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Thread: So...the past few yrs been feeling way off...BW confirms Low T+ Med hist...

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    NACH3's Avatar
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    So...the past few yrs been feeling way off...BW confirms Low T+ Med hist...

    Hi fellas,
    Just to so you know my Medical History is quite extensive, please bear w/me here... I'm 31, 5'10" 175-180lbs, bf% 13... So I tore my R. labrum in hlf and 3 other places, as well as my rotator cuff back in 01. They used my R. Biceps tendon to repair the labrum and 2 screws to hold it all together... In 05 I had my 2nd surgery finding out I've lost 85% of my connective tissue and the 2 screws had backed out in between the ball & socket causing huge bone spurs that needed cutting off... In 06 I had it looked at again confirming only a Total Reverse Joint Replacement is needed(have been all over country and needless to say no Surgeon wants any parts until I'm at least 50 yrs old)... B/c of tissue damage I'm looking into HGH therapy!

    Next in 07 I flipped my GTO 6x into a house leaving me on a ventilator for 18 days and comatosed for 45+ days... They brought me back twice! In that accident I shattered my spleen(splenectomy), tracheotomy, chest tubes as both lungs collapsed, shattered my L. Heal, broke all my L. Ribs, and broke my R. Scapula!

    My BW confirmed(baseline) male hormone panel

    Testosterone , serum 315 LOW 347-1197ng/dl
    Test/free. 6.36 5.00-21.00ng/
    Free test 2.02 1.5-4.2%
    E2. 22. 3-70pg/ml
    IGF1. 148. 88-246ng/ml

    Out of a CBC W/differential:
    Platelets. 383 High 150-379
    Monocytes(absolute) 1.2 High .1-.9 x10E3/ul

    Complete Metabolic Panel(wrong word ?)
    Glucose 110 High. 65-99mg/dl
    These are the only things out of range including complete Lipid, TSH(Thyroid...on high side of range), PSA(prostate) all tests in range... If you'd like more info regarding BW please let me know! Have to get LH & FSH done this wk(hopefully)!

    So, I've been thinking this for a few yrs now as I've been feeling off... Lethargic, less libido, erections weren't as strong, etc! Been thinking of HGH Therapy but now I'm thinking a combo of TRT & HGH!

    It'd be greatly appreciated if you guys could comment or give me your thoughts on what I'm thinking of doing, etc! Thanks all!

  2. #2
    OingoBoingo's Avatar
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    Increasing your Testosterone levels to the upper quartile will give you a nice IGF-1 boost.

    I recommend dialing in your TRT first before going after HGH.

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    Check the Finding a Physician for a list of blood work.

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    BallSak is offline Associate Member
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    Jeez....I would probably be feeling off too after going through all that shit! Is your scrotum still there?

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    Quote Originally Posted by BallSak View Post
    Jeez....I would probably be feeling off too after going through all that shit! Is your scrotum still there?
    Yuper... Lol!

  6. #6
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    I'm going in today for my LH, FSH, & Prolactin done....

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    LH 5.3. 1.7-8.6mIU/dl
    FSH 5.0. 1.5-12.4mIU/dl
    PROLACTIN. 4.1 4.0-15.2ng/ml

    All good! Opinions?

  8. #8
    Chauffeur is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post
    LH 5.3. 1.7-8.6mIU/dl
    FSH 5.0. 1.5-12.4mIU/dl
    PROLACTIN. 4.1 4.0-15.2ng/ml

    All good! Opinions?
    Prolactin is a bit low, which could indicate that your pituitary gland isn't functioning properly, but your LH and FSH look good to me.

    Looking at your history, I'd assume that you've spent a lot of time on pain management meds and others? Could you provide some information about that?

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    bullshark99 is offline Senior Member
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    Good observation^^^^^^^, you have an impressive build, cycle history?

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    Yes... Exactly! Opiates have a direct impact on test levels... As I'm currently weening off of methadone(which causes a rise in prolactin so I'm happy it's low... Men have no need for prolactin that we know of today)...

    So my R. Shoulder injury occurred when I was 17 and they put me on oxy right away(so hlf my life on and off w/the pain meds!! So I know that and the trauma can cause this as well!

    Cycle history Test/Primo/anavar /Deca /(NPP SOON/winny/ mast I may have left a few out... Lol

    Thx on compliment on Avi... Haha

  11. #11
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    There was a recent European study that showed men with low prolactin (including low-normal levels) reported more sexual function/libido problems. It wasn't clear if prolactin caused the problem, or was a symptom of some other problem.

    I suspect that prolactin (like E2) is one of those things that can cause problems if too high or too low.
    Last edited by OingoBoingo; 02-01-2015 at 12:33 AM.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by OingoBoingo View Post
    There was a recent European study that showed men with low prolactin (including low-normal levels) reported more sexual function/libido problems. It wasn't clear if prolactin caused the problem, or was a symptom of some other problem.

    I suspect that prolactin (like E2) is one of those things that can cause problems if too high or too low.
    I thought that as we know of today there is no use for prolactin in men bodies... Correct? But I do get what you are saying though... It could be related to another symptom/symptoms!

