Never used gear before just trained hard. I'm now 47 and got my T checked because of fatigue no sex drive can't sleep ED, stopped making gains at the gym. Dr said T is low normal but 1-1200 she explained mines 360 which sounds pretty low to me. However my free T is off the charts she says and she can't explain it.
Started me on TRT at 200cc every 2 weeks and bloodwork in 6 weeks? I sure hope I don't need bloodwork that often. I've been checked twice in 3 weeks now. My veins blow out so they have to stick me several times gets aggravating.
Anyway I'm thinking 200cc every 2 weeks is kinda low reading up on things I know she isn't going to prescribe more than the minimum to get me up to normal. I'm looking to bulk so I'm thinking adding Tren between my injections without trying to tell her I need more than 100cc a week hell Im 235lbs train 3x a week and eat clean
What do you guys think?? Thx