Hello to all,
Let me put out my basic info:
I'm 40 years old, 5'10", 156lbs, 13% bf.
I've trained for quite a few years.
I train 5 days a week, train well and my dieting is pretty good.
About 13 years a go I did a deca, sust, dbol cycle but... with no PCT (I know I know, that was really bad).
I did not have any side effects at all but now 13 years later I might be starting to feel it.
Had lab work sent by my doc before I started reading up here :/ so not too much to go by right now, test info is:
free test: 4.123
test: 364
I have read the stickys and I'm re-reading to soak it in but hope you can answer a concern that I have at the moment while I get all the suggested bw done... bare with me please.
Basically on 6/14/15 (1.5 weeks ago) I started a cycle of test p 100mg eod and HCG 250 twice a week.
I have Arimidex on hand have not used it yet.
The cycle is to last 5 weeks.
This was intended as a "pick me up" cycle to try and gain 5 lbs, strength and overall feel good since with the low test I started feeling emotional and had a few anxiety attacks.
I started this but now I am second guessing myself and more worried about me making the low test worse.
My main question is if I should stop the cycle now, start PCT to tackle the low test or if what I am running is ok and follow it through the 5 weeks, do PCT then see where I am at?
My mind has started running away on me and really has me worried of possibly making things worse...
Your help/advice would be greatly appreciated.
I'll be trying to get the bw done asap to post.
Thanks and regards.