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Thread: 25yo ex steroid Low total T-- High Free -- High TSH --- 2 year post crash-- Labs

  1. #1

    25yo ex steroid Low total T-- High Free -- High TSH --- 2 year post crash-- Labs

    Hello everyone,

    It's been 2.5 years since I came off my last PCT. Did HCG during cycle, and Clomid and Nolva for Post. I seemed to be functioning well until the last 5-6 months. Last year I was working night shift which I attributed to any potential feelings of not feeling optimal. I had an opportunity to work day shift for 30 days last July. I was feeling incredible and having top notch workouts which to me convinced me it was just night shift bringing me down. I have always been an energetic and highly functioning person which I still think I am. But I have noticed a large decline in libido, strength and a small loss of energy. Coincidentally 5-6 months ago was when I began a new more stressful job on full time day shift. My general physician did labwork. The testosterone came back low but not out of range so he didn't say anything about that but he did want to diagnose me with hypothyroidism. TSH level came back high. Strange though as I do not have any real noticeable symptoms. I went to another doctor and he wanted to run his own labs. So I have two sets that have slightly different information from two different lab companies all within 30 days. My goal is to restore libido, strength and the little bit of energy loss. I am not looking to do a permanent lifelong treatment. I am hoping that maybe I can PCT again with the right doctor and kickstart my testosterone but I am unsure if that will help the TSH. I live generally very healthy and try to minimize dairy and grain in my diet. Take basic staple supplements multi, fish oil, flaxseed. I had slight childhood gyno that got worse throughout my 3 cycles although I attempted to combat it everytime with AIs.

    1st Bloodwork by LabCorp

    Test: 406 ng/dl-------Range 348 to 1197---- noted as within range but I know this is low for my age.
    Free (direct): 34.3---Range 9.3 to 26.5 ---- noted as high

    LH: 4.3 mIU/ml------Range 1.7 to 8.6
    FSH: 1.7 mIU/ml-----Range 1.5 to 12.4
    Cortisol: 19.2 ug/dl---Range 2.3 to 19.4---- Blood taken at 9am
    DHEA-S: 333 ug/dl---Range 138.5 to 475.2
    Estradiol: 24.8pg/mL-Range 7.6 to 42.6

    LDL Cholesterol: 123 mg/dl-----Range 0 to 99 --- noted as high possibly linked to the low thyroid?
    Iron Saturation: 36%------Range 15 to 35 ---- Noted as high
    B12: 1078 pg/ml-----------Range 211 to 946 --- Noted as High
    Folate: >19.9 ng/ml--------Range >3.0
    Vitamin D: 29.8 ng/ml-----Range 30 to 100 --- noted as low

    TSH: 6.71 uIU/ml----------Range .45 to 4.5 --- noted as high
    Zinc: 184 ug/dl------------Range 56 to 134 --- noted as high

    2nd bloodwork done 1 month later. Only changes were not working out ( work got busy) Ez Labs

    Test Total: 363 ng/dl------Range 300 to 1080
    Test Bio: 213.6 ng/dl------Range 130 to 680
    Test Free: 82.8 pg/ml-----Range 47 to 244
    SHBG: 32.6 nmol/L--------Range 17 to 66
    Free Test Calculated ( Total+SHBG): 5.34 ng/dL------Range 4.8 to 25

    Direct LDL: 118 mg/dL---Range 0 to 100 --- noted as high again
    B12: 1136 pg/ml---------Range 180 to 914 --- noted as high again
    Folate: >24.8-------------Range >5.9 --- noted as high again
    Methylmalonic: 11 nmol/L----Range 87 to 318 --- noted as low
    Iron Saturation: 57.9%-------Range 15 to 55 --- noted as high again
    Vitamin D: 24 ng/ml----------Range 30 to 100 --- noted as low

    TSH: 7.26 uiu/mL---------Range .34 to 5.6 --- noted as high again
    Free T4: .88 ng/dL--------Range .58 to 1.64
    T3 Total: 1.08 ng/mL-----Range .87 to 1.78

    I believe I passed over the Thyroid Antibodies on the labs. They were in a different section. The ranges seem to noted differently.
    Thyroglobulin: 17 iu/mL-----Range <=1 ---- Noted as High
    Thyroid Perox: 270 iu/mL---Range < 9 ------Noted as High

    I tried to list any important information for the bloodwork. With the hormones I didn't have the exact same orders done by both labs. But since there so close together I am thinking that these two labs can work together more then compare to each other.

    Thank you for your time and information.
    Last edited by provost89; 05-09-2015 at 10:26 AM.

  2. #2
    Low thyroid can impact Test levels. With your test still being marginal and not totally shot yet, I'd focus on thyroid treatment first and foremost. Get that in line and your test may come back by itself. Even if you don't think you "feel" hypothyroid symptoms it can have a large impact on many aspects of your health and your tsh is quite high. Thankfully, hypothyroidism is generally easily controlled. It may take a few months of testing to find your optimum dose but that's it. Also, make sure they perform an ultrasound on your thyroid to check for tumors that may be causing the thyroid malfunction. For what its worth, I was diagnosed hypo a couple years ago so I've been through all this. Good luck and let me know if you have questions.

  3. #3
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Agree with Baxter. Plus, we really need ranges added to your post to better assess things. You also need a full thyroid panel consisting of TSH, FT3, FT4, T3, T4, RT3 and Antibodies which would help. That said, you definitely appear hypo with high TSH and low T4. Hypothroidism causes hypogonadism so like Baxter said, fix this first then reevaluate.

    Also, your D level stinks. I'd immediately start on Vit D3 at at least 5K per day taken with a large meal for best absorption.
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  4. #4
    I found Thyroid Antibodies located in a different section of the lab and added them. I also added ranges to my original post.

    Right now I am scheduled for a follow up with the second doctor to perform the thyroid ultrasound and go over test results from the 2nd set of labs. The second doctor was showing more interest in the testosterone levels which initially I was more concerned about. After more research I have to agree with the feedback I have received thus far and begin accepting I will eventually have to seek out an endo for further testing and diagnosis. I know the solutions to low testosterone are far more unreliable long term and if fixing the thyroid issues can fix the testosterone this will have to be the way to go. I would love to keep believing the idea that there is something else besides permanent medicine that could make everything right but I must also accept the reality.
    Last edited by provost89; 05-09-2015 at 10:26 AM.

  5. #5
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Step one, fix your thyroid. Your doc does not have to be an endo. Just a doc that knows hormones. Title doesn't matter.
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

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