So I went to another doc; To set the tone I told him my previous doc never sent for the complete lab work needed and wanted to treat me before diagnosing the cause. He understood and had me get the lab work that was missing.
Below are the results.
Recap of basic stats: I am 41 years old, 5'10", 150 lbs and at about 13% bf.
My diet is good. I go to the gym at least 5 times a week and do cardio maybe 1 to 2 times a week (20-30 min).
First BW:
Missing BW:
TEST.............. Unit .............. Result .............. Range
T4 ......................... ug/dL .............. 5.00 .............. 4.60 – 12.00
T3 UPTAKE .............. % .............. 37.62..............28.00 – 41.00
T3 UPTAKE .............. TBI .............. 0.93 ..............0.80 – 1.30
T7 ......................... ..................... 1.88 .............. 1.29 – 4.92
TSH 3rd gen............ mlU/L .............. 2.210 .............. 1.29 – 4.92
FSH ...................... MIU/ML .............. 5.38 .............. 1.4 – 18.1
LH ........................ MIU/ML .............. 4.62 .............. 1.5 – 9.3
Prolactin ................ NG/ML .............. 5.28 .............. 2 – 18
Cortisol .................. ug/dL .............. 8.80 .............. AM 6.2 – 29.0, PM 3.0 – 17.3
some of the labs from up top:
PSA ...................... NG/ML .............. 2.080.............. 0.000 - 4.400
Estradiol ............... PG/ML .............. 38.67.............. <=39
Testosterone .......... NG/DL .............. 292 .............. 220 - 950
Testosterone Free ... PG/ML .............. 2.804 .............. 3.84 - 34.17
Again, your help is greatly appreciated.