Hi everyone,
So I posted in another sub-forum in January of this year and feel like I now need to post in this sub-forum so I apologize if this is the wrong sub-forum.
Cliff Notes of my other thread:
I took 2 Prohormones a year and a half ago and did a proper PCT with Nolva.
I did bloodwork and found out that my testosterone level (free and total) were low. The total was 176 on a 250-1100 scale and free test was 54.3 on a scale of 35-155.
The only reason I went in for the blood test was because I have been feeling extremely tired with no motivation, wanting to sleep all day long, no sex drive, can barely get it up and keep it up, and have terrible anxiety and hallucinations. I have experienced this for several years and didn't ever do anything about it.
So in the other thread on here, I was advised that I didn't do a good enough PCT when I came off of the pro hormones and to do a stronger PCT with nolva/clomid combination for a month. I did those and got my blood reran in March, April, May and now June. My levels are still really low and I feel the exact same.
So I was basically told that if the nolva/clomid didn't work, then I have just always had low testosterone and that's why I have been feeling like this for so many years.
Flip forward to now...
I have been seeing my local family doctor and he is worried about my testosterone level. He had me do the few blood tests and in every one they are still very low (low 200's for total). My prolactin level was a bit high, but has gone down in the last 2 blood tests.
So I was referred to a testosterone doctor. We only had one appointment.
He wasn't too concerned about my low testosterone, but more concerned about the higher prolactin level.
So this specialist had me do two blood tests (one in April and one in June). The prolactin is normal now.
The specialist called and just said that my testosterone is "Normal" with my free testosterone being 9.8 out of 9.3-26.5. My Total testosterone is 202 on a 348-1197 scale.
I also had a lot of other things tested in these blood tests, but everything else was normal with the exception of my cholesterol being a bit higher.
So now I'm kind of stuck, I am 27 and feel the exact same way all day and I have made another appointment with my regular doctor for next week.
What are your guys's opinions on my test level at my age? Obviously the 2 pro hormones that I took didn't mess me up since I have been feeling like this for a long time and I did the proper PCTs and even the one suggested in the other thread and still feel the same with the same test levels.
Please help.