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  1. #1
    lowt2014 is offline New Member
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    TRT Doctor Melbourne Australia

    Hey all

    Can someone please let me know the physician who can help me recover my HPTA, I was on TRT for 10 months and because I had E2 related side effects, My endo and myself both decided to stop TRT, it has been over 12 months now and my HPTA still not fully recovered and recent BW shows Total Testosterone was 8 nmol/L Ref 8-27 nmol/L. My endo doesn't believe it AI either.

    Unable to even recover from moderate exercise now, My endo do not believe in restarting HPTA so I just waited it out for 12 months in hopes of natural recovery but this hasn't happened and LH level were 2.2 pnmol Ref 2-12.

    Melbourne, Australia

  2. #2
    Simon1972's Avatar
    Simon1972 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    you shouldnt have stopped TRT, you need to get back on and adjust your dosage and if needed- get on AI.

    theres a reason you got on it in the first place.

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