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Thread: TRT and AAS

  1. #1

    TRT and AAS

    Hi All,

    New member but I've been lurking for awhile. I'm 28 year old male who had been on TRT for around 12-18 months. I've had the full blood work, MRI, etc and the doctors can't really determine why I have low levels (125ish without treatment). My doctor durrently takes a conservative approach and tries to keep me around 500-700 total testosterone. I'm on 125 mg test cyp weekly and 500 mg HCG 3x a week. I'm considering trying a cycle of AAS but I'm not sure how it will work with me already being on TRT. Do I just up my dose? How about post cycle?

    Sorry if any of these questions are stupid, I just don't want to jump into anything.

    Thank you for the info?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Some people on TRT will occasionally run a 'blast' (cycle), in which they may increase their test dosage and/or add other compounds for a short duration (say 8-10 weeks). When their cycle is done, they just return to their prescribed TRT dosage (no PCT of course).

    Even though PCT is not needed, you may still feel a down period while your body is readjusting back to a lower dose and your hormones are fluctuating. This can be undesirable for some people. I know, from personal experience, that it can be a rough road. I never cycled before I was on TRT, so I'm not sure what PCT feels like. But some of these fluctuations are bad enough.

    As far as your TRT goes, how do you feel? Although you may feel your doctors approach is conservative, but it's actually a fairly sound approach from a physician. But it all comes down to how you feel.

    You said your total test is 500-700. What is your Free Test at? And your estradiol?

  3. #3
    I feel much better than I did but not as good as I did when I was up to 1000 total test with a different provider. Just wondering what I would get out of giving a cycle a try. One of my chief complaints with my current Doctor is that he doesn't check estradiol at all. His view, if your estradiol is too high, we need to lower testosterone. I don't think he checks the free testosterone either.

    For an endocrinologist I guess I just expected more.

  4. #4
    Sorry, looks like I have bad information. I found my lab results from before treatment as well as my most recent test.

    Before Treatment:

    TSH 0.697
    Free T4 0.94
    Total Test 135.2
    FsH 0.70
    LH 1.37
    Prolactin 4.56

    Most recent test (trough, 7 days after last dose)

    Total test 251.6. (His assumption is that I'm around 500 after initia injection)

    He doesn't check estradiol, even after I mentioned potential concerns. Again, conservative in my opinion.

  5. #5
    I don't see the point of even being on TRT if you are not going to be at optimal levels. A 251 trough level is not optimal. I usually sit around 700 but I pin twice per week. If he is not pulling E2 then he is not doing enough. E2 balance is critical to how you feel also. My thought is you need to have a frank discussion with your doctor or maybe find another. I know that it is hard enough to find a doctor to prescribe TRT in the first place, but this doctor seems like he is lacking a little in understanding what is going on.
    Last edited by PersuAsian; 04-18-2016 at 09:48 AM.

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