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Thread: new protocol

  1. #1

    new protocol

    Just want to get some feedback from anyone who has been on a similar protocol.

    Ive been suffering from post finasteride syndrom for the last two years. Currently being treated by Dr . Crisler with 140mg of test split weekly and 250ius of hcg eod. I dont feel any better and he has hit a roadblock with me in terms of progress.

    I saw an endo in Brazil who has put me on clomid 50mg eod, Nolvadex 10mg twice daily, hcg 1500ius twice a week. Will use a roll on test application for a month and stop taking test permanently. Also have daily cialis and zyban for mood and smoking cessation.

    Will this provide as much test as i was injecting and was anyone able to maintain natural test production after? I will be following this protocol for 6 months with an adjustments coming after 3 months if needed. Thanks.

  2. #2
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    First, I'd be hard pressed to not work with Crisler. This takes time and PFS is not an easy thing to deal with. When it comes to your endo in Brazil he's putting you on both SERMS, HCG and a form of test all at once? If I read that correctly that's just nuts, imho. SERMS are to stimulate pituitary function, HCG will suppress it as will "roll on" test. It makes no sense at all. SERMS will not over-power exogenous test, no matter the form. Ever.

    Explain more if you can please.
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  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel
    First, I'd be hard pressed to not work with Crisler. This takes time and PFS is not an easy thing to deal with. When it comes to your endo in Brazil he's putting you on both SERMS, HCG and a form of test all at once? If I read that correctly that's just nuts, imho. SERMS are to stimulate pituitary function, HCG will suppress it as will "roll on" test. It makes no sense at all. SERMS will not over-power exogenous test, no matter the form. Ever. Explain more if you can please.
    Totally agree Crisler is one of the leading docs and would definitely give him the time to figure it out. Why are you in Brazil where did that come from? Crisler's in the Midwest isn't he?

  4. #4
    Dr. Crisler has hit a wall with me. In 6 months of treatment with me he doesn't know what else to do. His suggestion was to get tested for lymes disease. I am a canadian and the endos here want me to stop any current treatment for 4 months and then start with whatever new protocol.

    I am a dual citizen so an opportunity came to see an endo her in brazil. Her protocol appears to be a post cycle regiment. She wants no exogenous testosterone eventually in my system.

    Ive struggled with this for long enough. I dont feel much better than when i started test. Feeling desperate and willing to try anything.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Montreal Canada
    Stick with trt. Backfill your pathways, you add test, and with that you stop other hormones that you might be more dependant upon than the average man. Eg pregnenalone dhea. Etc

    I posted a video on hormonal pathways a while back, look for it, or Google Dr Patrick krupka on YouTube.

    I'd stick with crisler, but consider backfilling as well
    Last edited by Simon1972; 02-07-2016 at 11:04 PM.

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