Good evening,
Read some of your post and wanted to hash some things out and get some thoughts. Ive been low for awhile now I just got tested a week ago and my total test was 287 drawn at 930am. I've been tested in the past at like 12-1 and the levels were 150. I have a prescription for test from the doctor, but really don't want to be on test for the next 30 years until I die. I am 5' 11" 220 probably 25% body fat. Im trim around 205-210. I feel alright most days. I am tired when I get off work, but who isn't and I go to the gym everyday either in the morning or on lunch break for a quick pump. My concerns have been my Libido lately. I used to think about ***** and get rock hard and I actually had a time where I was having sex in the middle and my dick went limp. I am 31 and don't feel like I should be having these problems. My wife is hot and I've had two kids. Ive heard having kids lower test as well. I was on for about 6 months and decided I didnt want to do it anymore and my levels went back to 287 with no PCT or anything. I am not sure if its psychological or my test is just running low. just needing some thoughts on this. Thanks