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Thread: Hoping you can answer a question while I get all the suggested lab work done...

  1. #1

    Hoping you can answer a question while I get all the suggested lab work done...

    Hello to all,
    Let me put out my basic info:
    I'm 40 years old, 5'10", 156lbs, 13% bf.
    I've trained for quite a few years.
    I train 5 days a week, train well and my dieting is pretty good.

    About 13 years a go I did a deca, sust, dbol cycle but... with no PCT (I know I know, that was really bad).
    I did not have any side effects at all but now 13 years later I might be starting to feel it.

    Had lab work sent by my doc before I started reading up here :/ so not too much to go by right now, test info is:
    free test: 4.123
    test: 364

    I have read the stickys and I'm re-reading to soak it in but hope you can answer a concern that I have at the moment while I get all the suggested bw done... bare with me please.

    Basically on 6/14/15 (1.5 weeks ago) I started a cycle of test p 100mg eod and HCG 250 twice a week.
    I have Arimidex on hand have not used it yet.

    The cycle is to last 5 weeks.

    This was intended as a "pick me up" cycle to try and gain 5 lbs, strength and overall feel good since with the low test I started feeling emotional and had a few anxiety attacks.

    I started this but now I am second guessing myself and more worried about me making the low test worse.

    My main question is if I should stop the cycle now, start PCT to tackle the low test or if what I am running is ok and follow it through the 5 weeks, do PCT then see where I am at?

    My mind has started running away on me and really has me worried of possibly making things worse...

    Your help/advice would be greatly appreciated.
    I'll be trying to get the bw done asap to post.

    Thanks and regards.

  2. #2
    I would stop the cycle asap based on your possible low t concerns. The cycle will shut you down and most definitely could make the low t worse even with proper pct. Being on cycle also makes any further blood work you may get right now worthless. You said you're waiting on blood work already? Was that pulled before you started the cycle? If so you can use that, but if they want to re-test anything right away it wont be accurate now with exogenous test in your system. The good news is test P is in and out of your system quickly so the sooner you stop the better. Good luck getting your possible low t checked out. You definitely came to the right site to educate yourself, keep us posted as you get more info.

  3. #3
    Thanks for the reply. Really appreciate the help.
    This has been eating away at me since I started the cycle.
    Definitely better to be safe than sorry.
    Guess I'll stop the test p/hcg now to then start PCT (clom & nolva).
    I'll wait a bit after PCT to get the bw done and hope the doc/labs here know what I'm talking about (live in Puerto Rico).
    Guess it will be a while before I get to post the findings.
    In the meantime I'll be doing my homework here.

  4. #4
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Wait about 8 weeks after pct to get your BW. An example is in the Finding A Doc sticky thread at the top of this forum.
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  5. #5
    Ok, will do. Thx!

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