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Thread: Just going my testosterone levels back. Very disappointed. 29 years old. Need Help

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2016

    Just got my testosterone levels back. Very disappointed. 29 years old. Need Help

    Ive never used steroids and this is totally natural test.

    Total Test: 471 ng/dl
    Free Test: 9.1 pg/ml

    TSH 2.8

    I am absolutely shocked at the numbers. According to my research online my total TEST is average for a man between 75-85 years old.

    My Free Test is in the 45-55 year old range.

    This has shaken me enough that I have already consulted with TRT doctors. I know that I will have to pay the rest of my life for TEST if I do this and Im just not sure.

    The tests I had ordered were more of an after thought.. I was just having overall blood test since I hadn't been to the doctor in a long time and asked them to add testosterone to the list. I had been cutting weight in the gym and was getting ready to bulk up and put some muscle on. To see I have the total testosterone of my grandfather is shocking and very discouraging for all the hard work I had laid out (Workout program/Diet).

    I am strongly considering TRT as a possible solution to improve my quality of life/physical appearance. I am always very tired and I do have trouble adding muscle. Erections are fine. Sex drive is there but not very strong.. but I have one.

    I am looking for people to give me advice and also give me an idea for those results to my testosterone levels and what you think of them.
    Last edited by MMA_Influenced; 04-22-2016 at 01:24 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Is that all the blood work u have?? Take a look at this thread to see what all should be run initially

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    471 really isn't a bad number and no that's not the range for a 75 year old. Many of us would love to have natty levels in that range. Did you run those labs within a coup,e hours of waking?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Bio-Active View Post
    471 really isn't a bad number and no that's not the range for a 75 year old. Many of us would love to have natty levels in that range. Did you run those labs within a coup,e hours of waking?
    No I ran it around 2 in the afternoon but I didnt eat. Does that mean it goes down through the day?

    I have this website that has a couple different studies. Am I missing something?

    I cant posts links because Im too new but it says that average total test for my age group is 617 (I have 471). Also free test was 12.1 (I have 9.1 meaning Im roughly only 75% of what average is in free test)
    Last edited by MMA_Influenced; 04-22-2016 at 01:37 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2016
    [QUOTE=The_Crawfish;7172804]Is that all the blood work u have?? Take a look at this thread to see what all should be run initially

    Thanks I guess I have to run more tests also. I was just expecting to be average but then I found this website that said I was way under.

  6. #6
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    Mar 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by MMA_Influenced
    No I ran it around 2 in the afternoon but I didnt eat. Does that mean it goes down through the day? I have this website that has a couple different studies. Am I missing something? I cant posts links because Im too new but it says that average total test for my age group is 617 (I have 471). Also free test was 12.1 (I have 9.1 meaning Im roughly only 75% of what average is in free test)
    had you run it first thing in the am your number probably would have been higher. Yes as the day goes on your number will drop. Your number like I said looks just fine. How do you feel through the day?

  7. #7
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    Jan 2016
    Ive never been a real high energy guy and Im always in a very in between mood I never got happy or sad just kind of inbetween most of the times. I have issues with motivation at times but I try and tough through things.

    BTW I just lost 30 pounds in 3 months and didnt do it very healthy can this account for a large drop in testosterone?

  8. #8
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    Mar 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by MMA_Influenced View Post
    Ive never been a real high energy guy and Im always in a very in between mood I never got happy or sad just kind of inbetween most of the times. I have issues with motivation at times but I try and tough through things.

    BTW I just lost 30 pounds in 3 months and didnt do it very healthy can this account for a large drop in testosterone?
    Yes it sure can if your body is in starvation mode it will lower natty t levels for sure

  9. #9
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    Jan 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Bio-Active View Post
    Yes it sure can if your body is in starvation mode it will lower natty t levels for sure
    Thanks Ill get another blood test and post the results.. Im planning on eating maintenance for 2 weeks and retesting in the morning.. would be good for a reference to show people if it turns out that Im cutting too hard.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    your test is good bit higher than mine, im also 29 and my results were as follows:
    LH: 2.84 (1.7 - 8.6) IU/L
    FSH: 2.32 (1.5 - 12.4) IU/L
    TOTAL T: 13.24 (9.9 - 27.8) nmol/L (converts to 382 ng/dl or 3.82 ng/ml)
    FREE T: 7.55 (3.8 - 20) nmol/L (converts to 218 ng/dl or 2.18 ng/ml)
    E2: 70 (175 - 223) pmol/L

    So youre not so bad, especially your bloods were done in noon. Do bloods again, well rested day before, early time sleep, fasted 12h before your bloods, and report again, I am almost certain you could be in high 600+ range.
    I know you feel bad, but its not the worse, there are ways to improve but you have to really spend time and research before you hit the corner with TRT.

