your estrogen in check you will need to add that to your regiment.
    Do you have insurance? What happens if you dont for some reason, you will still need your HRT, testosterone and HCG so you will have to pay out of pocket. If you dont you will feel a lot worse than you do now and spiral down hill from there. Doesn't sound like much fun to me.

    Dont be thinking of this as a way for you to get gear. You will be doing blood work every couple of months for at least the next year so your doctor will be monitoring you and if you try running a cycle he will probably cut you off.

    This is something you really want to think through completly. You want to find out why your testosterone is low and do everything physically possible to get it back to normal ranges without going on HRT.

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