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Thread: 5mg daily Cialis lessen drinking enjoyment? Alcohol lessen Cialis effects next day?

  1. #1

    5mg daily Cialis lessen drinking enjoyment? Alcohol lessen Cialis effects next day?

    It's been two weeks now that I've been taking 5mg of Cialis daily and for the most part, it's worked great! ...However, I've noticed that when I drink, I don't seem to enjoy the drinking as much as I normally do. I get less of a "buzz" and just go to being tired. I've also noticed the day after drinking, it seems the effects of Cialis are less. I have difficulty getting aroused and when I do, its weak.

    Is this normal?

    I usually only drink two nights a week. On Fri and Sat evenings, I have 2- 3 tall boys and I'm good; usually MGD or more recently, Coor's Light. Nothing too heavy. Last night I had a couple beers again and noticed the same thing.
    Last edited by forrest_and_trees; 04-17-2015 at 06:49 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by forrest_and_trees View Post
    It's been two weeks now that I've been taking 5mg of Cialis daily and for the most part, it's worked great! ...However, I've noticed that when I drink, I don't seem to enjoy the drinking as much as I normally do. I get less of a "buzz" and just go to being tired. I've also noticed the day after drinking, it seems the effects of Cialis are less. I have difficulty getting aroused and when I do, its weak.

    Is this normal?

    I usually only drink two nights a week. On Fri and Sat evenings, I have 2- 3 tall boys and I'm good; usually MGD or more recently, Coor's Light. Nothing too heavy. Last night I had a couple beers again and noticed the same thing.
    Recently stopped drinking and my libido and erection quality and quantity have increase to my 20 - 30 year old level, I'm 49, try a break from alcohol and see how you feel. Not saying give it up completly just take a break for a month or longer. Cialis works more consistantly for me with no alcohol. I drank like you once or twice a week, although a little better quality beer, so yes alcohol can effect Cialis for some of us, even with moderate drinking.
    Last edited by xcraider37; 04-18-2015 at 07:52 AM.

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