  11. #11
    I would also further investigate my thyroid. That TSH is a bit high.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2016
    What can i do about it? Also what are the negative effects of the thyroid?

    I retested.

    Got 481 total and 13.1 free. I guess not terrible. I think the free test is slightly above average even.

    Strange how ONLY free test went up.

    Did I not wait long enough before getting retested? I was basically starving myself for months and then i showed up a week later after eating well.

    Toral test only went up 10. Free test however went up dramatically.. i think its kind of a weird result to be honest.

    I made another thread on the topic but no one has answered yet so please.

  13. #13
    free is the most important number to look at. Hopefully kel check in on this thread this is right in his wheel house.

    I'm no expert but you might try clomid or hcg to increase those numbers. It' really doesn't seem to be needed though

  14. #14
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    Jan 2016
    Getting thyroid checked.. waiting for the results.. wouldnt be suprised if my thyroid is under active.

    Personally, this has been a nightmare. All I really want is to be healthy and in excellent shape. I want to look good and feel good and Im willing to put the work in the kitchen and in the gym to do it..

    I want to reach my goals. Socrates once was quoted as saying it is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the full potential of himself physically. (roughly what he said). I agree. Im almost 30.. Im ready to get a 6 pack for once in my life and Im willing to bust ass to get it.

    Im exhausted all the time.. these testosterone levels didnt suprise me. I had a feeling it would be low. Is it rock bottom like many other people on here? Hell no. But 481 is not great. Thats about 2/3rds of average.

    Imagine being 2/3rds average height. 2/3rds of what it means to be average good looking. Average is one thing... 2/3rds the way to average is no bueno for me my friends.

    So Im checking the thyroid.. there could be something there. Lets see. thyroid issues have run in my family. Wouldnt be suprised at all to find its just a need to get my thyroid moving a bit more.

    But the bottom line? I'd inject myself the rest of my life if it meant having a body I could be proud of an excellent energy and motivation. Chances are the woman Ill marry will be much more beautiful.. the house I move into will be much larger..

    You guys may laugh at the above comment.. but on some level isnt it true? Look better, feel better, do better.
    Last edited by MMA_Influenced; 05-08-2016 at 07:33 PM.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    May 2016
    That's a little on the normal side, honestly. I'm on TRT and my doctor prefers my trough to be around 500... Of course, that means that my T for the rest of the week is higher... but I have to tell you, I don't feel much of a difference between being in a trough and right after injection. The main difference I feel is sometimes all I can think about is sex. That's not a good thing all the time, lol.

    TRT is not gonna give you raging muscles and shit, at least not in my experience, but I was already in good shape before starting it. TRT for me only made me think about sex ALL the time.

    Getting on TRT would probably benefit you but then again, you're on the normal side of things. Why be ordinary when you could be extraordinary, I guess though right lol.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by LeeSin1 View Post
    That's a little on the normal side, honestly. I'm on TRT and my doctor prefers my trough to be around 500... Of course, that means that my T for the rest of the week is higher... but I have to tell you, I don't feel much of a difference between being in a trough and right after injection. The main difference I feel is sometimes all I can think about is sex. That's not a good thing all the time, lol.

    TRT is not gonna give you raging muscles and shit, at least not in my experience, but I was already in good shape before starting it. TRT for me only made me think about sex ALL the time.

    Getting on TRT would probably benefit you but then again, you're on the normal side of things. Why be ordinary when you could be extraordinary, I guess though right lol.
    I can roughly triple my normal testosterone and more than double my Free Testosterone. I can only imagine that with that + an excellent diet and exercise program could have dramatic results no?

    I mean logically speaking if Im in the top percentage of men without going into the full blown steroid ranges.. wouldnt I expect to be able to get an incredible physique with the right diet and exercise? I would think so because plenty of men out there get those physiques naturally and if Ive got optimal hormone levels.. I dont know. Seems to me like TRT doubling my free test could possibly double my muscle gains?

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