    Also, E2 is 22----3-70... And that being that im in the process of WEENING off of the Methadose(for shoulder pain) which will usually cause a rise in prolactin in both sexes... So I'd rather it be on lower end in that case(it'll rise once I start the NPP hence prami; but I totally do get what you are saying.... I don't know bro, my pituitary is up and running well, I really think the trauma did a lot?!
    Last edited by NACH3; 02-07-2015 at 08:40 AM.

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    Chauffeur is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post
    Yes... Exactly! Opiates have a direct impact on test levels... As I'm currently weening off of methadone(which causes a rise in prolactin so I'm happy it's low... Men have no need for prolactin that we know of today)...

    So my R. Shoulder injury occurred when I was 17 and they put me on oxy right away(so hlf my life on and off w/the pain meds!! So I know that and the trauma can cause this as well!

    Cycle history Test/Primo/anavar /Deca /(NPP SOON/winny/ mast I may have left a few out... Lol

    Thx on compliment on Avi... Haha

    Sounds like we've zeroed in on what is causing your hormone levels to be out of whack. Your long term use of opiates is very likely the root cause of this, but I imagine that the AAS use didn't help.

    I'm not really sure if there is any reliable way to fix your issue without HRT of some sort. I'm not a doctor, but most guys with similar issues who have posted here have found success with HRT. You may find that once you're off the opiates, your hormones bounce back, or they may not. Very tough to predict.

    Some may suggest a restart with Clomid or hCG , others may recommend going straight into TRT.

    I'd probably wait to see how your HPTA responds to being off the opiates for awhile before making a decision either way, but TRT may be in your future.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Chauffeur View Post
    Sounds like we've zeroed in on what is causing your hormone levels to be out of whack. Your long term use of opiates is very likely the root cause of this, but I imagine that the AAS use didn't help.

    I'm not really sure if there is any reliable way to fix your issue without HRT of some sort. I'm not a doctor, but most guys with similar issues who have posted here have found success with HRT. You may find that once you're off the opiates, your hormones bounce back, or they may not. Very tough to predict.

    Some may suggest a restart with Clomid or hCG , others may recommend going straight into TRT.

    I'd probably wait to see how your HPTA responds to being off the opiates for awhile before making a decision either way, but TRT may be in your future.
    Yes... I agree... The weird part is my LH/& FSH seem(and HPTA is functioning well... As my levels are posted above...

    I will agree that it's tge opiate use over hlf my life... Sh*t they threw OxyContin at me at age 17!

    I think it's obviously more testicular than pituitarily... But it's definitely hard to say if my TT/FT would go up once totally off or if it's just did its damage already!

    I too believe TRT/& GH are in my future...

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    Thanks for your input as this(opiates/& trauma) are mostly the culprit... Much appreciated Chauffeur... If you think of anything else feel free to pm me or just post back! Thx

  16. #16
    Chauffeur is offline Associate Member
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    Yea it may just be a situation where you never find a clear cut answer, at least from your bloodwork. But I'd say that your history alone is enough to make an educated guess as to what the cause is.

    I was in a similar situation as you in that my LH and FSH were always very normal looking. The only real problem with any of my extensive bloodwork was that my sex hormones (total T, free T, estradiol) were low, and nothing that I was doing would naturally bring them up.

    It's great when guys are able to find a glaring cause via bloodwork or diagnostic testing, but it doesn't always happen that way.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chauffeur View Post
    Yea it may just be a situation where you never find a clear cut answer, at least from your bloodwork. But I'd say that your history alone is enough to make an educated guess as to what the cause is.

    I was in a similar situation as you in that my LH and FSH were always very normal looking. The only real problem with any of my extensive bloodwork was that my sex hormones (total T, free T, estradiol) were low, and nothing that I was doing would naturally bring them up.

    It's great when guys are able to find a glaring cause via bloodwork or diagnostic testing, but it doesn't always happen that way.
    Very true! As I was seeing if I was hypothyroidic which can cause Hypohonadism... Or if my HPTA Zndver fully recovered... Diabetes, ruled all that out as my ranges are great... So I too believe it's the long term opiates and trauma.... But not clear cut but narrowed it down very much!

    Yes... It would've been great to have a clear cut/diffinitive answer lol... But that's life(as Sinatra would say)! Thanks for helping brother... I'm setting up an appointment w/a urologist first then Endo if necessary... I hear urologist is a better title(specialty)but my ex is an ENDO but she won't help... So I'll keep ya posted or just update this thread...

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post
    I thought that as we know of today there is no use for prolactin in men bodies... Correct?
    According to the Society for Endocrinology:

    Prolactin is a hormone produced in the pituitary gland, named because of its role in lactation. It also has other wide ranging functions in the body from acting on the reproductive system to influencing behaviour and regulating the immune system.

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    Quote Originally Posted by OingoBoingo View Post
    According to the Society for Endocrinology:
    And i am spleen less leaving my immune system already compromised... Good info... Thx!

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