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Thread: Opinions on self medication?

  1. #1
    hawk14dl's Avatar
    hawk14dl is offline Senior Member
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    Opinions on self medication?

    I've been on trt for over a year and a half now. Feel great. Blood work is dialed in. This has been under a doctors supervision.

    My thoughts.. the $200 a month i spend on treatment is a bit steep. Yes, I've had great treatment and I'm very pleased. But being as that i can get over a years worth of medication for a months price (albeit, ugl), i wonder if it wouldn't be financially wiser to go that route?

    I'm a young-ish single father that doesn't make a lot of money. $200/ month is a pretty big expenditure.


  2. #2
    RedBeardedViking is offline Junior Member
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    honestly $200 is not a bad price to pay compared to how you would feel without the tratment, if you could buy it without paying 200 a month I would do so if you feel like you are dialed in but consider the 200 a cheap insurance policy for when the BW gets out of hand.

  3. #3
    Beethoven's Avatar
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    Well if you can trust the ugl stuff you are going to put in your body the go ahead. $200 a month is not that bad. Why don't you just find a Dr that will keep your present protocol going? After all the hard part is dialing in, once that's done you just keep it going. There are several members on here who have done this. You really should have some Dr involved in your health and well being.

  4. #4
    bsh's Avatar
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    Not a lot of $ for Rx gear...

  5. #5
    hawk14dl's Avatar
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    I would definitely continue to get blood work regularly. It would still end up way under 1/4 of the price annually.

    Beethoven, I've considered that. I turn 30 this year (which is the cut off for most doctors, i couldn't get an appointment most places at the beginning). If i find a dr that's willing to continue my protocol I'd do it, based on insurance coverage.

    I know $200/month isn't a bad price. And it's certainly worth the expertise that comes with the current program I'm on. But like was said, the hard part is dialing in. Once that's over, it's just filling the rx every 3 months. And b.w. twice a year.

  6. #6
    bullshark99 is offline Senior Member
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    I would agree wth Bee on this, I am one that recently did what he suggests. I found a Dr to continue my protocol thus saving me 80% of the cost. Coupon with goodrx you can get 10ml of T for under 50 bucks. The arimidex is all but free with a Rx card. The HcG is the only true expense, some go oversees if you are comfortable, I just buy from a compounding farm.
    The key here in my opinion is to have your protocol mapped out and be able to give the Dr full blood work going back as far as you can. If you can quantify everything it's only a matter of finding a Dr that doesn't have an ego to big.

  7. #7
    dfwo's Avatar
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    Do you not have prescription insurance?

  8. #8
    Beethoven's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bullshark99 View Post
    I would agree wth Bee on this, I am one that recently did what he suggests. I found a Dr to continue my protocol thus saving me 80% of the cost. Coupon with goodrx you can get 10ml of T for under 50 bucks. The arimidex is all but free with a Rx card. The HcG is the only true expense, some go oversees if you are comfortable, I just buy from a compounding farm.
    The key here in my opinion is to have your protocol mapped out and be able to give the Dr full blood work going back as far as you can. If you can quantify everything it's only a matter of finding a Dr that doesn't have an ego to big.
    I actually did the same thing but not because of cost. My new Dr picked it up and actually listened to me and upped my dose a bit. Through my own trial and error, I've found I do best at about 125 mg a week as opposed to the 100 mg hard line my previous Dr took. It takes a bit of work but there are Dr's out there who will do it.

  9. #9
    Brett N is offline Senior Member
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    I was on TRT with LowT for about a year and for the last year I have self medicated. Started out with UGL and it was a pain. Everytime I changed vials I felt my confidence drop because I wasn't sure how it was dosed.

    I didn't do bloodwork every time I changed, probably should have but I didn't. When self medicating, I tend to let things go longer than what a Dr would. I do better now.

    Finding a good Test source is key. HCG , BAC water and ai are easy to come by. So are pins and everything else. Blood work is easier to get than a book off Amazon. It is all about finding pharm Test. Pharm being the keyword.

    Cost for self medicating is significantly cheaper. You most definitely will need the help of members like kelkel to help you. Reading blood work and how to identify issues is not just guess work. You also can't just go by how you feel.

    While searching for good test, you will waste money throwing crap away that gives you such horrible PIP you cant walk. You will also have test that is under dosed and you will wonder everytime you make a several hundred dollar order if you are getting scammed. Also, there will be atleast one time where you are afraid to get your mail because you think a cop is going to arrest you. You do know, it is illegal to self medicate.

    I am pro self medicating but I am anti being stupid about it. If you are doing it so you don't have to hide blasting from your doc or you want to cruise at a high level, you are harming yourself.

    If I found a local doc that would prescribe TRT and my insurance would cover it, I would end self medicating instantly.

  10. #10
    Beethoven's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brett N View Post
    I was on TRT with LowT for about a year and for the last year I have self medicated. Started out with UGL and it was a pain. Everytime I changed vials I felt my confidence drop because I wasn't sure how it was dosed.

    I didn't do bloodwork every time I changed, probably should have but I didn't. When self medicating, I tend to let things go longer than what a Dr would. I do better now.

    Finding a good Test source is key. HCG , BAC water and ai are easy to come by. So are pins and everything else. Blood work is easier to get than a book off Amazon. It is all about finding pharm Test. Pharm being the keyword.

    Cost for self medicating is significantly cheaper. You most definitely will need the help of members like kelkel to help you. Reading blood work and how to identify issues is not just guess work. You also can't just go by how you feel.

    While searching for good test, you will waste money throwing crap away that gives you such horrible PIP you cant walk. You will also have test that is under dosed and you will wonder everytime you make a several hundred dollar order if you are getting scammed. Also, there will be atleast one time where you are afraid to get your mail because you think a cop is going to arrest you. You do know, it is illegal to self medicate.

    I am pro self medicating but I am anti being stupid about it. If you are doing it so you don't have to hide blasting from your doc or you want to cruise at a high level, you are harming yourself.

    If I found a local doc that would prescribe TRT and my insurance would cover it, I would end self medicating instantly.
    Brett the big problem here is the script. You can buy the test cheaper with goodrx than with insurance. I would still like to have a Dr checking blood work as there are many other things to keep on top of. This forum is by far the best source of information and support I have come across but still wouldn't Rely solely on a forum alone. Mind you I think kel and some others here probably have more knowledge than many Drs, and certainly in the trt field but you don't want to rely on any ONE person or Dr. Just my .02. That being said, if I had no other choice at all then to self medicate , so be it. I would. The alternative is crap.

  11. #11
    APIs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Beethoven View Post
    Well if you can trust the ugl stuff you are going to put in your body the go ahead. $200 a month is not that bad. Why don't you just find a Dr that will keep your present protocol going? After all the hard part is dialing in, once that's done you just keep it going. There are several members on here who have done this. You really should have some Dr involved in your health and well being.
    x2 100%. While I realize cost is major factor for people, your long-term health is priceless. Let's face it, our ego plays a large part in this too. We see how our Doctors manage our TRT and start to think; "Jeez, I could do this myself!" Well, the reality is we're not Doctors and never will be. It's just foolish thinking IMO. When the crap hits the fan, I want a medical professional on-board that can tell me what's wrong. Besides, after awhile, self-discipline fades resulting in missed blood work, ignoring lipid levels & the list goes on. I've seen it on this forum myself from people that claim to go solo. Personally, I need someone riding my ass & managing my health like my Doctor does. That's what I pay him for...

    Plus, finding a trustworthy & reliable UGL is really a lie in itself. From a quality perspective, there's no peace-of-mind using UGLs long-term...
    Last edited by APIs; 09-10-2015 at 09:31 AM.
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  13. #13
    Brett N is offline Senior Member
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    When I say pharma test, that doesn't necessarily mean that it is going to be US pharma.

    It's not impossible to find at all plus it's not impossible to have regular blood work done.

    I would definitely say a MD is the best option. A well educated TRT Doc that is. I feel I can self medicate better than quite a few physicians that treat some of our members here.

    If my blood work looked really off or if I wasn't feeling ok even with good blood work, I wouldn't hesitate to go to a physician.

    $200 per month may not be much to some but to others it can be all the difference. If I can treat myself for 20% of that, I don't see the downside. I'm talking TRT though, not blasting and cruising continuously. That's a whole different species.

  14. #14
    hawk14dl's Avatar
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    I appreciate all the opinions.
    Yes, in the event of a medical problem (or emergency) it would be nice to have a script to justify my medication.

    I turn 30 at the end of next month. I'll try to schedule an appointment with my doc. I've already got a file folder with all of my blood work reports as well as my current rx papers. I've been thinking about this for a while honestly.

    After my birthday I'll see if the doc is willing to continue my protocol. I've only been to my g.p. twice in my adult life, and it was a different guy both times. So i don't know who I'll get. But hopefully he'll be open to treatment.

  15. #15
    APIs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hawk14dl View Post
    Yes, in the event of a medical problem (or emergency) it would be nice to have a script to justify my medication.
    Not only that, but the federal penalties for being caught with UGL Test just went up significantly. Even those who order HCG ex India etc., are taking a big risk as it's now a controlled substance...
    Last edited by APIs; 09-11-2015 at 01:46 PM.

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